Aug 31, 2024
| Those who were mentioned, please don't feel obligated to reply and no need to wait for anyone mentioned! Summary: Blackkit wishes to send her gratitude with her collectible give-aways ( rocks, shells, feathers, etcetera ) to RiverClan for giving her a chance to live longer and thrive more within her new home here. ♡

He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember." My father told me when I was just a child: "These are the nights that never die."
Avicii, the Nights​

It's been a moon being in RiverClan since she was stranded upon their camp.

The memory of her first day in this new world is still fresh to bear close, though, it doesn't burn anymore as the way water tore her body within or the flames pierced across her cracked paws. Indeed, as some RiverClanners thought when learning about her arrival upon the wetland, it is a miracle that she was able to survive in such a grasp of the raging river. Although anyone could think that it is luck or fate that had brought her to RiverClan as against the odds, she wants to believe it is most and only Blackkit who have brought herself here to this day, real and alive and beautifully bright despite it all.

It is an immense change that she has to acknowledge she will never be able to find the legendary sacred sea in following the code of becoming and being a Clanner, the Everblue. A special place where every existing marine predators and preys from around the world go; a paradise for the fishers and marine lovers. But, perhaps, stranding in RiverClan is like a rare treasure that she had came across akin to stumbling upon the Everblue. Blackkit sees RiverClan is a home that she can love, as it is so where she can be loved in kindest return. Without RiverClan saving her life, she'd be lost in the cold darkness forever.

Hence, it feels best to do this— giving away from of the shiny and pretty things that she collected over the moon of being in this sapphire crafted Clan. She is only a kit close reaching upon apprenticehood, so she can't offer RiverClan beyond with her skills and experiences, but her generosity, it has to mean something like spreading sunlight even if all that she can give now are temporary and easier to lose. This kindness, it must be good enough. Into the evening when the sun gently bleeds the sky to ablaze, Blackkit shines the brightest while her voice reaches high across the island camp into the cool air.

"Excuse me, RiverClan!"

While standing near the nursery den, her ears burn intensely when she then collects attention from her clanmates. The last time she had this much was when she declared her loyalty in RiverClan, changing her name from Diable to Blackkit. But she had done something like this a several times before at her affiliation with the Golden Hour; she can't back down now. She awkwardly shuffles with a forepaw, and continues when she have enough eyes on her. "Um! Hi! For those who don't know me, I'm Blackkit! I - I just... wanna say that I've been in RiverClan since around a moon now..."

She scratches the nape of her neck with a bashful chuckle, "...after I got, uh, stranded here, and I'm thankful that I can get to grow up with really cool cats who are strong fishers and swimmers and ev- even Drypaws!—" They deserve love as wel! Not up to debate!— "I have some cool stuff here I collected that I'm more than happy to give away as my thank you gifts!" She gestures over a pile of collections from rocks, shells, to scales, feathers. "But before I'll have them picked out, I do wish to give these personal gifts I want to give away first..." Her gaze flickers over a few certain things.

Smiling broadly, Blackkit reaches for a gray rock that glitters even in the dark, star bound as bearing nothing but resilient hope. "This is for @lichenstar who let me stay in RiverClan and is one of the best RiverClan leaders to exist!" She'll never forget the day when Lichenstar formally introduced her to RiverClan in this moon's meeting. After gently pushing it to the center before her, she grabs a white sphere rock with no cracks or bumps, a perfect resemblance of the moon. "For @Moonbeam who helped me recover from my stranding! She's one of the best RiverClan medicine cats to exist as well!" Really, she would think all of the RiverClan's higher ups are the best ones, but she doesn't want anyone to be left behind!

She then thinks about the two felines who left the most prominent impressions on her. She had already given them both rocks during her first week, so she decided to give them something else. Despite them already having their thank you gifts, it'd feel weird to have this special moment and not give them anything. Blackkit hands out a vibrant sanguine shell over. She remembers red is his favourite colour. "For @RAVENDUSK who's my first RiverClan friend! They love red and they're a reason why red is my second favourite colour!" Along with her adoptive father... She takes over a black and white shell, a fond reminder of the ripples across this tom's pelt. "For @Blackwater who saved my life! I wanna be a cool warrior like him one day!" She'll protect and save lives like how he does with her! She swears!

Blackkit settles for four more RiverClanners who she hasn't known so much, but deeply appreciate their presences. She places a orange with white speckled pattern rock over to the center. "For @EVENINGPAW who's my second friend and made me feel very welcomed in RiverClan! I'll be a good apprentice like her soon!" With a nod as to confirm herself, she later grabs a rock with an interesting colour pattern. "For @willowroot who is really nice to me and those around her. She made Dropletkit the prettiest, you all should've seen them!" In terms of Willowroot's weaving skills and Dropletkit's appearance. She takes a pretty blue rock with the other shinies. "For @DROPLETKIT who's just as sweet and made me the prettiest!" she giggles fondly at the memory of them decorating her. Her smile falters at the thought of Magpiepaw who was there, but quickly recovers. She slowly reaches for a monochrome case... A shell for a shell. "For @Magpiepaᴡ who I know would be an amazing warrior..." Despite the dull ache in herself, she softly smiles. She'll keep this with the shell that they had given to her.

