camp never been afraid to shine [mud potion]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ The rain seemed like it would never end. It went on for way too long, and Sangriakit quickly grew bored of watching the droplets race down the clear glass windows of their home. How come the raindrops she chose never won, anyway? But then she finally gets to go back to visit SkyClan again, and she’s so excited that she can barely stay focused on her surroundings. The forest is rain-soaked but not too wet, and the path that they usually take to get to SkyClan isn’t too muddy. But SkyClan’s camp has a big, fat mud puddle right in the middle of it. At first the little torbie is wary of it, because she has to avoid stepping in it every time she wants to go anywhere—but then she realizes that it could be fun.

She isn’t a medicine cat, but she knows that they can make mixes of all kinds of stuff. They can even make stuff that heals cats’ wounds; Sangriakit wants to make stuff, too! Maybe if she uses the right things in it, she can get big and strong, and she’ll be ready to be an apprentice already. Though she grimaces at the feeling of mud squishing between her toes, the kit presses on, mixing her chosen ingredients together just like she’s seen Hon and Dear do with their funny shiny things.

It takes a few moments, but at last the mixture is all the same watery texture, and there are a few twigs and leaves out in there for good measure. She’s doing what she imagines Dawnglare must do every day—mixing a… uh, a… potion? The girl’s face lights up with glee at the realization, and she lifts her grin to the rest of the camp. "Ta-da! My potion is done!" She announces with a flourish of a mud-soaked paw, sending dark brown droplets flying everywhere. "Who wants to try it first?"

The ground was swamp-like beneath her subtly tortoiseshell paws. It was still cold and admittedly felt a tad gross, but it was a welcome change from the snow that had weighed down the pine branches and blanketed the clearing as of late-- that stuff had gotten annoying to trudge through.

"Your what now?" Pricklykit questioned with an inquisitive flick of her wisped tail as the unfamiliar word reached her tufted ears. She had no idea what a potion even was, however Sangriakit had apparently concocted one, and it was made of mud of all things. "What do you mean try it? Like eat it?" She continued as she recoiled in the crossfire of mud splatter spraying her pelt; features perplexed. ​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan

Kits are cute and innocent. They don't know the true horrors of the world, not really, and their job is really just to play. His kittenhood wasn't like that, though he was not a member of SkyClan back then. But Shiori isn't jealous of the kits of the Clans, and he'll sometimes watch them play since their worldview is a bit refreshing.

But perhaps today wasn't the best day to do so, though...

Hesitantly, he approaches Sangriakit and Pricklykit, nose scrunching up as he barely dodged the crossfire of mud. "I don't think it's smart to actually eat mud," he mutters softly, a sigh escaping him. "If someone has to try it though... I suppose I can."

He readies himself, gulping as he turns to the cinnamon torbie, praying that Cal or Duskpool aren't nearby to chastise him for such a reckless stunt. This isn't like the usual things he pulls, however. There's no adrenaline in his veins, no sense of excitement. Just dread, and the intent to sacrifice himself for the wellbeing of others.

"Well, Sangriakit?" He asks, trying not to show his unease. "How does one... try this potion?"



The shrill gasp of delight that escaped her sounded eerily similar to the toy her twoleg had tossed her way the other night that was almost as quickly taken away after she squished it one too many times under her paws early in the morning hours. Hazelbeam appeared as if beckoned, her comically floppy hat bouncing atop her head as she sauntered to the kits and Shiori and bumped into the tom in her bid to get closer and observe what Sangriakit was mewling on about. A potion! Her twoleg made those, they looked a lot different and were usually kept in strange little containers that glistened and shined.
"Look at you! Making something so amazing at such a young age! You'll replace Dawnglare in no time!" A crow dropping a rock from the sky onto a cat's head could replace Dawnglare, but she digressed, at Pricklykit's query she sat down and raised a paw to wave about enthusiastically as she spoke, "A potion is a drink! You put things in it an it changes to be something else! They can give you unique abilities and even fix wounds if made in a very specific way!"
As unlikely as it was that Sangriakit had done anything even remotely close to making an actual useable potion she could not help but embrace her mischievous side, "You should make more, for the entire camp. Become our little potion maker so we're all strong to fight the rogues."

She smiles, leaning into Shiori to grin practically into his ear, "You drink it! Have a sip!"


  • dgliaf2-3be19ce0-a52c-4594-9760-2625938b95a4.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.


This was ridiculous. Hazelbeam made zero sense right now. Like if a portion made of mud could do anything magical. Mud of all things. Shiori for sure wouldn't be so dumb to buy something as ridiculously like this right?. What he really was wondering though was if Shiori would be dumb enough to actually eat the mud to amuse the kit to begin with. Fieryheart find himself lucky to not be put in a situation like that because he for sure would have refused and probably hurt the kit feelings. He would have hated that. " Wow Sangriakit, you really are something...extra." he tried to join in with the cheerful encouragement to the best of his ability consider how bemused he truly was over this. Hopefully the kit wouldn't be able to see through his bluff.


He believes mud to be a staple of kithood, as he watches his kin play in the water-bogged pool of soil at the center of camp. It’s an image reminiscent of his own childhood — he remembers hopping from puddle to puddle, his own flaming coat covered in the stuff by the end of the day. Greeneyes watches with curious eyes, for Sangriakit finds a different means in playing in it than he once had.

A potion, she creates, a concoction of mud she calls for others to try. And, while the lead warrior isn’t too keen on drinking sludge today, he still steps forward to look at the oddity. “ Oh! How… How neat, Sangriakit! What’d you put in it? “ he chirps to his niece with an encouraging tone. Hazelbeam explains what a potion is to other onlookers, clarifies it for him too, really, “ And what does your potion do? “ He tilts his head to the side, interested in what his niece might come up with. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
*✧・゚ Pricklykit seems confused by her potion, and Sangriakit frowns just a bit. She’s gonna have to explain how her potion works to the other kit, and she isn’t sure how to explain just how cool it will make Pricklykit if she tries it. Shiori says they shouldn’t eat mud, but then Hazelbeam comes over and tells them all just how cool her potion is! She praises her, and even says that Sangriakit will replace Dawnglare—which sounds gross, because Dawnglare is a medicine cat and that’s not as cool as being a warrior, and also Dawnglare is weird—and the cinnamon torbie’s paws tap eagerly against the mud. Her little chest puffs out, pride shining in bright green eyes, as Fieryheart even agrees that she’s really something extra. She likes the idea of being the clan’s potion maker and helping them fight the rogues, even though she’s too young to even be an apprentice who’s allowed to fight yet!

"It gives you super, um, strong-ness, and it also makes you fly! But you gotta drink it," she finally assures Pricklykit and Shiori, a bright smile settling upon her snow-splashed muzzle. Her uncle, Greeneyes, asks her what she put in her potion, and Sangriakit waves a dirtied brown paw toward her potion—which is just a lumpy pile on the ground. But it probably tastes good, and if Shiori will eat it like he says, then they’ll all know just how good it tastes after that. "And um, it’s made with super good water, and also some feathers… for flying." Because what cat wouldn’t want to fly? If SkyClanners could fly, then they could even beat the rogues without having to climb all in the trees and stuff. It would be perfect, wouldn’t it?