oneshot NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE | oneshot

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Chill in the air has him shivering a bit, easily piercing his short, well groomed coat. He's isolating himself to guard the nursery, realistically he knows it's not like feet are going to come thudding in and rogues are going to tear the place apart, but he's vigilant nonetheless, an self-awareness lingering that lessens with every passing day. He's lying staunch by the entrance of the nursery, head on a swivel. He knows she has her good days and not so good days, but he's finding himself increasingly attached to her side. During the period of seeking refuge in ShadowClan he's gone out of way to remove himself as far as possible, to run and fight, to swipe and spit, it doesn't soothe anything. He's going to have to bid days of spending time together goodbye, he's coming to realize.

"Bitekit? Are you still out there?" it drifts from the nursery, as soon as he hears her, he's rising to his paws, breaching the entrance of the comforting nursery. "Your shadow's hiding all the sun!" His mother teases fondly, nestled comfortably in her nest, paws tucked beneath her. He opens his mouth, ready to say something in his defense but instead, he collapses nearby and rolls into her, nuzzling at her long tortoiseshell coat. That brightness seem to have reentered her eyes, a good day then. Light spills in through the entrance, cast across where they're lying.

From where he's pressed in he can feel her shudder with laughter. The warmth of happiness, feels like he's filled with sunshine, has him mushing himself as close to her as possible. "Good thing I haven't been hearing much about you." It's spoken with the same exasperated fondness. He hears the tone, the affection it's spoken with, but still burns with shame. The kitten placates this by inhaling the scent he's always known. "I'm gonna be an apprentice." Bitekit shares pridefully, loudly, drawing the attention and ire of the few in the den from the shrill proclamation. Of course she already knows. She hums and he lifts his head to see the ghost of a smile.

She looks down at him, prompts him to continue. The looming inevitability of the ceremony has him concerned, although it will soon enough be outweighed by his excitement. "I'll come and see you everyday." Gut churning at with the knowledge this would never be the same ever again, he wouldn't have the security of Apricotflower or his mother, he wouldn't see the familiar nursery walls is daunting, but he's determined to stake claim to the apprentice title.

"I know." Her lips seem undecided on being upturned or downturned. A nose touches his head affectionately, before the sickly queen rises to her feet. "About your things..." Rocks and knickknacks he's collected to place carefully around his den lie in wait. "I'll help you move them tomorrow. Gather them up now so it's less of a chore." Knowing better than to release the groan of protest, he instead chooses to get to his paws to sweep his collection into a pile with his paws. With the action anticipation drums at his paws. It's more real. He's going to leave the den he's always occupied, always known as home. Has to say it one more time, under his breath, under the rattling of stones - just to be sure. "I'm going to be an apprentice."

/ooc just a little send off to being a kit <3

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