border NEED SOME ROOM TO BREATHE — riverclan patrol

Don’t be too obvious, Iciclefang thinks to herself as she leads her procession along the shoreline. The sun is pale and does little to imbue the air with any warmth; her tortoiseshell fur is fluffed up against the chilly wind. She keeps one eye on the opposite side of the border, wondering if, by any chance, she’ll spot Stormywing—but even if she does, what could she do? A cordial greeting might even be too much now, she thinks forlornly. Perhaps it’s not worth the subtle thrill she’ll get at seeing the she-cat she loves even for a heartbeat.

She turns, her attention on her apprentice now. “What do you scent? Any prey?” Even though this is a border patrol, she won’t waste an opportunity to bring back fresh-kill for the Clan, if she can help it.

[ @Nightfish @PIKESPLASH @CICADAPAW @carawaypaw @Nettlepaw- @DIPPERPAW but no need to wait! ]

, ”
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[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] "Hellooo Riverclan!" shouted Icepaw as he trotted to the border with a clear grin on his maw, his mentor close behind him attempting to explain common courtesy but he was promptly dismissed by the apprentice soon as the sight of their neighbors had been in sight. Of course it was easy to recognize the group, they smelled of fish and water (not a pleasant smell in Icepaw's eyes). "Good hunting, I hope?" they decided to spark a conversation with the group, her tail swishing in greetings figuring why not? Best time to get to know their neighbor was on patrols..right? (Aside from gatherings of course).

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"Remember to stay civil, Gingerpaw. No one wants conflicts in leafbare." Shiningsun warned as he padded along ThunderClan's side of the river with his apprentice in tow. Though he visibly winced when Icepaw shouted his greetings to the neighbours. It was a little much, but he admired the youth's gusto! A soft chuckle escaped the large tom before he pressed onward with the ThunderClan patrol, though his gaze drifted towards that of the RiverClan. He was clearly searching for someone in particular among the crowd, but it seemed that he wasn't in luck that day. There was no sign of Perchberry, and it made his heart sink a little. Maybe next time...

//Apprentice tag: @GINGERPAW

  • Sad
. ° ✦ This would be the first time Bravepaw ever saw a cat outside his own Clan. He had learned some things about RiverClan cats, that their pelts were often sleek like the fish they fed on. Shimmery like the glittering surface of the river (in the cloud cover he couldn't reason as to how it shined), and they had some sour attitude because of something called Sunningrocks.

Icepaw trotted ahead and Gingerpaw was told not to start any trouble. Bravepaw took in a deep breath, steeling himself as he puffed out his chest and calmly remained at his mentors side while they closed in on the border. He would be a good apprentice, so good that even the other Clans would compare their apprentices to him!

"HELLO, RIVERCLAN!" Perhaps his excitement this time could not be hidden despite his best efforts. "MY NAME'S BRAVEPAW, THIS IS MY FIRST PATROL!!" What if he met another apprentice like him? Would there be another new to the den?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @Sunfreckle
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
"Good grief," Palepaw muttered exasperatedly under her breath, physically holding herself back from rolling her eyes. She didn't like to be a buzzkill, and she herself had moments of bubbly exuberance, but even she knew that there was a time and place for such loud displays of enthusiasm. She could understand Bravepaw's excitement, at least, since it was the young tom's first time meeting another clan on patrol. But the fact that two members of their party were shrieking across the border at a group of Riverclanners made her ears burn with embarrassment. They weren't exactly on great terms with their water-dwelling counterparts right now, and the situation was due a healthy dose of caution. Not to mention, it made them look silly.

She trailed quietly behind her mentor, following in the ebony lead warrior's shadow as they patrolled in parallel to the Riverclan group. She kept them locked in her peripherals, but otherwise didn't acknowledge their presence. On her best day, Palepaw was distrustful of anyone not belonging to Thunderclan. With recent events, she was even less willing to allow them to distract her. They were all suffering from leafbare's scarcity of prey, and she wouldn't put it past the water-loving felines to cross the border and take what little prey their forest had to offer. With a soft huff, she picked up her pace to sidle even closer to Nightbird.

