never gonna keep me down | morning sickness

// tw: for slight mention of being sick in the last paragraph
As the weeks progressed, it was getting increasingly difficult to ignore her pregnancy. Or well, ignore the many joys that came with it. Howlfire had been trying to do her duties as best she could, but even she could not ignore how difficult that was becoming. An eagerness to get out and do patrols or help around the camp had been replaced with an intense desire to sleep the day away. Sleeping was increasingly uncomfortable and she worried about disturbing her denmates with her tossing and turning.

In fact, that morning she felt especially bad when she had to hurriedly make an exit, feeling her stomach turning. Howlfire hadn't made it far before she couldn't hold it in any longer and vomited on the ground. She made a small huff of annoyance once was done and her stomach seemed to settle. "Think I'll definitely be moving to the nursery soon," She mumbled, more to herself than any cat in particular.
The weak dawn light fills their camp, and leafbare brings a bite to the morning breeze. Blazestar is just exiting form his den, leaving scraps of cream-colored fluff on the branches of his elderberry bush, when he sees his daughter dart from the warrior’s den. He winces at the retching sound she makes. “Go see if Dawnglare can help with anything,” he says, frowning. Worry creases his brow. Had Little Wolf been this sick when she’d been pregnant?

Blazestar rests the tip of his tail on Howlfire’s shoulder. “I’ll clean this up. You prepare yourself a spot in the nursery. Get…” He looks up, toward the apprentice’s den, “…Brightpaw! Brightpaw, come help Howlfire get situated in the nursery.” His tone brooks no argument.

  • @BRIGHTPAW but no need to wait around, just flavor text really :3
  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Brightpaw hadn't been there when Howlfire had announced her pregnancy, but word traveled fast and the apprentice was waiting for the day the warrior was going to move to the nursery. What she hadn't expected was Blazestar calling for her to help Howlfire move in. She had no issue with it - she was here to help, always had been - but as Brightpaw moved closer to the two older felines she slowed down for a moment, nose scrunching slightly at the vomit before carefully moving around the small puddle and over to Howlfire, small smile on her face as she approached. "Do you want some of your old nest in the nursery Howlfire?" She mewed, looking back towards the warrior's den for a moment before turning to look at the nursery.
  • 43149711_LAdN8Y5i17B7CJB.gif
    brightkit - brightpaw - bright???
    ⋆ she/her - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of skyclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
"Yes, yes. Dawnglare will be able to help." Fireflypaw raises his voice as he walks over, the smell of vomit hanging in the air. He keeps his wits about him, not bothered by the scent- he'd experienced this before, long ago. Pregnant mollies tend to get morning sickness from time to time, this was normal activity in his sister's pregnancy. Ducking his head into the medicine den, Fireflypaw calls out to the high priest.

"Dawnglare, Howlfire has morning sickness." He meows softly as to not wake their patients. Surely there would be something to aid the rumbling stomach of his pregnant sister? He blinks for a moment, before he turns back to the group of cats gathering around Howlfire to aid her. Brightpaw is helping with her nest, and Blazestar is volunteering to clean up the mess. What could he do, other than sit around like a useless oaf?

Dawnglare will make me useful. He will teach me, just as he has been.

Twitchbolt knew very little about being pregnant. Naturally. It was a topic that he'd never paid much mind to, and... judging by the list of cats he'd been attracted to in his life, he didn't imagine it ever would be. When he saw Howlfire retch, his nose wrinkles and his body shivered in distress. No-one else approved to be quite as worried, though, as the brown-and-white tom meandered over, aiming to stand at her side. "You... you're alright?"

Stunned for a few moments at the relative nonchalance, he figured there wasn't anything seriously wrong with her- but in a time like this, rampant with illness and mystery symptoms (for who knew what other signs of yellowcough lay out there?), could anyone blame him for worrying?

And- oh, what was the best way to help a sick cat without preparing a nest- without being a medicine cat himself? Maybe it was something like distraction... "Do you, uh... can you tell how many- how many kits you're gonna have?" That- wasn't exactly distraction, was it? It was still kit-related; he wouldn't be surprised if Howlfire was already sick of him. Chattering on about kits when she'd just accepted that she might have to retire to the nursery soon- he might let her if she wished to hurl him out of her sight.
penned by pin ✧

It doesn't take long for her sudden departure from the warrior's den to gain some worried glances. The first to approach is her father, who suggests she speak with Dawnglare. They are intercepted by her brother who assures them his mentor would be able to help before ducking into the medicine den to seek out his mentor.

Blazestar assures her he would clean the mess up, his tail flicking over her shoulder affectionately. She smiles weakly at his suggestion of moving to the nursery before he calls his apprentice to help. "Yeah, I think it might be time," Howlfire conceded, before offering a polite nod in greeting to Brightpaw when she came over. "Yes please Brightpaw," Howlfire responded to her question with a faint chuckle. "I only fixed it up recently, would be a shame to waste it."

Although the nausea had largely passed when Twitchbolt approached, she appreciated his effort to distract her. "I'm not sure, but I reckon one of the medicine cats would be able to tell soon," Howlfire confessed. Howlfire was certainly aware of how large she was becoming. "I'm not sure where Coyotecrest stands on the matter but I'd rather not know. I like the mystery of not knowing."