private MY SUNNY-DAY FRIEND || bone

Frog's Croak stated he'd be fine. An honorable man, he always kept his word. Unlike like her, his words were a firm promise that never wavered. So, why did her stomach rumble with a disturbed, haunting feeling? Perhaps a side effect to the lives entrusted within her. She witnessed many pregnancies during her life; some mollies suffered more than others throughout their term so that surely explained the uncomfortable pit in the depths of her gut.

They planned to meet in a week's time which had arrived at a snail's pace. The blue ghoul haunted the lands near the marshes until the moon reigned high in the sky whilst the sun slept. Quiet steps carried her closer to the familiar terrain of her kithood. A gust of wind surrounded her with the once-comforting scent of wetlands and pines. Now, though, they only caused her nose to crinkle as she struggled not to gag. Though the sun's rays hardly ever pierced through the thick canopies of the pine trees, the inhabitants of her former home revealed their true colors: they were nothing but sunny-day friends who left the second the sky turned grey- before the first rain droplet landed on earth.

Teal eyes stared into the darkness. The lack of light never bothered her before but now it crept coldly along her shoulders. A shiver ran along her spine as the past threaded between the dense trees and weaved a spider's trap. Instinct yowled at her to leave. It wasn't safe here. Danger lurked in each shadowy movement. The blue molly forced herself to breathe through the panic that terrorized her soul.

He should be here any moment. Stars, he should already be here. Knowing him, he probably got sidetracked. Or perhaps he was struggling to sneak out beneath Pitch's crazy gaze. A subtle sound caused tense muscles to relax. "You're here." The relief in her voice was palpable. Unfortunately, it was a short-lived reprieve.

Soft facial features hardened when the outline took shape. Unblinking eyes numbly looked at the black and white she-cat. "Where is Frog's Croak?" Though her words were firm, she trembled like a cold kit within. Something wasn't right.

ooc:// loner land next to ShadowClan - set after Frog's Croak's death​

Another one, huh. And she is supposed to think that Starclan is right in their decision. She supposes this is all just fate, all preordained from the beginning. So then all of this suffering, anger, hatred, doubt, self loathing is also something she is supposed to handle and try to deal with. The pain and grief of losing a fellow shadowclanner is not new to her. The yells at her to do her job when she can only learn so quickly. Things still escape her head. Things she does not know about like how to stop sick bellys or help those from poison. Or what to do with coughs, or when joints ache. It's all something she can not grasp yet and that is perhaps why Frog died. Why Twilightfall died. It eats at her mind and she had once laid her paws down in the name of stopping but now after that dream she has a flame in her.

She takes this new purpose to heart just as she had done before but with a different goal in mind. The dark woman is out collecting and she catchs a scent in the dark. One that is familiar and brinfs her back to that night under the half moon. Bitterness and anger creeps onto her tongue and yet instead of it leaking out she merely emerged to face the molly. Lavender and mint drop from her muzzle then and she pulls her ears back. She had been expecting someone, that someone heing her father. And she has to give the horrid news. "I could ask the same but I already see now." A breath leaves her muzzle then and she shakes her head before finally looking back to Cinder.

"I did what I could for him but the smoke inhalation was too much for his body. Frog's Croak has passed into Starclan. I'm sorry..." She really is and there is not much else she can do about the situation. She treated the tom to the best of her ability and things had not turned out the way they had wished for.
The pale ghost with sunken features stirred with emotions similar to the lady of the night: bitterness, anger, and betrayal. Two homes. She had lost two homes because of a cat she once called a friend. First, she'd been forcefully shown that her presence meant little within her land of origin. And then a personal conflict revealed by the hypocrites of the swamp drove her out of the forest. It was until her banishment that she realized how much ThunderClan had grown on her. Though viewed with suspicion, she had grown accustomed and comfortable with her role in the clan. Slowly but surely she focused on rebuilding her life.

But then the monochrome she-cat caused what progress she made to crumble.

The aroma of death haunted the blue molly. Dovekit. Blinding Star. She helped prepare their bodies for their departure to StarClan, masking the Grim Reaper with fragrant smells. Unblinking eyes stared at the lavender and mint. Their scent forever powdered her nostrils. The former medicine cat knew the answer to her question before the words awkwardly tumbled out of the shadowed molly's mouth.

"That stubborn fool." He let himself deteriorate until he was nothing but dust in the wind. She should have stopped him from leaving her sight, should have demanded he seek help. Frog's Croak said he would and ensured that he wasn't going anywhere. Liar.

Previously, she vowed to demand answers to the questions that kept her tossing and turning at night. Now, though, as she sank to the floor... No accusatory words danced on her lips. She wanted to ask why the attention hadn't been directed solely to her. Honey's life had been thoroughly fucked up by StarClan's demands. Bone knew that yet she still signed the normally gentle and sweet medicine cat's death warrant. If the ShadowClan medicine cat had tried harder then she would have realized how valuable Honey's knowledge was. How valuable her friendship was. Especially considering, given Bone's terminology, that she still retained the title of ShadowClan's medicine cat.

It was only natural that she was allowed to throw a hissy fit without consequences. Stars forbid Bone be punished for anything. She was too exhausted, too broken, to continue down her bitter train of thought.

She knew better than to reveal her vulnerable side to Bone. Despite her trembling bottom lip, she refused to crumble. Instead, she swallowed the lump in her throat down. "Thank you for informing me." she muttered stiffly. Her tail brushed along her stomach. They'd never get to meet him. The blue molly wanted to scream and cry but the judgemental eyes of a childhood "acquaintance" flashed in her mind. The ever-present reminder allowed her to remain carefully composed.

The marsh colony warrior turned ThunderClan medicine cat turned loner turned her back to Bone, intending to leave. A foolish mistake to leave herself open to an attack, especially considering the snapping jaws that wrapped around her throat the day she lost Leaping Toad, but she desperately wanted to leave. She needed to leave before the cracks started to show.