camp my own worst enemy - sunrise


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023

oranges, pinks, and blues began spreading across the quiet morning. flowercloud hadn't slept, her mind racing on how useless she felt since the attack. pain throbbed her healing head and for the first time in ever, she felt insecure.

green eyes would remain on the rising sun, a soft breeze making the air cold on top of the snow beneath her pawpads. she didn't know what she was supposed to do. her hearing was worse, her left side unable to hear at all, and she left out a small sigh.

she worried more for duskpool, his leg even more mangled now. she hasn't spoke much since the dogs, fighting demons that infected her mind like a never ending disease.

was she still going to be good enough as a warrior? she wasn't the only one with disabling injuries. they did fine, she just had to relearn.

Being awake early has been a constant in Drizzlepelt’s life. If it was not his mom forcing him to wake up despite his complaints, it was him using the early morning as an escape. Now it’s more just that his body is used to it, though he’s sure his constant anxiety isn’t a helping factor. Especially when it comes to Duskpool.

He’s sure that Flowercloud hasn’t had a restful sleep since the last time Duskpool was attacked. She got hurt herself, and that was about the last thing she needed. He can’t imagine being in the medicine den for so long, it would be absolutely stifling to him.

He pads lightly to her right side, so he doesn’t surprise her too much by his sudden entrance. He looks to the morning sky briefly, taking in the magnificent colors before he speaks up. “Are you not able to sleep, Flowercloud? Drizzlepelt asks her straight up. “Duskpool just loves to make us all worry, huh,” the blue tabby chuckles sadly.​
"How are you feeling, Flowercloud? Drizzlepelt?" Fireflypaw feels a bit guilty for his inexperience despite his training, his few mistakes causing simple mishaps that could have been fixed if he'd just paid attention and slowed down. He cannot see the sunrise, but he can imagine the soft colors from the times he'd had his sight still- beautiful blues, oranges, pinks. His eyes shut as a gust of chilly wind sweeps over them, fluffing up his thick fur as he snuggles into the snow below his paws, resting beside the two cats whom had suffered so much in this past moon or so. Silence hangs over his head, listening to the two cats talk- and yet he finds that he is comfortable in their presence, specifically Drizzlepelt's. He subconsciously scoots closer to the tom, seeking out his warmth.

"The sunrise.. Is it pretty?" He asks softly to nobody in particular, his own eyes crusted with sleep- he'd just woken up.​
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Even if Fireflypaw cannot see it, Drizzlepelt gives a big, warm smile as the larger seal point comes closer to him. He basks in the warmth of his soft brown fur, happy to be in his company. It feels like they haven’t had a moment like this in quite some time, and it’s entirely welcomed. At least he knows that if anyone has his back, it would be Fireflypaw.

“I am… persisting, despite it all,” He answers Fireflypaw’s quandary honestly. He’s better now that Duskpool is healing, and he doesn’t have to worry as much if he’ll make it to the next day or not. Drizzlepelt’s still angry, but it does not fester like it did before. Talking through it helps him a lot; it’s a shame he feels bad doing it. Right now though, he feels free.

He takes in all the wondrous shades that decorate the morning sky once more, taking a deep breath. He feels bad that the medicine cat apprentice cannot see it, but he’ll do his best to enjoy it for the both of them. “It’s beautiful.” Drizzlepelt begins to purr lightly, feeling relaxed for the first time in awhile.​


Johnnyflame was no stranger to early mornings. They'd been a part of his routine long before he joined Skyclan, rising each morning in time to follow his twolegs out the door. While they'd get in their car and drive off to work, Johnny would sit vigilant on the fenceline keeping watch over the gardens to make sure no trouble came in their absence. That routine was still very much the same for him these days, only now instead of guarding the backyards he chose to come to Skyclan instead, remaining until the sun set at night.

Today was no different.

"Mornin' everyone!" called the stocky, mohawked tomcat as he made his way into camp and caught sight of a familiar group. "Enjoying the sunrise? We haven't had many nice ones with all the clouds- hopefully that means we'll have a mild day ahead of us- it'd be nice to soak up some sun, aye?"

A break in the snow and gloom would be nice, even if it was just for an hour or two. The elders would no doubt appreciate the chance to warm their bones, and Johnnyflame couldn't say he'd be against it either- his fur may have grown thicker in the cooler weather, but it was still fairly short and sleek compared to many of his clanmates, and he'd been envying cats like Blazestar and even Silversmoke for their abundance of fur.

Maybe if he was feeling particularly suicidal later, he'd try and curl up with Silversmoke to get warm. It might be worth the clawmarks just to see the look on their face.


drowsypaw finds himself next go fireflypaw, nudging the medicine cat and gently purring against him for a moment before blinking towards the sunrising. usually he'd be sleep by now but... he isn't. he tilts his head slightly at fireflypaw's question before it registers that he's blind. he always forgets that. his nose twitches back and forth and decides to describe it different. in a way that fireflypaw would get it.

"the sunrise looks like how song birds sound. or how flowers smell. do you have a favorite flower you like to smell? or a favorite sound you like to hear? maybe a favorite thing to touch? that's how a sunrise is. or a sunset."

hopefully that made sense.

The golden warrior flicked her single ear towards Drizzlepelt, before turning to dip her head respectfully. "I... did not, no." she admitted with a shrug. As if the lack of sleep was something normal. Even though, she always was asleep on time except the occasional night she felt the desire to find peace in watching starclan. Maybe, highly doubtful, spiderpaw.

"I'm doing alright," she said softly, her voice soothing and gentle as ever. Lie. Not... a malicious lie. She only had to portray she was okay, because besides her injury what wasn't okay? Besides the worry gnawing at her stomach, the fear of others getting too close to the two leg place eating her alive- everything was alright... right? "I hope you are alright as well."

But just alright. Nothing more. She didn't have the spirit to pretend everything was hunky dory. The world was full of imperfections, and she knew that. but as Drizzlepelt spoke, green hues would glance over to him. "you are valid, Drizzlepelt." words of comfort came from her, well hoping. It was okay to be upset over what happened, even still.

"it's beautiful, fireflypaw. orange stretch as far as you can see, and the lightening of blues from the darkness. the reds and pinks... the sun's just barely waking up too," she responded. "very bright... but beautiful."

johnnyflame approached, as exuberant as ever. smiling came easy to her, but surrounded by her clan- cats she cared about, it made it easier to forget her worries. to remember exactly why the fluffy cat had decided to push past everything- twice now. this was her favorite time of the year, the cold made her no longer feel exhausted, and it was easier to perform many of her duties. which... right now unfortunately resided nearby camp. "yes... hopefully it'll last long enough for us to enjoy the sunlight. it's good for you, you know," she commented.

then she would listen to drowsypaw, her eyes closing and imagining. he couldn't be wrong... it was just like ones favorite things. beautiful.