Jun 6, 2024
  • u66UlAS.png
    named because his chin and white patch on his chest are akin to the white markings on a Weasel
    — Kit of Skyclan
    — Tom, He/Him; Too young and uninterested
    — created 6/6/2024 at 2 moons / ages every 10th
    ↳ penned by @Kedamono
  • Spikey furred red tabby tom with low white and amber eyes / reference
    A bundle of scruffy thistle like fur; Weaselkit looks wild and unkempt even when his fur is completely clean and groomed. The fur running down his spine to his tail is always arched as if he's always raising it to hiss. He appears like a ridgeback dog, it certainly fits the prickly tom it belongs to. His fur itself is ginger and matched with darker stripes, the markings on his face particularly are unique. He has white from his chin to his chest and tummy and four matching white paws.
    ↳ Masking black
    ↳ Carrying dilute and long hair​
  • Chaotic neutral, ISFP
    Intelligence ●○○○○○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    Empathy ●●○○○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●○○○○○

    ( + ) Confident, Loyal ( / ) Protective ( - ) Aggressive, Irritable, Rash, Unfriendly. Not the kindest little boy, fickle tempered and crabby Weaselkit can be considered a little brat - he's as rough around the edges as the spikey fur running down his back. What a twist of fate it is for him to be born his fathers son; but fates always been funny hasn't it. A kit destined to pick on his smaller weaker peers when heads are turned, who will have a keen fascination with learning how to fight and idolizes the fiercest of Skyclan's warriors. He wishes to grow into his thorn like claws and is eager to explore the world, rash and impulsive it's expected the young kit will always be getting in trouble as he tests the boundaries of his clanmates and even his parents/guardians. He's got a quick tongue and the minute he's allowed an inch when it comes to spitting out curses the likes of "Foxdung" they will be flying into the air. The little spitfire he is he will mouth off to anyone he deems as challenging him no matter how big, the little scrap has an ego to defend and Starclan save you if you make a single remark about his mom.

    Beneath all the sharpness, the sneers and hisses there's a soft plushiness - Weaselkit may not love his peers he may find it hard to get along with most cats he meets and may even tussle with his siblings but he loves his mom the only cat in Skyclan even surpassing the leader that has his whole respect and while he may try to test her patience he will always bite back his pride with a "yes ma" and come running back to her with nothing more then a sigh. Her guidance is likely to be the brightest guiding light he has a true test of nature vs. nurture, he's likely to keep his edges to still always be a reflection of his father if he'd grown up under a kinder more loving upbringing - they will soften over time but Weaselkit is unlikely to be the most friendly or agreeable cat but maturity will do wonders when he begins to figure out what he wants for himself and who he truly is outside of being his parents son. Right now he's just a bratty kit and as a apprentice he will be nothing more intimidating then a schoolyard bully figuring out his emotions.

    While his father's emotions are held within tightly only shown by a lashing tail for the most part, Weaselkit doesn't know and (doesn't have to) stifle his emotions. They're felt and seen, the young kit cries more then most surprisingly he gets so frustrated - so bothered by how others treat him -bothered by his father and angry tears just soak his cheeks frequently. Warriors don't cry is not something he believes, if you even suggest he's less of a tom he'll shred you! He's so young doesn't understand his dads distance, doesn't understand why he'll be looked at as a mini Chyrsaliswing if that's even a good thing or a bad thing. He's so little and so in tune with the stress and feelings going on around him, I would not call him empathetic as he'd just use that skill to bully cats he doesn't like better but there's a reason behind why he lashes out more so then his peers and littermates more then his simple nature and personality.

    Earning his friendship is hard but not impossible; those who remind him of his mom would obviously appeal the most to him. Those who show him things, who have the confidence to approach him despite his reputation will earn his respect - he wants to scare people away but those who stay will earn his curiosity if not his favor even if he may push them away and still tend towards cruel words to shoo them off. While kind and sweet cats have a chance at being his friend it's likely he will still step all over them, what he needs to better himself is someone who will both stand up to him who won't tolerate or back away from his jeers but also won't avoid him, those who will stick by him see both his roughness as well as the cat beneath it all. They'll be rewarded with a loyal friend and unflinching ally, he will move the world for those he loves.

    His dev with his personality and how it changes/softens or even gets worse will depend entirely on his upbringing with how his father comes around, how his mom handles his temper and how the clan overall reacts and treats him. A kind patient force will do good for him later on especially as a mentor, someone who's immune to snapping remarks.
    ↳ mannerisms Very expressive always making some kind of face
  • Chrysaliswing x Honeysplash raised by Florabreeze as well, sibling to Cloverkit and Adderkit | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to n/a | Parent to n/a | Niblings to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower, Blueberrybounce, Cloudberrythorn, Termitehum, and Katydidcry, Cousins to Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Owlheart, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, and Robinheart, Grandchildren to Alice, Heavy Stone, Dragonflywing, and Earwigtuft, Related to the FruitFam
    — Admires Honeysplash, any others are too be developed but he's likely to admire the more war-hawk-esc of the clan/stronger members
    — Close friends with n/a
    — Friends with n/a
    — Likes Making himself look good, Playfighting with his littermates, Spending time with his mom
    — Dislikes Most of his denmates, getting in trouble, wimps and weaklings also NERDS, His father (possibly, he has conflicting emotions)
    — Loathes some could say he hates everything but at such a young age it's hard to say he passionately despises anything/anyone yet, anyone who hurts/bullies him or is mean to his mom or picks on his littermates is likely to gain this coveted position
  • strength ●●○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●●○○○○○○○
    hunting ○○○○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●○○○○○○○○ kitten stats (him baby)
    Single; unspecified sexuality too young, monogamous / crushing on n/a, not looking other kits have cooties
    Does not trust easily, he will bite and kick and hiss before he trusts you
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — will start fights | will reluctantly flee | will reluctauntly show mercy
    excels at Insults
    poor at Being nice
    sounds like Billy Loomis from scream when he's older right now he's a nasally loud kit / Billy Loomis
    smells like Milk and moss
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #FFC00C
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / simplified history
    blah blah blah

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