private NEVER GROW UP [ family ]

( ) the gentle warmth of the newleaf sun envelops the riverbank, casting a soft, golden light on the landscape. the river flows lazily, its surface sparkling in the sunlight, as it meanders its the verdant surroundings. the air is fresh and sweet, carrying with it the fragrant scent of blooming wildflowers and freshly budding trees. birds chirp joyously, somewhere deep in thunderclan territory, flitting from tree to tree, as they welcome the new season. the sound of rushing water mingles with the rustling of leaves in the breeze, creating a soothing melody that fills the air as the little family traipses along. six sets of paws pad along the lush riverbank, eyes alive with the beauty of the world around them. willowroot leads her family through this territory she cherishes, pelt brushing with poppysplash's. eyes of sage flicker between the fluffy pelts of her children as they bounce along beside their mothers. a warm purr rumbles from somewhere close to her heart as the lead warrior basks in this time with her loves.

pausing beside an old, bending willow tree, the femme cranes her neck to stare into the canopy of her namesake, eyes darting across scratch marks carved in the light hued bark. this is it- her old home, the one she had once shared with the only three cats she thought she would ever think of as family. now she returns with her litter and her mate. it's bittersweet, but she allows her memories to fade into the background as she turns to address her children. "alright, kiddos," she'll grin. "last one to the river is a rotten fish!" with this, she pulls away from poppysplash's thick fur and thunders towards the gently flowing water. there is a parting in the reeds where she used to fish and lounge. now, she launches herself out over the water and submerges with a splash that sends droplets of crystalline water scattering across her family. "show me what your mentors are teaching ya, loves!"

// @POPPYSPLASH. @Hazepaw @POOLKIT @Mosspaw @ANTLERPAW fam thread :D


poppysplash never thought that this would be her life. to have kits of her own... she didn't think she'd want them. she was scared to be the type of parent that her own had been– that her uncle had been. but she wasn't. despite her ill attitude towards most, that she was working on for the sake of her mate and kids, she loved her little guppies. each one so unique and lovely, all carrying the most beautiful features of each of them. as she stepped along side of willowroot, her muzzle pressed against their cheek with a softened purr. she watched as willow took off running towards the river, a gentle laugh falling from her lungs. she gently ran after, making sure to stagger behind to allow her kits to go ahead. she hadn't wanted anything to catch them off guard. she just couldn't risk anything happening to any of them.

"oh, my stars! willow!"

she giggled, shaking the water from her pelt.

"you asked for it, my love!"

she reared back before leaping into the water, splashing willowroot before dunking underneath the water.

It’s always a good day when their mothers take the whole little family out of camp. Firstly because Hazepaw actually quite likes her parents and littermates, thank you very much… But mostly because it means a sanctioned outing, without the usual apprentice chores such as hunting and patrolling and fighting practice. They actually kind of lags behind, as they keep getting distracted from their little procession by fluttering butterflies and weird weeds shivering in the breeze.

Willowroot’s challenge brings her focus back to her family and she runs to catch up with the rest of them, probably nearly causing Poppysplash to break a leg with the way she dashes between her mother’s legs in her rush towards the water. She doesn’t actually jump in: swimming is still a work in progress, and the thought of struggling to stay afloat, bobbing up and down with the current, is just not appealing at the moment.

Unfortunately, her decision to stay near the edge, paws dipping in the clear water, doesn’t save her from quickly becoming drenched when her mother splashes into the water after her other parent. Spluttering, Hazepaw whines, ”Mom!”
Mosspaw padded close alongside her mothers, keeping . As short as her legs were, couldn't perfectly keep pace with the two of them, to the point that it was becoming a bit of a game for her. For a few seconds she'd walk with them, keeping a stiff posture and mirroring their relaxed gait. Then she'd fall behind and spend the next few seconds scrambling to catch back up. Not that she minded though. She was just glad to be out and about with her family.

Her ear flicked in acknowledgement of Willowroot's words, and as her mother darted forward she raced to follow. If keeping up with her casual stride had been a challenge, this was an impossibility. Mosspaw was left in the dust in a instant. She watched as Willowroot dove into the river before she so much as managed to get close. Still, that did nothing to dissuade her. She pushed herself as fast as she could go until she reached the water's edge.

Unlike Hazepaw, Mosspaw paid no mind to the splash of water that hit her from Poppysplash, she would be even wetter in a moment. She was going in after all.

Unlike her mothers, she did not leap into the water. Instead she lowered herself carefully into it. Swimming still came with effort for her, and she had to put all her concentration into treading water, but she did manage to spare a glance toward her mothers to see if they were watching.​