camp never growing up ~ I spy

When she had woken up that morning, she had come to the realization that her kits would be apprenticed soon. The thought both worried and excited her. Her paws tingled with the urge to run through the forest, but she was scared of her children going out and being exposed to dangers that she couldn’t protect them of. What if they ran into trespassing Shadowclanners? What if the dog came back…what if there were another incident like Morningpaw…?

If she kept thinking she would surely make herself sick with all the ‘what ifs’. She would just have to trust their mentors to protect them like she would…if anything happened to them she didn’t know what she would do.

Little Wolf was much better at thinking of games and stories than her. The ebony she-cat must have had a easier kithood than she had, but that was pretty easy to assume, Howlingstar had been her mother after all. Though, even with her own rough upbringing, she was determined to make sure her own kits had a fun kithood.

The red queen would sit outside the nursery, closing her eyes momentarily to enjoy the new change of weather. Newleaf was finally here…soon the undergrowth would be green, and the prey would be plentiful. “Would anybody like to play I Spy?” she would ask to any nearby kits or other clanmates who wished to join.


Rushing from the apprentice den where he has been bothering some of the older apprentices the young tom is excitedly making his way towards his mother. Today has been a really good day and he can not wait to become an apprentice. He'll be a big boy then and he will be able to protect his mother and protect the clan. He promises that he will do his best and it is his dream and ambition to be the best warrior that everyone can look up to. Tiny claws scribble against the ground as he looks at his mom expectantly. "What's that, mama? I'll play yhough cause it sounds fun." After all learning and understanding is key to making a great warrior. He wiggles his haunches a little from his excitement. Shifting his front paws before looking around for his sister or Duskkit, or Skykit, or Duckkit.
Owlear was certainly no kitten. In fact, the tabby tom likely teetered on the edge of ThunderClan's oldest warriors, with enough seasons behind him that his paws ache to be lazy and grow fat. But he is still a youthful soul, with bright eyes and a sharp mind, and he takes to nursery games with an easy joy. What better way could there be to inspire mental acuity than through fun? He doesn't have to come far to heed Flamewhisker's call– he had been lounging nearby between patrols, a moment before taking to another hunt. The last one had been lucky enough to lead to a pheasant, which had been offered to these very cats. Now he joins them for a game, warmth and excitement in hazel eyes.

"I will let your mother explain it," Owlear chuckles, "but it is fun. You'll excel at it, I'm certain. You must have eyes as sharp as the bird you're named for."

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
Her son comes rushing over from the apprentice's den, and she couldn't help but purr in delight. His tiny claws were out, and he looked up at her with such expecting eyes that it melted her heart. She would lean down, and affectionately touch his cheek with her nose. He and Stormkit had grown up too fast. Even though she was ready to return to her warrior duties, she would miss these days dearly.

Owlear was next to arrive. She quite enjoyed the older warrior's presence. Even though he was much older than she was, he seemed to enjoy playing games with the clan's kits, and he always seemed to find nice prey for the nursery to eat. She smiled warmly at the tom, then returned her gaze to Falconkit. "The game is pretty easy. Whoever's turn it is gets to spot something within the camp. They then say, 'I spy with my little eye...something..' and then they describe what they see. So let's say I chose Owlear. I would say, 'I spy with my little eye, something brown.' And everyone has to guess what I saw. Whoever guesses correctly, gets to go next." she would pause. "I'll start. I spy with my little eye, something white."

Falcon's paws (:

Goldendawn still had not grown used to the idle chatter and sickly-sweet indolence of Thunderclan, as though they concerned themselves more with the lethargic flow of honey than the stinging flay of blood. It felt as though the clan moved in slow motion, as though one day would blend into another, until not even the sun could be separated from the oily sea of nighttime. She had grown up justifying her existence every day, proving herself worthy of her glory - but now, it seemed that glories were dispensed as easily as indulgences. Even when the clan was plagued with dogs, they had always kept their spirits up, like the storm that rumbled with thunderstruck vein. Unlike the storm, which was so eager to dissipate once its ire had run dry, it seemed to ruminate in the air they breathed and reverberate in the water they drank. The name is fitting, she mulled before. Then again, she understood why, if only to hold on before the Great Night's final bow. Even after the wildfire, there were cinders to blanket what once stood. And even after the death of the unworthy, there would be the successors of their womb, clad in their forefather's blood and bone.

"Something white, hm..." She quietly mused with a hum, a springing cadence that was somewhat unlike the serious feline, as though the spirit of springtime was as populous as the pollen it spat out. Perhaps her fellow Thunderclanners had been rubbing off on her, though she tried to keep a mental distance from her and the other blood-kin. Olive eyes darting to and fro for any white emblazoned upon the emerging springtide scene, somehow missing the subtle notes right in front of her. She had always sought the grander piece, for the details did not matter to her. Similarly, the method of madness did not matter - it was only the result she seized in vulturine manner. She searched for a few moments more, until her keen gaze caught upon an errant cumulus cloud in the sky, strolling just as leisurely as the rest of her clanmates seemed to. It almost annoyed her, really. "The clouds?" She guessed.