There's one more she wants to give, but it'll be a surprise. Now, everyone else can choose anything in her collection. "To the rest, have your pick! Thank you all for giving me a special home!" I shall cherish it forever in my heart!
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  • Love
Reactions: SHARPPAW
Hawkcloud watches from a good distance while little Blackkit addresses the Clan — lying on the chilled earth, only her head raised and ears perked in fragile curiosity. The she-cat's heart is heavy even as Blackkit stands proudly before the camp, giving away small treasures of shells and stones. She hadn't expected to feel much of anything today, her grief still raw and gnawing at her insides like a strange plague that left her chest hollow and empty. Yet when the kit hesitates, reaching for a gift intended for Magpiepaw, a flicker of something stirs in Hawkcloud. Magpiepaw, her apprentice, who had been so consumed by anger and gloom, still left a positive impression on someone like Blackkit — a youngster full of light and energy. It's strange to think that despite everything, despite the distance her apprentice had put between themselves and the world, they had made a mark.

They were remembered by a kit who believed they would've been an amazing warrior. A small, aching smile ghosts its way across Hawkcloud's maw as she silently watches the scene unfold — but it's gone nearly as soon as it came, the normally bright she-cat finding that even the simple action feels strange, and her eyes are welling with tears soon afterwards. She doesn't approach and claim a gift for herself. But Blackkit's gesture, the shell given in memory of Hawkcloud's lost apprentice, is enough. Her gaze lingers on the pile of trinkets, on the monochromatic shell, and on Blackkit's bashful smile for a moment longer before she lowers her head again, resting it upon her snow-furred paws. It's all the mourning warrior can bring herself to do. She wishes Magpiepaw were here to receive their gift. Hawkcloud wonders if they're reaching for it from StarClan.​
  • Sad
Reactions: BLACKPAW
Sharppaw's focus flickers from his mediation over to Blackkit, his emerald eyes opening to meet her in the center of the camp. He instantly recalls her vow to RiverClan with her old name bled, evolving into something brighter that almost her own trembling body couldn't bear alone. She even had terrified those three bullies. She was also the one who had woken him up from his deep nap at the time, seeing her for the first time. A feeling almost akin to relief washes across him when Sharppaw realizes her call wasn't meant to be from a dire place like the last time she had received this much attention.

Attentively, he listens, curious to know what she has to say at this time. His ears twitch with intrigue when Blackkit mentions about wanting to give her collected treasures away as gifts of gratitude for giving her a home in RiverClan that she have for around a moon now, some being more personalized for those who have some form of positive impact in her life already. His gaze lingers over to the pile and then the ones she has been placing forth first, her kindness spreading far and deep that can reach to anyone nearby. Sharppaw is gently surprised with Blackkit's immense gesture.

He then remembers how she gave him a carp at a late night when she noticed he didn't eat anything on that day. To see how kind Blackkit is, pouring her whole heart in every words and actions, it's... pleasant enough. Although his surprise falls into a strange twinge in his chest after he realizes she didn't mention his name. His lips slightly curl downward. Given the usual intensity of their relationship with them constantly bickering and sparring, it shouldn't be shocking at all that Blackkit didn't have anything for him. Part of him still thinks this ache is disappointment, but he almost laughs, eventually scoffing.

Sharppaw walks away as it tries to ignore the numbness in itself.​
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Unlike Sharppaw, facing an inner turmoil that Ferngill did not truly understand, the ginger tom did not clock on very heavily to not being among the names mentioned. Merely that a kit would think so much of others made his heart sing, to be honest- it was truly adorable, wasn't it? He'd never understand abandoned kits left on borders, or parents that didn't pay them mind... they were all just the purest souls, and Blackkit was no exception.

A shiny smile took its place on his features, bright inferno- he was certainly noticeable as he made his way over, sweeping in like a wave on the pebble-beach. A kind eye of green perused the heap of gifts she'd gathered- grinned over at those called out by name, and couldn't resist having a once-over himself, giving into childish urges of magpieing anything that glimmered prettily on the shoreline, or beneath gentle ripples.

Remembering that little tom, with an unlivable pile in his nest... bulging kitten blues stared back in his memory, and Ferngill chuckled to himself. "You've got a big heart, Blackkit," Ferngill commented. They'd taken in many joiners- more than he'd expected to, honestly- but none had performed a gesture like this before. "When I was your age I'd have hoarded most of this." A chuckle followed his words, tone light as a cloud.
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