private My trust in you || Basil

[ ༻❄༺ ] Basilpaw was still healing, and as far as she had been aware, his kin had yet to visit him and she was making sure to visit the other as much as possible if Starlingheart and Magpiepaw had allow it. Ears swerved forward as she picked one of the frogs from the fresh-kill pile and made her way to the medicine den, gently setting the prey at Basilpaw's paws. A smile crest on her lips before she took at spot next to the other, glancing around to make sure the two were alone as a soft sigh pressed from her lips.

"A lot has happened in the past few days since your injuries" she said softly nudging the frog closer to the other while a smile stayed on her lips, her gaze flick towards the entrance of the den before humming a bit. She had a lot on her mind, and since she already had came out to Thornpaw, it was now time she told Basilpaw as well. "But, aside from what has been going on... I have something to confess to you" it wasn't like she was going to tell the other she had feelings for him, which wasn't true at all, she cared for Basilpaw but never once had her heart skipped a beat around the other like it had Thornpaw, nor did the tom make her nervous like the molly had, but Snowpaw had pushed those silly thoughts away thinking none of it, Thornpaw was a friend too, and she had been nervous to tell her the truth about how she felt.

"I'm not a molly, but a tom" this time, she had been more straightforward with it compared to how she had been with Thornpaw, or Scorchedmoon. yet she shuffled her paws slightly before looking at the other with a gentle smile. Suppose the third time admitting to who they actually were had been easier. "I'm not ready to tell the whole clan yet, and I trust you'd keep this between you and I" she expressed softly, a look of trust in her yellow eyes. Snowpaw trusted Basilpaw, believed in him, he was one of her closest friends after all and someone she felt she could tell anything to.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: BASILPAW

Oh, it was Snowpaw again the only one who seemed to pay him a visit. His best and favorite friend in the whole wide world. Basilpaw would greet them back with a wide smile before he blinked down at the frog that had been kindly put in front of them. He looked to be on a better mood then he had been the previous day or so. Basilpaw took a wide bite from the frog with a hungry appitite and with a mouth full of frog meat chewed it down while listening to what his friend had to share. A lot had happened huh?. " That sounds serious!." he blunted out with his mouth still full with food, and totally a topic he was interested to learn more about. What he had expected was some fun gossip! but that didn't seem to be the reason why Snowpaw was here.

A confession?. Basilpaw stopt chewing on his food. Had she come to confess something to him?, like what?. He stared up at her. Snowpaw had all of his attention now. In truth he had his own guessings over what this could be about but none of them had prepared him for what Snowpaw actually spilled out to them. She was a tom?. Basilpaw titled his head to the side as he took this new information in. So he didn't have a girl who was his friend now but a boy?. Snowpaw was a tom just like him?.

" Oooooh! so that means i have a male best friend now?, like a buddy?. Sweeeet, i've always wanted a brother-in-arm!!." he chirped out with delight as the food in his mouth almost fell out. Closing his mouth again he swallowed down the last pieces with excitement!. " Hey, hey!, does that mean i get to call you for uhm a pal now?, or..or!! my best buddy?." He had always wanted to do that! but since he had thought Snowpaw was a molly all of this time he hadn't wanted to offend him!. Mollies were to be treated with respect at least that is what he had been taught!.

But it was not over there. When Snowpaw asked him to not spread this around to anybody else he was honestly a bit suprised about it. Why not?. Basilpaw took a close look at them with his only still full vision working eye and he could tell this was a real big deal for him. Hmh, alright!. He had no other choice then but to respect their friends wish. " Well...if that's what you want i promise to not tell a soul!." he ensured them with a trusting smile. He had to admit it was kinda cool though that he now had a secret to keep!, one nobody knew about except from himself!. At least that was what he thought. To be trusted like this was really exciting!.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Telling Basilpaw had gone better than he thought, to hear his friends support brought a smile to his maw. Perhaps coming out to the clan wouldn't be that hard after all, it was a feeling that eased Snowpaw a bit, and hearing Basilpaw ask if that meant Snowpaw was a pal or his best buddy made the tom laugh a bit at it. "Maybe, you could consider me as a brother?" he suggested softly. Sure, they may not be related by blood but the other might as well be since they were so close and he could not imagine anyone else (other than his mentor), to be like family.

A pause his yellow eyes trained on his friend, a terrible injury that left him in the medicine den, and yet opportunity bloomed from this. Snowpaw always believed they could be a better brother to Basilpaw than his own kin and he could only hope his best friend, someone he held so close to his own heart which even Snowpaw had thought to not be possible, would agree to such a suggestion. "We may not be kin by blood, but we can be kin through our bond" he explained with a slight smile on his lips "And I would be honored to consider you as my brother, Basilpaw" now this could be considered a confession, not one of romantic love, but platonic.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Snowpaw said what now?. Basilpaw stared at them with wide eyes. "" he repeated as he went into deep thinking. He had honestly never thought about this before. Lividpaw had always been his one and only brother. Never had he thought of Snowpaw in that sort of way. Friends and siblings should be separated, shouldn't they?. Or maybe not. Huh. Now when he thought about it... Snowpaw had always treated him in a way that he sometimes wished Lividpaw would....No, no. He shouldn't think about it like that!. Lividpaw was a great brother just like Snowpaw was a great friend to him!.

"And I would be honored to consider you as my brother, Basilpaw"

Oh, uh...Basilpaw was left speechless because...because that was words he had never heard anyone tell him before. Not from the cats he was waiting patiently to hear them from. Snowpaw was given him something he had expected from somebody else. In that moment he realized that Snowpaw was always the one who always was there for him, even now while he was recovering from his injures. Snowpaw had even defended him against Spiderwing. Nobody had ever gotten that angry on his behalf before.

" Of course we can be brothers Snowpaw!." he bursted out with a wide grin after having let Snowpaw wait a long moment for his reply. " This kinda suprise me to be honest! but you know what?. I have already considerd you as part of my family for a while now without knowing how to say it!. So it makes me super happy that we can share this bond you and i!." He glowed as he spoke, and in that moment he truly felt special to share a such strong bond with someone. He wonderd....

would this make Lividpaw jealous?.