neon roses after midnight .. loki

can we leave it behind? Muscles strained against sore protests as Sabletuft shouldered the last bits of dry bark he could find. A task he had been battling since the moment of sunrise, securing the gaps between the camps' walls. He was positive he might as well have stripped the marsh barren of any more material; sap, twigs, and ferns, cleaning up all the bears had left.

A stretch cracked and popped some of the tension from his shoulders, but he would admit, he was beginning to lose speed. His eyes flicked around the clearing, and a small soft exhaled through his nose.

"Loki, over here." The bi-colored Lead called for the tom, beckoning them over with a flick of his tail. As they got closer, he gestured to the collection of materials behind him. "Hold these pieces of bark up for me. Keep them as still as possible." He flexed his claws to shake some of the soreness away. He carefully pressed together the sap and string of ferns, which filled one of the patches. "We're going to need some brambles... come with me, we'll come back with enough to finish the rest. I can show you some more of ShadowClan's territory while we're at it. Has Ferndance showed you anything further than the Burnt Sycamore yet?" So much of the forest was too dangerous to cross into while they were displaced, enough to get lost in if unfamiliar. — tags

Long ears prick at the call, which was gaining familiarity by the day. That's...Sabletuft...? They blink around, immediately spotting the white-patched tom by his height alone. As the apprentice slinks towards him, they reflect on the fluidity of his name now, even in the silent voice of their mind. Even as they all settled back into, the Oriental hadn't expected to have their services called on by a lead warrior so soon. Well, they've been called over by Ferndance once or twice in the past few weeks, but it hadn't been because they were of particular use to her. They don't know if they're of much use to anyone around here; they've barely gone on hunting patrols, let alone undergone warrior training (though they suppose they need a Chilledstar-assigned mentor for that). For now though, they're very much satisfied with helping rebuild the very nests they have to sleep in.

They lean down to investigate the aforementioned bark, dark nose twitching at pungent scent of pine sap. Then Sabletuft urges them to come with him, making them halt in their slight descent and flick their gaze up towards him. Wait, what? Didn't you say I had to hold them? "Uh, okay," is what comes out of their mouth instead. Maybe Sabletuft just changed his mind after realizing how much more work they'd need to do. The apprentice dutifully becomes his shadow as they step out, tail swishing a little nervously behind them. "No, I don't think she's shown me that much," they reply, reaching deep into their mind's library to find anything at all titled "Burnt Sycamore." "She's...busy. You, you probably know how it is," they try to joke.​