CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky "It's, uh, really hot today." Cloudyfur muttered breathily as she stepped out of the warriors den, barely raising her voice loud enough to be heard. She really didn't want to bother anyone else. They all could probably tell how hot it was, she needn't complain. Though, in truth, she didn't understand how none of them had succumbed to the heat. All she wanted to do was turn around to go back inside and lie down, but even inside the den she had still felt the heat. She couldn't help but wish for the den of her old twolegs. It never got this hot there. "Maybe it's just my pelt." She wasn't sure why she said that aloud. Her fur was thick though, so perhaps that was why the weather was affecting her so much. That kind of made sense, didn't it?

For a moment, her eyelids fluttered. Then they closed.

Distantly, she heard someone ask if she was okay. She was supposed to be heading out for a patrol today, she reminded herself, this was not time to rest. "Just gimme a minute." Was the only reply she could manage. A minute would be fine. She'd rest for a minute, then she'd be ready to go. Her legs buckled under her. Okay, maybe two minutes. Taking deep breathes, she tried to force her eyes back open. The light stabbed into her retinas.

Cloudyfur's head swam. She staggered. What was going on? Yesterday, she had been fine. Maybe a little tired, but that was it. Now she felt like she was going to melt. Dimly it occurred to her that she might be sick and she felt mildly nauseous at the thought. Or, maybe she just felt nauseous in general. It was hard to tell.

She was fine, she tried to reassure herself, she had been fine yesterday. It wasn't possible to get sick that fast.

Was it?
Stormywing is already outside of the den when her sister arises. She is stretching, yawning out a sleepy greeting to the billowy form known as Cloudyfur. She glances up at the sky with a quirked brow when her littermate comments on how hot it is. “I guess,” She responds uncertainly, personally feeling it was a fine leaf-fall day - not too chilly yet, but a noticeable difference from greenleaf’s heat. It was a welcome change, but apparently not a big enough one for Cloudyfur to notice.

She looks back at the gray she-cat when she stumbles slightly, eyes falling shut. “Hey, you okay?” She asks, a hint of concern now evident in her voice. She begins to walk towards her, and walking turns into running when she falls. “Cloudyfur!” The bicolor she-cat hunches over her sister’s form, feeling the heat radiating off of her. The stench of sickness is overwhelming. Her head jerks up to look at whoever is closest. “She’s burning up! Get Berryheart!” The demand is not meant to be authoritative, but instead sounds desperate and urgent. This can’t be Yellowcough, can it? And if it is, Berryheart has more lungwort…right?
"No slowing down allowed!" comes Cobwebs playful tone as he sits nearby, his tail wrapped around himself. Stormywing responds with an "I guess" to Cloudyfurs quip about how hot it is. It's enough for his eyes to open from where he had been resting in content, rising to his paws in a stretch. "It's not hot at all." confusion laces his voice as he repeats the same thing Stormywing had done, look up in to the sky.

When he looks back down, Stormywing lets out a cry. Cloudyfur had fallen and Cobweb lurches in to motion, long limbs nearly tangling with each other as his walk turned in to an odd, brisk gait. "Mouse-dung- Is she okay?" pale gaze bounces back and forth between the sisters before he nods at Stormys words. "I'll be back before you can say rabbit." he turns on his paws and hurries off towards the medicine den, shoving his head in.

"Hey, Berry... I'm sorry to do this. I know you might be busy," his tone was apologetic, but a sense of urgency rises as he stares in to the den of his brother. "Cloudyfur is sick. She doesn't look too good at all." how many more will fall sick? He prays, terribly selfishly, that it does not breach his family once again. "Let me know if you need help." his next words are quiet as he lingers, waiting for the tortie to emerge.

  • grabbing @BERRYHEART
  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 39 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt

As the ivory silhouette of his brother darkened the den's entrance, Berryheart regarded him with a great level of concern. Only a moon ago he would merely have been glad to see family, would have invited Sky-eyes in for a simple chat, perhaps a shared meal... not today, though. Not until Yellowcough was shaken from their pelts, forever cleansed... and that day did not seem as if it would soon be approaching. To hear about Stumbles was even more concerning- he was fond of bringing her on herb patrols, knowing her to be a calmer face than most. Had she caught it from him? Had he been so flippant?

"I see... can you help her in, please?" he asked his brother, mind immediately fixating upon the task at hand. Asymmetrical eyes studied the empty spot where their lungwort had lay, and a deep sigh pulled through him as his vision slipped over to Freckles. "Find the feverfew for me, please," he requested, unable to fully suppress his disquietude.

\ speaking to @LICHENPAW
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