my own summer ☼ honeypaw

  • FireIC_XY.png

    honeykit; honeypaw
    — named for her dark golden coat
    — apprentice of shadowclan / mentored by ferndance
    — afab, she/they / biromantic, sexuality unknown
    — 10 moons old / ages the 8th of every month
    ↳ penned by @izanami
  • lh red mackerel tabby with low white & amber eyes / reference
    staring at honeypaw is almost akin to staring at the sun. her fur is radiant in the right light, undertones of sunset yellow blanketed by thick bands of fossilized amber that spiral down her backside and limbs. the mane of fur around her neck is a softer shade of wheat, the lightest on her body aside from her extremities. white splotches, often a dusty color due to her lack of regular grooming, tip her tail and form an asymmetric crescent moon across her muzzle and down her chin. dark red tops the tips of her ears in thin tufts like little flames. her eyes match her firetone hair, bright amber eyes that flash a darker copper in the shadows. her fur is thick and unkempt - while honeypaw is mindful to avoid mats and anything large stuck in her fur, seeing her with tussled hair and assorted small sticks and leaves stuck in her draping fur is common. due to being sickly as a kit as well as a prey shortage during her crucial developmental months in her mother's belly, honeypaw is quite small for her age with her fluff adding much of her size when looking at her. she's growing quickly, however, and bulking up quickly as she strives to catch up to her peers. by adulthood, honeypaw will likely stand just a bit taller than her clanmates, just a bit bulkier. but for now, the apprentice is gangly and thin, continuing to grow into herself.
    ↳ masking chocolate tabby / carrying dilute, sepia, cinnamon, & solid​
  • alightment, mbti, whatever
    intelligence ●●○○○○○○○○
    confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    charisma ●●●●●●●●●○
    creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    empathy ●●●○○○○○○○
    humor ●●●○○○○○○○

    (+) sincere, curious, bold (/) boisterous, chatty, atypical (-) impulsive, bratty, jealous
    honeypaw is an odd girl who sticks her nose in business it really doesn't belong in with a beaming smile. she doesn't fully understand that what she's doing is at times quite unwelcomed. she is a bright light that is hard to dampen; even during strife and hardship she strives to find a silver lining. what might look like blind optimism is actually honeypaw's own form of coping through the seemingly never-ending tragedy of clan life. she will try to share her enthusiasm for life with others but knows better than to push her views onto others, and despite her overwhelming giddiness she's well capable of taking "no" for an answer. honeypaw has dubious morals at best as they're slowly continuing to form as she ages. honeypaw is loyal to shadowclan, yes, but her loyalty runs deeper to those she loves and cares for, especially as they are few and far between. this extends to the heart she holds for her friends, and honeypaw may find herself in a situation where she's much more invested in a friendship than her 'friend' is. honeypaw doesn't have much a mind for avoiding trouble, and struggles to apologize for her own blatant wrongdoings. her ego can sometimes blind her, and while honeypaw isn't one to seek out an excuse to brag, she will always try to take the opportunity to show off her eccentricities as an infallible skill. she is dramatic at the best of times, but honeypaw has a heart as gold as her pelt beneath all her childlike behavior.
    ↳ mannerisms speaks very dramatically: it's hard to hold a normal conversation with honeypaw without her finding a way to sensationalize what's being talked about.
  • prickletail x littlebird, older sister to chervilkit | mentored by cherrywhisker, @FERNDANCE
    — admires lilacfur
    — close friends with tba
    — friends with mottlepaw, ferndance
    — fond of clearheart, nettlekit
    — dislikes chervilkit, batpaw
    — loathes
  • strength ●○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●●○○○○○○○
    hunting ●●○○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●○○○○○○○
    grace ●●○○○○○○○○
    single; biromantic, polycurious / crushing on no one
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — rarely start fights | will flee | will show mercy
    excels at running away ♥
    poor at fighting, hunting
    smells like peat moss and bog water
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
  • backstory / simplified history
    honeypaw was born to the pair littlebird and prickletail, who had both lived in the marsh group together and had slowly fallen in love. honey was born to their first litter well after they had become established mates, after the formation of the clans. honey was their only kit and, thus, as incredibly spoiled by both of her parents. her mother would dote over her and shower her with near-constant affection, with no littermates to compete with for her parents. her father still performed as a warrior but would routinely spend his nights in the nursery with his mate and kit. prickletail would show her around camp, show her off to his friends, show her colorful rocks and tell her where to hide them, play mossball with her - she was incredibly attached to her father. as the moon reached for honeypaw to move the apprentice's den, littlebird announced she was expecting another litter. honeypaw was excited for little siblings behind a severe sting of jealousy that she managed to hide. she'd still have plenty of time with her parents, and even more time with prickletail as she headed for the apprentice's den. shortly after honeypaw's assignment to cherrywhisker as her mentor, prickletail is killed, leaving behind honeypaw and her expectant mother suddenly and unexpectedly. littlebird gives birth to another single-kit litter, honeypaw's little sister chervilkit. honeypaw is wildly upset over the loss of her father, her best friend. her mother's doting love has swiveled to focus almost entirely on her little sister, and honeypaw harbors a resentment toward chervilkit because of it.

    important threads
    ( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
    thread name brief description.
    thread name brief description.
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