NEITHER SKIN NOR BONE \ hunting patrol

Hah, what a name! Tallpine- literal, but wonderfully so! A tall-pine, the tallest pine. Towering above the rest like a beast- you'd think it was a mutated one, something living and growing, surging in size. A grin fastened itself upon his face, ever-there and sharp fanged, teeth brandished to the hiding prey that would soon fall to his patrol's paws. What an honour, to lead one! Maybe it was some sign of faith- he had always been a good hunter, at least. It was a privilege he had not been afforded before, even in WindClan.

Wide eyes of moon-silver glided up the trunk of Tallpine, his neck tilting at an uncomfortable-looking angle as he craned and craned to look to the top. Impossibly, uncannily, his steps were balanced despite the tilt of his form. "Wonder what the trick to getting up that is...?" he asked, voice hushed but thrumming with excitement. A peppering of laughter permeated his words; that'd be a good goal, wouldn't it? Once he learned to climb- to hang upside-down, like Greeneyes had mentioned- maybe that would be in-reach. He took in a breath through his nose, making sound that betrayed that he had begun tracking.

Settling into the routine of SkyClan had been easy. In the mornings she would wake up, eat breakfast given to her by her twolegs, leaning into their scratches and loving coos before they had to say goodbye. Always they rushed off to some unknown destination in the belly of a monster and always did they come back that night, their feet dragging and their eyes tired. Sometimes she wonders if they are out hunting or patrolling for what else could they possibly be doing when they were not home?

She follows along with this patrol, lost in her thoughts and when Mallowlark would speak she would let out a soft "Hmm?" her lips pressed together into a fine line as her eyes look to see the tree in question. Tall pine. Of course, during her time here she had seen the massive thing. It seemed to stretch on into the clouds, a beacon in the forest and a test of sorts it seemed to the cats of the clan. It was considered impressive to climb it. "I don't know but I tell ye what if you can climb it I reckon you'll be gettin' some kind of reward right?" she's uncertain as to how this whole thing works if shes being honest. Did cats shower you with praise and adoration? First pick from the fresh kill pile? She would have to ask later.