[ mentor tag @nightbird ]
The apprentice was in poor spirits these days from his lack of graduation, but he would nod at Shinningsun's orders. His mentor has always wanted the best for him and so he would do as much as he could. i still haven't gotten my warrior name though... In any case, he flicks his tail in greeting towards the riverclanners. His attention shifts to Bravepaw who decides to move past him and Icepaw. The screech that fills his ears has him wince. There's nothing wrong with being friendly towards their neighbors, but there's tact when it comes to talking to them.

He hears Palepaw and can't help but agree. While he has nothing against icepaw or bravepaw, they could go about this differently. though, he says nothing nor does he approach her because they're not friends. he's seen the big apprentice friend group and that's a ship he missed by a few moons. it makes him happy they have each other, yet he is also jealous of them. i miss you... he thinks of his friend dreampaw. the pair of them always together and training. gingerpaw had been his servant. he would look up at shinningsun and catches his mentor's unusual demeanor. "is something wrong?"
𓆝 . ° ✦ Nightfish is going to be on his best behavior today — the memory of his blunder at Skyclan’s border is still hot in his mind. He’s trying to be, like, somewhat of a good example. But Stars above, Thunderclan is testing him. This is not a weather conducive to having so much energy; what is it with the forest over there that makes them so chatty? And loud?

“Hello… Bravepaw?”He greets with a hesitant wave of his tail. Lower, to his clanmates, he adds, “That one sounds like a pawful, huh.” Privately, he's glad his own apprentice is... calmer. He really doesn't need to be demoted because he slapped a teenager out of instinctive irritation.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- thunderclan had some awfully loud apprentices, shouting over the icy roar of the river. carawaypaw grants the first one an appeasing grin, the hunting was well she assumed. nobody complained anyways. the second one, bravepaw, screamed as if his life depended on it. a fitting name, she guessed. still, the thunderclanner's enthusiasm brought a smile to her face. her first patrol felt years ago, it was ruined of course and she does not miss the chance to send a memory filled, sharp glare to nettlepaw.

"i don't know. he seems nice," she countered nightfish with a shrug, uncaring if the comment was more meant for the warriors they were accompanied by. she turned her attention back to the chocolate furred thunderclanner, warmth in her mossy gaze. "it's nice to meet you bravepaw! i'm carawaypaw," she introduced herself, shaking out silver tinged fur. "having fun so far?"

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, six moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Stormywing does not grace the shoreline, but her Clanmates are out in full force today, it seems. Iciclefang watches in perplexed amusement as two apprentice-sized cats shriek their greetings; their voices carry across the water. One asks if they’re having good hunting, and the tortoiseshell gives the young cat a grim smile. “As well as can be expected, yes. I hope the prey runs well for ThunderClan.

She flicks her tail and eyes Nightfish, giving a brief, raspy purr of agreement. “Our apprentices have decorum, but theirs have spirit.” Blue eyes shift to a tabby with sunkissed fur, who seems to be searching their ranks for someone. She purses her lips, wondering who it could be. She doesn’t recognize him from the journey—perhaps he’d made a friend at a Gathering. Either way, she concludes it’s none of her business and rubs her cheek against a clump of reeds.

, ”

Shiningsun had been lost in thought for the most part, even despite the boisterous greetings being made by the apprentices around him. But Gingerpaw's inquiry reached his ears and he glanced down at his apprentice with a look of bafflement as he tried to muster up an acceptable answer. "Hrm? Oh, it's nothing. I was just wondering if fish had grown legs yet." A sly smirk creased his features as he tried to lighten the mood. He knew that things were tense between him and Gingerpaw, and he didn't want it to remain that way.

The warrior looked back at the RiverClan patrol and he noticed that Iciclefang had been looking at him. He chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment before he quickened his pace in order to cut ahead of the rest of the ThunderClan patrol. There was no Perchberry so there was no point in lingering.