private my own worst enemy - Berryheart - prompt

It had been nearly a moon and a half since the traveling group had returned from their mountain voyage. Nearly a moon a half since the pack of dogs had separated them like prey, and stolen her daughter's life away. Stormfeather had not died that day, but her warrior life had been stripped away like it meant nothing. Flamewhisker had visited every day, but she was not seeing the progress she oh so wished to see. Long ago had the bite wounds healed, but what lay underneath had still not. She had prayed nightly for Starclan to return her kit's feeling...for even a leg twitch, but nothing seemed to be working. Trying to stay optimistic was almost suffocating. Every day she visited her daughter, probably sounding like a broken record. You look great today... I'm sure Berryheart will have you feeling better soon...You just need rest... At first, she had believed that maybe...just maybe Stormfeather only needed rest. But now...she was finally ready to ask.

Or at least she thought she was. Berryheart had walked into the camp, carrying moss green herbs in his misaligned jaws, but she had approached him, now standing stiffly in front of him blocking his path. She had meant to casually approach him, but now that she was in his presence, her blood felt like it was freezing over, and her throat was swelling so much it was hard to breathe. This is what she had make a start the acceptance process...but now here she stood, barely able to look him in the eye.

After what felt like forever, she finally found her voice. It was tight and forced, loud enough for only him to hear. "Stormfeather...I need to know." her gaze drifted off towards the direction of the Medicine Den, almost as if she were wishing her kit would miraculously walk out right now and overhear them talking. "My kit...will she walk again?" ... Will she survive?

  • IMG_1727.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


There would be no more pretending.

The answer from StarClan had been cut and dry, clear as a greenleaf day but not nearly as pleasant. Every time green eyes wandered in the direction of Sunset and Blue, a truth caught in his throat that went unsaid. It stuck like a lodged pebble, fastened uncomfortably behind his crooked jaws, and it tacked is tongue with poison and guilt. Now, there was no escaping- fiery glow in low winter light, Sunset blocked his path, anguish nettle-green in her gaze.

She grasped for good news, he knew it.

No such news lived within him, though. And deep, deep down- perhaps she knew that, too. If nothing had gotten better by now, it never would. His tongue clicked softly, foraging for any of the right words, anything at all. Sunset was not looking at him- behind him, at the entrance of his den, was where her attention settled. Past the arrow-sharp pang in his chest, Berryheart spoke at last.

"No." Blunt words, but his voice was soft- and if she were to meet his eyes, there would lie within them a constellation of apology, a glowing regret. "I'm sorry." Eventually he found the words.