camp nest of flowers ♡ rta


who could i be? and who are you?
Apr 13, 2023
Much has occurred in the last several moons. So much that Rosewater hadn't had much time to give it true consideration. When Yellowcough was working its insidious virus, she had been among the unfortunate few to catch it, though she was fortunate to survive till the return of the journey group, one of which was her beloved sister. While worried, she was also relieved that her sister would be away from Riverclan, primarily from their mother. Dappleleaf had only grown more suffocating as moons passed, and it was easier to keep the older woman's focus on her with her sister away on an adventure to save their life. But now, things had, to some degree, returned to normal. Smokethroat had taken his place as leader after Cicadastar's passing, and Lichentail was now the deputy. However, the current focus of Rosewater's attention was Hazecloud and the precious litter she was carrying. She would have more kin soon, more kits to dote on, to spoil due to them being a part of her bloodline. It was an exciting notion. Though Rosewater could acknowledge, it would've been ideal if Hazecloud and Lichentail could have waited to start their family, though now it seemed the notion hadn't been planned. Leafbare was never an easy time to survive, and yet fragile little ones would be born into the harshest season.

With a fresh perch in her fangs, the tortoiseshell smoke made her way through camp, her destination with the nursery. As time passed and the litter's arrival came closer, the pretty femme had become almost obsessively doting on her sister. It was rare to find Rosewater away from her mother, usually talking with the older feline when not on patrols. Yet, it seems a new priority, one she preferred was chosen. She flicked an ear as she poked her head in the den, soft green hues scanning the den before spotting her sister, along with the kits. With a soft purr, the tortie slipped inside, setting her catch by her sister and settling beside her. "I brought you, your favorite." She chirped lightly, curling her tail at her paws. "How are you feeling today?" She inquired barely a moment later as she eyed her sibling's nest. Had the apprentices been in to change the moss yet?

// optional sister ping @hazecloud <3

[ fight fate or see it through ]
"Ah, Rosewater. It seems we are here for the same reason." Ravensong mused amicably, appearing at the entrance of the nursery not long after the tortoiseshell had entered to bring her littermate some food. The dark-furred medicine cat was awaiting Hazecloud's litter with grave anticipation. It would be the first leafbare litter he would have to deal with and Ravensong, despite his previous experience, was not sure how well he could do. The reality of the mother being Hazecloud, of all cats, made him worry even more.

"You best make sure she does not try to escape the nursery." Ravensong trilled toward Rosewater, shooting a nervous, but warm gaze toward Hazecloud.

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them" openly suffers from chronic migraines single, but "it's complicated"

A familiar figure dressed in white greeted at the entrance of her den, and Hazecloud's eyes lit up with joyous surprise as twin pairs of green met. Throughout the long process of settling back from the journey and pursuing the large shifts and changes of her life it had easily become a grand moon or two since the pair had actually spoken alone, hadn't it? With Dappleleaf looming behind the tortie molly it was near impossible, especially with their mothers hawk-sharp sight.

It had appeared though, despite Dappleleaf disengaging Hazecloud from the tattered remains of a family, Rosewater bared the risk of their dam's fury and gifted her with visits and gifts galore.

"Hey stranger! Come here, sit." With an obvious show of effort she lifted herself up to sit as Rosewater came beside her, exhaling in a huff. "You would be surprised to hear how often I can't do that." The silver molly joked. Side by side they hardly looked related, but Hazecloud prided the twin green they shared and the matching long silky coats they kept so clean.

Before she could take her first bite Ravensong appeared and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Escape? You say that like I'm meant to be contained. Try keeping Pebblekit and the others in here with me all day and see how well it works!" She still managed to laugh with a shake of her head. Smokestar had made it clear when he spoke to her privately- she was not a prisoner, but keeping herself and the three already toddling at her ankles in the nursery was nigh impossible with all their curiosity.

"Ugh, I've been fine though, Rosie. They've been kicking and rolling a lot more lately. Ravensong said I might be having three or four kits, but it feels like a whole dozen." Hazecloud kept her tone light despite her words, there was no doubt she was enjoying every moment of her pregnancy.
die with memories , not dreams .
The other hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, simply passing by when he overheard Hazecloud’s voice, muffled by the number of kits. His dual optics widened at the comment, nearly tripping over his paws if he hadn’t caught himself in time. “Can you?” He spoke, appearing before them with quivering whiskers. “Have a dozen.” He finally added after a long beat, realizing he needed to elaborate or else face the repercussions of yet another miscommunication that could have been very well resolved if he’d been clearer.
thought speech

Just behind Dawnstorm, Dewcloud finds himself wandering past the nursery again. It's a landmark he means to walk past today, but it's his former colony-mate that stops him, paws staggering behind the older in an effort to not barrel into mottled fur.

He doesn't know why, doesn't know what the hold up is at first, lazuline gaze narrowing at the tom in confusion. Dawnstorm's question explains it all, of course, his own eyes widening at the idea of that many kits — that many new mouths to feed when he could hardly catch enough food for himself in this weather. Certainly Hazecloud wouldn't have that many... right?

" You'd have your own colony, then, " he notes from behind Dawnstorm, azure optics peering into the nursery, darting from Hazecloud, to the company she has, to their surroundings. Was there even enough space in the den for twelve more? He doesn't think so. " You'd be their elder council. Or... their Star, maybe. " He thinks Hazecloud would rather the second option, to lead a clan instead of a colony.

Dawnstorm's stumbled surprise had Hazecloud flushed, surprised the a cat his age wouldn't know. Did he have any littermates? Or maybe he didn't have a mother to give him 'the talk' like many of her peers had. Maybe he was reared in a way that she's lucky he knew where kits came from, with how literal he so often took things.

"Stars, I pray for any queen that may. I've never seen that before, though." She tilted her has as Dewcloud popped up behind his friend and smiled. "A battalion of my own kits. I don't think even I could handle that." As fun and silly it was to imagine the impossible number of clumsy paws running about, just thinking about it long enough made her firmly content with Ravensong's original estimate.

"Were kits raised often in your Colony? Or were you all mostly gathered while full grown?" Hazecloud vaguely remembered one youngster among them but she had not been so young to be called a kit.