Pride and satisfaction were written on Cloudypaw's face as she padded back into camp with a mouse clutched between her jaws. When she had first joined Thunderclan, she had rarely caught anything at all. The thought of being called for a patrol became a source of dread for her, as every time she felt like she would be just dead weight. The arrival of leafbare soon after had only made it worst. As all the clan had starved, she had been just another mouth to feed. Unable to do anything to help.

Though she had improved a lot since than, that fear still hung over her. She didn't want to let her clan down. Relief welled within her chest whenever she made a catch.

Dropping her prey into the freshkill pile, Cloudypaw smiled. Being able to contribute to it made her feel like she was a part of the clan. That was a new feeling for her, for so long she had felt out of place. Now though, she was able to bring back a catch fairly often. She wasn't the best hunter on any of the patrols she was on, but she could hold her own.

Her gaze drifted around the camp as her mind wandered. This place was becoming more a home to her than twolegplace had ever been, even if it was more dangerous. The cats here had welcomed her so readily, they had saved her life from the dogs, and they had made her feel more alive than she ever had. The memory of her laying around in her twolegs den, waiting to be delivered food, or for her mother or siblings to encourage her to anything at all made her wince.

Cloudypaw had gone along with her mother's wish for her to go into the wild in hopes of an escape from that, and she begun to consider that maybe - despite the danger - it had been worth it.

//@Flamewhisker is with her but feel free to post before her!​

In another lifetime she and Cloudypaw might be closer, but she had chosen a path more forward and strict than what the other apprentice was struggling on and she had taken to lashing out against her to further distance from her own kittypet origins. In Cloudypaw she sees herself, timid and meek, in her sister's eternal shadow and uncertain of her future; a past she was putting behind her with as much force as she can muster to be a better warrior for her mother's clan. For her clan. She wondered what life might have been like if she stayed in SkyClan with Fireflypaw and Howlpaw, with their leader father, leaving behind everything here. She wouldn't be worried about her kittypet heritage there, she wouldn't be worried about excelling or overachieving like she did under her uncles stern teachings. Her father would've given her a more gentle mentor after what happened to Morningpaw probably. She wasn't sure what she prefered, but the idea of being coddled like a kitten made her bristle.

Despite her feelings and her confliction with her own kittypet origins, she sees the other grey molly return with her mentor and only nods, "Nice catch."
Any prey for the pile was worthwhile and she wouldn't begrudge someone a success due to her own feelings, but she wasn't going to give any high praise for the bare minimum. If Raccoonstripe caught her doing that he'd make some comment about how 'kittypets think one mouse is enough to prove their worth' or something.