MY SHIELD, MY STEADY HAND ♡ skyclan patrol


Jun 22, 2023
( ) Narrowing her eyes, Houndheart thought she could just barely see the river that marked the end of the border through the trees ahead of her. Turning back toward the rest of her patrol, she called out, "We're almost done! Just a little further." On a dusk patrol along Skyclan's longest border, she had no doubt some of them were eager to head home. Personally though, she didn't feel the same. Scanning the treeline across the border to her right, she let out a huff of disappointment.

"I'm starting to think that we aren't gonna see hide nor hair of Thunderclan." Her patrol had been uneventful so far, too uneventful. They had marked the border without seeing much of anything across it the whole time. Houndheart was a bit let down honestly. "That's a shame. I was hoping to give them my thanks." It had only been their warning that had kept the Windclanner's from falling upon the camp while all her clan slept. It would have been a massacre worse than even the great battle.

"Ah well." She sighed, "I suppose there's always the next patrol. That, or I'll just have to wait until the gathering." Assuming Blazestar picked her to go, of course. She would run it by him when she got back to camp.

"- and then Mama told him that it was on him if he wanted to see his kits. Nobody told me what all of that meant but I think it means that he's what some of the queens call a dead-beat! Isn't that - OH, SKYCLAN?" Gossip turns to giddiness as the fluffy apprentice catches a whiff of the passing patrol, big golden eyes turned from mentor to stranger.

"HI SKYCLAN!" Chickadeepaw offers rather loudly from across the border. Mama once told her that she was from SkyClan before it was SkyClan, some ancient Proto-SkyClan where Mama and her aunties and uncles grew up learning to climb trees and cool stuff like that. Chickadeepaw had figured right then and there that SkyClan - the nebulous collective - was something she should always be nice to. Smile big.... with teeth!

@WHITELION mentor tag
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning trails quietly behind Whitelion and Chickadeepaw, grey eyes skimming the territory for anything possibly out of place but all seemed well this evening. It wasn't until the young apprentice utters the word dead beat that he casts a gaze in the child's direction where he blinks once then twice. "Heavens..." The tom thinks to himself before looking forward again. He would have imagined the queens would have had a bit more tact when speaking about such matters around the clan's youth. Everyone knew they practically copied everything they heard, the good and the bad. A soft rustle on the opposite side of the border indicated a skyclan cat nearby and sure enough Chickadeepaw points out a patrol. "Thunderclan." He offers Houndheart a curt nod of his head before allowing his gaze to sweep over the rest of her group to whom he did not quite recognize.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

chickadeepaw's senseless gossip fills her ears. she wasn't sure what the young apprentice was rambling about, but it is brought to a screeching halt as pine-ridden scents begin to weave throughout the air. dark ears twitch uncomfortably as she greets the other clan loudly, silverlightning following suit with a much more leveled salutation.

nightbird acknowledges their presence with a faint dip of her head. "things go well with windclan? i heard they weren't able to make it to your camp," she asked halfheartedly, tail twitching as her plight was paused for the sake of conversation. she supposed that a well manned patrol was a good enough sign that the moorland warriors failed to make it very far. flamewhisker and oakfang would be to thank for that, but their quick departure from skyclan land made it impossible to tell how it went beyond that. if they could bring back news that skyclan was triumphant, it would surely ease many minds back at camp.

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Little Wolf walks next to Silverlightning, content in the silence that stretched between them, finding peace in it even. She too hears the term 'deadbeat' and her whiskers twitch in amusement, a light smile pulling at the corner of her lips and she is about to comment about it to Silverlightning but before she can open her mouth to speak she hears 'oh, skyclan?' come from the loud apprentices mouth and suddenly her shadowed head is swinging round to look with emerald eyes at the patrol, searching for one of her kits. It wasn't likely she would run into Fireflypaw but if she could at least see Howlpaw she could give her news of her brother. Her heart falls when she sees neither of them but she does not let herself dwell on the faint pang of disappointment.

