private NEVER GOOD ENOUGH // Lichen


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

This would be his second time sneaking out from camp that night. Shallowpaw had been careful not to get caught by one of the guards which turned out to be more difficult this time but he had manged to succeed and had headed right into the woods until he found himself to one of the trees he had been practising to climp. Every since the dog attack in the territory Shallowpaw hadn't been able to forget how he had been unable to climb and because of it Wildpaw had been forced to save him, losing part of his tail because of it. Out of all cats he had been saved by them. Shallowpaw didn't like it. How far Wildpaw had come in his training compared to himself, and how they were more reliable then himself was when it come down to it. How useless he had been in both of the dog attacks while Wildpaw had taking charge and fought so bravely. It wasn't fair knowing how rotten that one was in his heart. Meanwhile he was getting nowhere. Shallow didn't feel like he had done much progress since arriving here. That meant he had to put down more work, to work even harder then before.

So that is what he had been doing this couple of days pushing himself beyond his own limits. When Sunfreckle hadn't have time to train them or thought they needed to rest Shallowpaw had keept their training going all on his own. Tonight was one of these times. During the day he had been coming to this same tree trying to climb it. Claw marks was left on the tree after his attempts over and over again to climb it. He had not yet succeeded in even getting to the first branch but he wasn't going to give up. He was going to push himself until his paws was sore and bruised, until he had become a tree climber so what had happend back then never would happen again.

Shallowpaw lunged himself at the tree to begin tonights practise. He sinked his claws into the bark as he tried to climb upwards but he slided back down, so he tried again...and again. Sometimes he comes further up but never to the first branch. Never there he wanted to be. He keept on going, repeating and restarting. Never stoping for a break. He would work himself until he couldn't walk anymore if he had to.


( ) Something is up with Shallowpaw.

It's not hard to tell, honestly, and Lichenpaw is surprised that seemingly no one else has. They only knew him for a little while before the dog attack, but the change has been pretty obvious. Everyone was changed by the dog attack, of course, they know that very well, but something about the way Shallowpaw has been acting bugs him. He's been far more distant, far more quiet, even compared to his typical laconic stoicism. They consider the blue tom a friend, and although they're unsure if he would say the same, that means that it is their duty to step in when something is wrong.

When Lichenpaw is awake (sleepless again) to see Shallowpaw slip from his nest, he does not hesitate to follow. He's gotten much better at moving silently now, beginning to grow into his too-large paws and committing himself as much as he can to training. So he tails his friend in uncharacteristic silence, a strange mirror of a night that feels forever ago (for a life divided into pre- and post- dog attack). He has no intention of stopping Shallowpaw, merely curious to see where his friend is going -- has been going, perhaps, as he's been gone from camp far more often these days.

It's a tree, tall and looming, branches twisted and gnarled and silhouetted against the starlit sky. He watches, silent, as Shallowpaw tries to climb it. A bit of late-night practice, then. He settles himself down a good distance away, hidden by the shadow of the forest. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised.

He watches as Shallowpaw tries again and again and again, and it is then that Lichenpaw truly grows worried. He isn't making it very far and he shows no sign of stopping. Will he keep going til he reaches the branch? They really should get back to camp... Does Shallowpaw intend to spend all night out here? He can't say he can judge, insomniac that he is, but that can't be healthy. His friend is breathing heavy already, clearly exhausted. "Shallow," he calls into the night, cutting clear through the stillness. He moves closer, emerging from the shadows that hid him.

"Hey, hey Shallow, what -- um, what are you trying to do, here?" It comes out harsher than he intends, concern and tiredness leeching the softness from his words. "Why are you -- what are you doing out this late? You can -- if you want to practice, you can do it in the morning, y'know. With Sunfreckle." His brows are furrowed, smile gone. He's too tired to keep up appearances.