MYTHS OF THE NEAR FUTURE \ ghost sighting?

The brightness of day had long since been smothered by night- and even deep in the forest, the breeze whipped strong. Wind roared in his ears, a headache piercing a pole through his skull- oh, why had they come so far out! He could see the picket-fences, the homes of the daylight warriors- and from the garden of one of the nests began to rise a sprawling shape, sending Twitchpaw's heart plummeting into the depths of the earth.

It rose, rose, in flight but without wingbeat. White, stark, billowing- a spectre, a wraith, big enough to be a Twoleg. The concept of Twolegs having spirits that rose to the sky was not one he had heard of- but there, was he viewing evidence of it? Of spirits hailing from Twoleg residences, that rose up to the sky on windy days to ascend to the afterlife?

Except- it wasn't going up anymore. Carried by the breeze, the apparition in its alabaster glory began to drift, shapeshift, closer and closer and closer. And it was horrifying- huge, boring down upon them like the eyes of a god, yet eyeless, faceless, featureless. Bristling at the sight of it making its way toward him, Twitchpaw scrabbled backward, a screech of horror slashing in twain any peace in the air. "What is that!?" Breath quickened, he looked frantically between his hunting patrol and the ghost, that still began to drift closer and closer, in hand with the moaning winds. "What i-i-i-s it!?" A spirit, a spirit- he knew what he thought. And it was going to get them.
penned by pin ✧
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𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

Twitchpaws' screech would cause the Lead warrior to abandon her hunt and look around for the scruffy white and brown tom as well as her own apprentice. Pawsteps would hasten as the molly hurried towards the direction Twitchpaw's voice had come from and she skidded to a halt as she also spotted the large figure that was looming towards her young clanmate.

The fur along her shoulders would bristle as if in warning to whatever this thing was that was causing the apprentice so much distress, but other than moving to place herself between the creature and Twitchpaw she would make no move to go closer. "Freaky Deaky..." She would exhale softly as she narrowed her normally calm and content gaze at the white thing. "It almost looks like a cloud...a strange cloud though..."

She would tilt her head in her usual curious fashion before meowing softly, "Think we should get closer and get the low down of this thing?" She wasn't talking to any cat in particular, but she would be grateful for any response the others might have in return.


It’s supposed to be a nice walk. A nice, relaxing walk in the dead of night, after his twolegs have left his cat-flap open for him. They’re lucky that the raccoons don’t try and get inside the house through the cat-flap, actually. They should start closing it at night, else Steveheart will have to start defending his home from rabies-infested intruders. Ugh.

It’s supposed to be a calming stroll, but of course that’s not how it ends. Because as he nears the line of picket fences nearest the forest, a shout from Twitchpaw draws his attention. The broad tabby takes off toward the sound of his clanmate’s voice in a run, fearing for their safety—until he comes up beside them to see what the commotion is about. A… a ghost, he thinks?

He’s lived in the twolegplace his entire life, but even the red tabby has never seen anything like this. "We should absolutely not get any closer," he protests, shaking his head wildly. No way he’s taking a step toward that thing—whatever it is! "Deersong, protect us!" His voice is practically a whimper, cowering behind the she-cat with his eyes squeezed shut.