Nightbird asks if things had gone well and she waits expectantly for the answer "Yes, is everyone alright?" she asks, her tone slightly nervous. Stars forbid WindClan had actually managed to achieve whatever their twisted goal was. She could only imagine the devastation they would have wrought.
( ) Hailstorm's whiskers twitch as he walks alongside his clanmates and just as the others had, the word deadbeat finds his ears and large ear flicks to the side. His warm orange eyes widening upon hearing that word being uttered by someone a lot younger than him but he chose to remain silent wondering who she was even talking about but before anyone could find out, they had found a Skyclan patrol. All his clanmates had asked the necessary questions and Hailstorm didn't wish to overwhelm the Skyclan cats so he kept quiet but offered a dip of his head as well as a polite smile. He hoped everything had went well and there wasn't a lot of injured cats from the battle that they definitely had, he'd find out once Houndheart or someone else from the patrol would speak.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Judging by the expressions of the patrol around him, Lightpaw was pretty sure he wasn't out of place in his silent plea for the chatty Chickadeepaw to stop... being so chatty. Gossip was one thing, but she was talking his ear off. Even so he would occasionally hum or offer an oh wow, just to show he was at least listening. When she so casually dropped the tidbit about a deadbeat, however, he nearly choked.

SkyClan! Change of subject. It had just started to get interesting, too. Shame. Lightpaw came to a stop at Nightbird's shoulder, gazing across the border at the patrol he decidedly did not recognize. With all the obvious questions being asked already, he had nothing worth saying. Instead, he offered something else. "Please tell me at least one WindClanner died or something."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
people say that i'm heartless .
Smokefang grumbled, peering into the vast expanse of forest, tail flickering in mild bouts of agitation. His ears swerved, listening to Houndheart with an annoying tsk, barely inaudible. He wondered what Houndheart was expecting on this patrol.

When ThunderClan filtered through the trees, commenting about what happened, blue optics narrowed. “Think you spoke too soon.” He grunted. With a sneer, Smokefang shrugged. “If they did, I would have ripped them a new one.” His claws wiggled, sinking into the earth with a lash of his tail. “Damn, cowards.” He muttered, voice barely audible.

Dark, smokey fur rippled, head cocked. “No deaths, if that’s what you’re asking.” His gaze narrowed. The warrior wouldn’t go about tellin’ them everything.

“As much as I’d be thrilled to say yes.” He huffed, nostrils flaring. “None of em’ died in the fight. Can’t say when they returned their mangy hinds back to camp like the cowards they are.” Nothing but a bunch of fox-hearted cowards. Attacking a camp in the middle of the night. Damn, WindClan. Duskpool was biting at the bit when the battle patrol left, leaving Smoke and Shadow to help guard if things failed.
thought speech

amusedly, she huffed at the skyclanner who replies. as shady as it was to attack under the cover of the night, windclan sought to do damage. cowardly, maybe. but that was surely a way to achieve the goal. they would have been successful too if not for howlingstar's orders.

nightbird watched as his gaze narrowed towards little wolf's question. her own edged slightly in response to the gruffness, but it didn't linger. lightpaw was wishing death on the windclanners from her side. quite uncouth in his delivery, even after all this time she was unable to hammer tact into his thick skull. a twitch of her ears noted a silent disapproval before she moved on to mark the border, a small dip of her head to bid the skyclanners off as she went.
Much like his mentor, Duskpaw cared little for the gossip of his clanmates. He had trailed behind in attentive silence as he most tended to these days. Studious was a bit of an understatement. Each day his blood weighed a little bit more in his veins. His mother and grandmother both so powerful. Raccoonstripe, Berryheart. Though she was not his by blood, even his mentor lived on through him in her teachings. When he thinks too hard on that, it starts getting painful. Better to focus on his training, then. As he so enjoyed doing, it would seem. Though he had paused in his work to stare at the SkyClanners alongside Nightbird and Lightpaw, he is quick to pick up the pace again and continue marking alongside the lead warrior. It is only when he is nearly out of the zone for acceptable conversation that he turned back. Tentative.

"What about....injuries?" he asked. He glances to Little Wolf. She would know why he's asking; maybe the others on the patrol would as well. He steels himself for disapproval and adds on anyway: "None of your warriors were too injured, right? Not...dying?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
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