camp MY OLD UNFAITHFUL FRIEND ☾✩ butterfly

it was panning out to be a calm day in thunderclan's camp. the sun was well in the sky when she emerged through the entrance, the body of a vole loosely hung from her jaws. it was a shameful catch, it seemed that despite the change in weather the forest still had a long road to recovery. a sigh passed her lips as the warrior discarded it onto the pile before moving to a sunlit spot of camp to rest for a while until another patrol departed.

she lied down, resting on her side. the sun warming her dark pelt was relaxed both her mind and muscles, a yawn escaping her. it was nice, usually she was the last to laze about but she had tossed and turned all night in her nest. just a quick nap would suffice to keep her going until nightfall. her eyes began to flutter shut, the warmth making it difficult to stay awake. however, it wasn't long until her loneliness was interrupted. a creature, fragile in nature, had danced down from the sky and found a home on an outstretched white paw. she blinked, confused in her half-asleep nature. it's wings were painted an inky black, only broken up by yellow spots near the bottom. a proud little insect, there was a sense of vanity in the way it slowly folded and unfolded it's wings. her tail tapped against the ground. such a strong color for such a weak little bug, but it's depth rivaled only the night sky. nightbird stared at the creature, inching her face towards it to get a better look. it was incredibly naïve in the way it landed on the paws of a predator without even an inkling of danger.

her thoughts were cut off rudely by it's wings speeding up, preparing for flight. not on her watch. the butterfly had disturbed her nap, it wasn't going to get away so easily. a dark paw lifted and covered over top, caging it in from escape. she could only hope that wasn't enough for it to be crushed as she wasn't quite done with her inspection.
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The butterfly was actively being hunted by Stormpaw's eyes. With a break in her duties, and without a reason to pester Owlear about what made birds fly or some other stupid question, the young apprentice was left to her own devices in camp. It was unusual for "prey" to come into camp so Stormpaw was elated to see the butterfly flit around.

It landed delicately on Nightbird's outstretched paw and Stormpaw nibbled at her lips anxiously, wondering what the warrior would do. There was no way she could pounce on it now. Nightbird had seemed quite scary to the four-moon-old. A sudden movement and the butterfly disappeared from view and Nightbird had her paws cupped.

Stormpaw pricked her ears, standing up straight suddenly. "Wow! You caught it!" She chuckled, feeling her skin burn under her fur.


Little Wolf's paws itch to go out and hunt, to move through the forest and feel the new-leaf air brush through her pelt. It is still enough though for her to watch the forest change from camp. The prey pile was getting bigger than it had been in the hungry moons, the canopy above her was starting to come back, all signs that the forest was healing after the fire that had raged through it. She is thankful for these small things.

Movement catches the corner of her eyes and she turns to watch alongside Stormpaw as a butterfly alights on her clanmates paws. She blinks in surprise when Nightbird puts her paw on top of it. Hopefully, she had not killed it. Little Wolf knows it is only a butterfly but still, she would be saddened by the unnecessary loss of life. "What do you plan to do with it?" she asks, her voice curious as she comes to stand next to the torbie apprentice, giving her a small flick from her tail in greeting.

For the first few weeks of newleaf, Berryheart had been concerned that the forest may never heal from the cruelty of winter and the blaze that had ripped through it those moons ago. But, as most concerns born of worry it was foolish- he had witnessed the turn of they season twice now, and if it had healed the first time what was to say it would not the second? Patterns, regulations... they built the world, and one day he would understand them all. For a moment, from where he had lazed in the sun, he'd caught the sight of a flittering butterfly.

Rumbling voices nearby caught the flame-flecked tom's attention- his gaze flickered to the small group, Little Blue and Shady gathered around Inky, with the former exclaiming that something had been captured. Given that there would have been a larger ruckus if there was prey loose in camp, Berryheart could infer that the butterfly he had seen only moments before had found its way into Inky's possession. Humour lit his gaze slightly, glimmering past the neutral stone of his features, as Shady asked what the proceeding plan would be.

"They don't taste good, if you were wondering..." Berryheart murmured, eyes fluttering shut. They were quite an unfulfilling mouthful of a meal, in fact.

she had peeled her paws apart ever so slightly to peek at the creature once again, but her eyes were lifted to stormpaw's exclamation. she hadn't necessarily caught anything. the butterfly had simply landed on her, if only the mice were so naïve as to crawl into her waiting jaws. then maybe there wouldn't be so much of a struggle for food. but as she glanced at the young apprentice, it dawned on her that she must have been chasing it. how peaceful it seemed to be that age, chasing butterflies around camp rather than risking your life for it. "wanna see?" her offer was almost uncharacteristically warm, perhaps it was the serenity of the moment that had her angling the insect in the direction of the torbie. or maybe the lack of rest had just made her delusional.

little wolf approached too, bearing a inquiry regarding her intentions with the creature. the queen's tone held no malice, but the question still made her ear flick. she had no plans of killing the thing, if she did it would have been dead already, but she was no killer. a sharp reply stood on her tongue, waiting to race out of the gates. but she held it. there was no fight to be had here, especially when her tension was only a result of reading too far between the lines. luckily another joined them, easing her one sided rigidity. "just looking. don't think i'd ever be hungry enough to eat a bug," she said, tone light with a yawn soon to follow. she wasn't a huge fan of bugs, one of the warmer seasons true curses. "this one's not too bad though, can't promise the same mercy for one of those damn grasshoppers," wretched creatures, jumpy and loud. her spine chilled at just the thought of one of those green heathens resting on her instead.
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