Adopt #: 5
Name: Rosethorn
Relations: NPC X NPC
Age: 17 moons
Gender: AFAB, she/they
Appearance: I have no idea what kind of cat this is considered, so the reference is here!
Personality: Naive, courageous, loyal, forthright, restless, impulsive
Backstory: Rosethorn formally named Rose was born to kittypet parents, who both passed away when she was 4 moons. She barely remembers their faces, but what she does remember is a clan cat who saved her from the same fate as her parents (being killed by a badger). Rose was unaware that her parents took her from their home because the twoleg that raised them passed away from illness, thus forcing her parents to venture out in hopes of a providing her a future. In any case, a Thunderclan cat saved her and comforted her while she wept over her parents demise. The cat told her of Thunderclan and for her never to give up hope. She was so moved that she decided from then on she would become a warrior, one who protects those in need. However, the warrior that inspired mysteriously disappeared in the moon she prepared herself in becoming a warrior while waiting for another Thunderclan warrior to venture close enough that she could ask to join. When she joined Thunderclan she arrived with a collar and was in awe of the stories of camp. Her parents had told her stories of the forest and the cats who lived there, but even with a chance meeting she wasn't prepared to actually meet these cats nor being given the chance to learn their ways and become one of them. During apprenticeship she rid herself of her collar not of shame, but her own choice to show her dedication for the clan that took her, a kittypet in.
Other: She's just a girl who is trying to live with nobility (edited the app because clearly velou can read where it says she knows she's kittypet born and everyone else).​
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  • will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here.
  • — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
  • — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
    — thread name / short description of thread
  • N/A
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

[box=65%][justify]TEXT HERE.
has yet to exist
[box=67%][center][color=#8782BE][b][size=6][outline=#000]TIMELINE AND DEVELOPMENT TRACKER[/outline][/size][/b][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][tabs][slide=𓆩⟡𓆪]will actually complete this later (maybe), but not every thread will be here.
[slide=kit][url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[/slide][slide=apprentice][url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[url=LINKHERE][color=#000][b]★[/b][/color][/url][b] — thread name[/b] / short description of thread
[box=71%][center][color=#8782BE][b][size=6][outline=#000]ROSETHORN'S RELATIONSHIP TRACKER[/outline][/size][/b][/color][/center]
[color=#BBBDC1][size=3][justify][columns=3][abbr='Haven't met']♡[/abbr] Haven't properly met yet
[color=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/color] Loathes
[color=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/color] Fearful of
[color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color] Dislikes
[color=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/color] Suspicious of
[color=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/color] Rivalry
[color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color] Jealous of
[color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color] Distrustful of
[color=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/color] Annoyed by
[color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color] Weirded out by
[color=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/color] Confused / Unsure of
[color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color] Complicated Feelings
[color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color] Wishes to know better
[color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color] Shy towards
[color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color] Respects
[color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color] Comfortable with
[color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color] Likes
[color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color] Finds Entertaining
[color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Friends with
[color=#BC660E][abbr='Close friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Close friends with
[color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color] Safe around
[color=#BC2F0E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/color] Like family
[color=#AE1915][abbr='Family']♡[/abbr][/color] Family
[color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color] Protective of
[color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color] Admires
[color=#D13A86][abbr='Platonic Love']♡[/abbr][/color] Platonic Love
[color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color] Puppy-crush
[color=#D54AE3][abbr='Crushing on']♡[/abbr][/color] Crushing on
[color=#c24ae3][abbr='Head over heels']♡[/abbr][/color] Head-over-heels for
[color=#994ce0][abbr='Romantic love']♡[/abbr][/color] Romantic Love[/columns]
[tabs][slide=family][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[slide=clanmates][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote]
[/slide][slide=other clans][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[slide=loner/rogues][color=white][b]CHARACTER NAME /[/b][/color] hearts
[quote]write your character's opinion on them <3 [/quote][/slide]
[box=70%][center][font=georgia][size=17px][color=#8782BE][outline=#353935]THE [glow=#000][color=#9EB0CD][b]MOMENTARY[/b][/glow][/color] FLASH OF [color=#9EB0CD][glow=#000][b][i]LIGHT[/i][/b][/glow][/color] CALLED CREATION[/size]
[size=13px][b]only in the darkness waiting for the light known as tomorrow — [url=][color=#9EB0CD]storage[/color][/url][/b][/center][/color][/outline][/font][/box]
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