My Sunshine | Daisykit


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

Scarred paws work hard against a ball of moss, stiff from the cold but thankfully free of the frost.
It was nest cleaning day for Echolight, and she was determined to make a cozy nest for Daisykit, who up until now had shared a nest with Echolight, but as she grew the space in her one nest diminished, so instead she had come up with the idea to create a miniature nest to pair with the queens- so at least her daughter would have some leg room.
She blinks in surprise as the word “daughter” crosses her mind, but.. she loved the shekit like she was her own, and cared for her the same, so the subtle surprise is quickly gone.
Something rustles behind her and a scarred ear flicks to acknowledge it.
"Is that you, little bunny?" She hums, the affectionate nickname rolling off her tongue with natural ease.
She casts her head over her right shoulder. "Would you like to help?" She inquires.

@daisykit !
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The little kitten had settled in surprisingly quickly, a young child's memory fickle at best. Echolight's scent was warm and comforting, her voice even more so, a calming lullaby every time she whispered words of love and comfort while nestled against her belly. Memories of her birth mother were soon replaced with that of the WindClan queen, merging into each other as the days wore on.

Daisykit had been napping while Echolight worked, a moment's reprieve from her chatter and energy. Yet as the scarred queen rummaged about, the fluffy kit was stirred, head lifting to take her in through sleep-blurred vision. Stretching herself out in the nest, white paws quivered with the effort. It was about then the larger feline turned to look down at her, her chin lifting to meet her eye.

Any lingering sleepiness seemed to vanish in an instant, the mention of help bringing her to sit up in record time. "I wanna help!" she echoed with enthusiasm, hopping to her paws and bushy tail lifting. "M'helping!" she announced, bounding forward in a few hops. What was she supposed to be helping with, exactly?

It was only then she slowed down enough to look at the balled moss at Echolight's paws, the gears visibly turning in her mind. Springing to action, Daisykit aimed a hard smack! at the unsuspecting ball, sending it rolling a few paces away before she leapt after it.

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Echolight cannot help the warm laugh that escapes her as Daisykit hops forward, her head tilting slightly- had she begun to pick up Dandy’s accent? She sure spent enough time with the medicine cat to do so, she hummed a small giggle at the thought. Now, she settles into watching her daughter fixate on the bundle of moss in front of her, pausing as she pieced together what she was supposed to do.
The balls goes flying and the queen erupts into laughter, sweeping a feathered tail around Daisykit. "That move would be excellent for a game of moss ball" she comments, giving her a small lick on top of her head before she’d move to retrieve the bundle, nosing it back over to the patched kits paws. "We’re making a nest, dear- watch me for a moment" she instructs, using to scarred forepaws to press into the center of the moss ball, causing its width to expand. "Not many know this, but nest-making is actually a very important skill, if you want to be able to sleep comfortably at night" she explains in a honeyed voice, "here bunny, try to lightly press down right there, it’ll spread out and then we can shape it" the lilac queen instructs, taking Daisykits forepaw in her own and lightly guiding it to a place where the moss still lumped together.
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Before she can make another leap for the moss ball, a fluffy tail is wrapped around her, holding her fast. Pale eyes turn up to the queen in time for a lick to swipe over her head, the kit beaming at the praise. Echolight retrieved the moss, the ball soon rolled back over to her paws.

We're making a nest. Oh! A nest! Dutifully Daisykit watched, firmly locked onto the scarred paws while she worked. Squish! The moss was flattened out, no longer a ball but not quite a nest. Nest making was a very important skill, her mother informed her, and she nodded vigorously.

"I'll make a nest so good!" she exclaimed, directed to a spot and told to press down. For a moment she raised a paw to bap it, but when that didn't work, she reared onto her hindlegs and crashed down upon it in a pounce. Although Daisykit hardly weighed enough to make a dent, it was flatter than it was moments prior.

With a shrill giggle she repeated the process, squish, squish, squishing the moss bit by bit. "Nest, nest, nest," she mumbled in a sing-song tone, going in for one final pounce before stepping back, chin tipping upward to Echolight expectantly.

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