naive | termite

How Howlpaw managed to convince Termitepaw to follow her was beyond anyone's guesses. It was a strange friendship kindling between the two of them. On the surface they didn't have much in common beyond their home and shared friends. Howlpaw wasn't quite sure what it was that drew her to Termitepaw. Maybe it was some shared mannerisms with her dear fallen sister Morningpaw? Or maybe it was because Termitepaw simply balance out Howlpaw's louder and more in-your-face personality with her own softer persona.

Howlpaw had brought them out of camp with the intention of climbing a small tree, or at least practising her climbing. After dropping out of a tree Howlpaw hadn't quite regained her confidence yet. Alas, plans were dashed when a light drizzle of rain forced them to take shelter in a fallen log, with the hope that the rain would soon pass. In order to pass some time whilst they waited, Howlpaw wanted to pick Termitepaw's brain some more. "If you didn't live in SkyClan where would you live and why?" She asked, studying the other apprentice intently.

( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw had been happy to follow Howlpaw out into the pines, though they were less than thrilled with the other's choice of practicing climbing. They've taken a liking to her, a tentative spark of a friendship. Termitepaw finds themself drawn to louder cars, to the more outgoing types. They like to let themself get swept up in another cat's gravity, letting their guard down if only for a little while.

Unfortunately, climbing is perhaps Termitepaw's least favorite activity, her acrophobia making such an important part of Clan culture feel far too daunting. She remains at the roots of the tree and watches Howlpaw's failed attempt, trying to offer some solace once she falls. Termitepaw is no stranger to doing the same. Unwilling to attempt the same, the black and white molly finds herself ashamedly glad when the rain comes, soft droplets landing upon her muzzle. A blessing from above, an out for the timid cat granted by a sky which so often seems to hold nothing but malice for them. Silently thanking it for its mercy, they follow after Howlpaw to the fallen log's shelter, settling down beside her.

Her question catches Termitepaw off guard. Where would they live, if not SkyClan? They've never quite considered it, their place in the Clan a foregone conclusion. "Mmm..." she hums, thoughtfully. "...Twolegplace, ma-aybe? Do-on't think I'd be so-o bad at bein' a kittypet... Se-ems kind of nice. Roof o-overhead, no re-sponsi-bilities." There's a pause. She stares out of the fallen log, slowly reaches a paw out to feel the raindrops. The soft pattering of water on wood echoes overhead. "Hm-m, I'd miss the fo-rest, though... Thu-underClan, then?" She looks back to Howlpaw now, paw still outstretched towards the rain. "You u-sed to live there, ye-es?" She tilts her head, no judgement in her fire-light eyes, oblivious to any lingering feelings Howlpaw may have about the Clan she once shared allegiance with. "Wo-uld you go ba-ack, if you we-eren't in SkyClan? ...Or somewhere e-else?"

As her companion considers the question, Howlpaw looks outside, watching the steady fall of rain against the ground. Termitepaw's first suggestion cause Howlpaw to let out a bark of laughter. Not so much because she finds the idea fitting or particularly funny, but because it is not what Howlpaw had expected at all. The torbie hadn't even considered the twolegplace as a potential option. "Well that's an unexpected answer," She admits once the laughter has subsided. "I suppose it would be kinda nice to have a warm nest all the time, even in leafbare. And you wouldn't be wanting for food."

There were many who seemed the life of a kittypet to be a soft one, but Howlpaw could see why certain comforts had an allure for some forest cats. "I think I'd miss the forest too much to ever go and be a kittypet," Howlpaw mused. Termitepaw asks if she would go back to ThunderClan if given the choice and Howlpaw hesitates. Would she go back if given the choice? Certainly she missed ThunderClan at times but she doubted she'd ever be welcomed there again. "I don't think they'd want me anymore," She said with a rueful sigh. "Maybe I could go to RiverClan instead? I'm not much of a swimmer but it seems nice there. Besides, I have family there too, my cousin Lakepaw. Though she's probably a warrior now."