NEVER HAD A HOME // joiner




He could do this. Just put a brave smile on and everything would be okay. It had to be. He had no other choice. If he didn't do this...Blight frown to himself as he walked that long and cold journey to the forest with anxiety ripping him from the inside. So many things could go wrong today. If worst come to worst he might even lose his own life. It all depended on what sort of cats this ones would be. But even so, could he really trust them?. The answer was no. If there was anything he had learned on his own on the streets living as a stray it was he couldn't trust anyone. His body was a living reminder of that as he was covered with scars for every time he had tried to trust someone... It always ended up with him getting hurt. But he had heared gossips about that this clan was the most friendliest when it comes to kittypets even allowing them to join them. Some even during daylight. So maybe they would take in the likes of him as well. That was what he had been promised but...

Oh, was he already here?.

The youth stopped, his heart beating like crazy. He was nervous, anxious but he bite back down on it knowing he had to keep himself calm. Now was not the time to get cold feet. It was to late to back out now not like he had have much of a choice to begin with. But even if he run where would he go?. Blight had nowhere to hide, no place to really call his own. So he had to keep on struggling on this path to do the little he could do just to survive. It was a dangerous life he was living but he had come this far no point in giving up now. One day his luck might run out but until then...he had to keep on pushing on to survive for as long he possible could.

Blight started to walk again, his tail low to the ground and his ears perking in all directions. He wander deeper into the wolves den in hope to run into one of them hoping, praying that everything would go smoothly and he would get to see the next day. His life was all he had.



"Your tresspassing."

The words themselves may have been forboding to a cat that knew they shouldn't have been there, but the tone with which they'd been delivered was far from threatening. If anything, Quillpaw sounded like he couldn't care less to see a stranger creeping through his clans territory, and to a degree, he couldn't. Random cats showing up in Skyclan was hardly a new occurance, and at this point he'd seen enough of them intercepted by the warriors that he knew it was never something taken too seriously. Most of the time the strangers were either looking to join or just passing through, neither of which were a cause for any kind of alarm.

As much as he would have liked to leave the social stuff to his clanmates, Quill had been unfortunate enough to stumble across this one on his own. Oh well. Duty calls and all that crap.

"This is Skyclan territory. You looking for something?"he asked, a brow quirking upward expectantly. Despite being a lone apprentice, Quill didn't seem to bothered to be out there with a stranger. There was a calm, aloof sort of confidence to the towering youth as he stood there waiting for an answer, a single brow quirked upward expectantly. He'd been through this dozens of times by now, and thanks to having come from twoleg place he was also pretty well acquainted with the tricks and chaos that loners could resort to. Seeing as he'd been one of them, after all.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Redstorm had been out hunting, a successful day despite the coming change of seasons. He had just caught a scrawny grouse that he quickly buried next to the tree he had caught it under. The warrior then raises his head, scenting the air for more prey but instead catches the scent of Quillpaw. His eyes furrow together in confusion, had Quillpaw left with a patrol? He cannot remember. He parts his jaws, letting other scents wash over his tongue and he finds that Quillpaw is not alone. But he is not with a Sky Clan cat.

Fear hammers in his heart as he leaps from tree to tree, flying through the branches until he comes to drop down besides the dark furred apprentice. "Quillpaw" he scolds lightly, a frown on his face "You know you shouldn’t be out here by yourself, you had me worried sick." his neck fur relaxes when he sees the cat, the stranger, he is with is a cat not much younger than the apprentice standing next to him. "you both should not be out here, it’s dangerous" he says, concern edging his tone. "Do you have a place to go back to?" he asks the stranger.

Blight had a perfectly well working nose, and there was nothing wrong with his hearing either so he knew another cat was approaching his direction. Instead of turning around to flee like his guts told him to keep on marching forward until the other cat was close by. It was only then he stopt to await the stranger to appear themselves in front of him. Blight forced his claws to remain inside it's 'pockets' to not appear as an threat. 'Your tresspassing.' Came the nonchalant words from the cat who appeared in front of them. Blight could tell this tom was not that much older then he was and...the way they looked at him it was almost like they where looking at Blight like an ant. That was how much value he had in this ones eyes. He had no idea how that was suppose to make him feel. Small or just pissed?. Blight hold his tongue. He couldn't mess this up.

" Yes, you -" he said without thinking but paused just as quickly. Hold on now. That was not the right way of starting this conversation!. Blight blushed in embarassment with himself, awkwardly he would clear his throat attempting to try again. " I -I mean, not you specific but...your group." Nice save there you dumbass!. Blight wanted to curse at himself and wish himself from existence in that very moment. He really wasn't good with dealing with...well, cats, anyone really. Especially cats like this two-faced. He really got a bad feeling in his guts about this one.

Thankfully, another one arrived making this less awkward..or wait. Maybe two cats weren't that good after all. Now it was two against one. He was clearly outnumberd and the second one was clearly an adult. Blight stood no chance. He could as well give up now and plead for them to make his death painless at least.

He would perk his scarred ears backwards when the fullgrown tom scolded the other younger one. Quillpaw huh?. Weird name. Blight froze up when the attention got drawn back over to him, and he would blink his eyes in suprise. Wait...had this adult just expressed concern in his voice for them?. Uhm... Blight was well aware that this world was dangerous and all that but...what had that to do with this tom?. It was not often he come across cats who show concern for his well being.

Blight shook his head in reply to the older tom before his head would sink a bit lower. " No..i dont." That was true. He wouldn't consider that place to be an option to go back to. He glanced away from the two. " That's...actually why i am here. I heared that your clan takes in kittypets." he ears would fall more flat on top of his head. " I was wondering if you would consider taking in a cat like me too...I can hunt and...i already know how to you can see." /b] He was referring to his body that was full of scars and bitemarks. However, almost none of them had been from victorious battles but more him having got abused around by other adults. But this cats didn't know that and he could use this scars to make him look more... valuable to them.

" I promise i wont be a burden to anyone of you and...i will work hard to become..whatever you want me to be. " He carefully cast a side look over at the older tom of the three, waiting patiently for their answer.



"Yes- you."

The words caught him off guard, and for the briefest of moments he thought that maybe this cat meant what they said; that they were looking for him, and he tensed because the only cat that would be sending others to look for him was a cat he had no interest in ever meeting again. The moment passed just as quickly though when the tim went on to explain that it wasn't Quill they were looking for specifically, but the group he belonged to, and with it he relaxed once more.

Luckily -or unluckily, if you take into consideration his dislike of being babysat by adults- Redstorm chose that exact moment to drop in.

It was always a trigger response to grow annoyed whenever an older cat tried to express any level of authority over him, something he picked up as a child dealing with adults that more dysfunctional than the kids he use to run with. Back in twoleg place he'd been a mouthy asshole that wouldn't have hesitated to tell someone to 'fuck off' for trying to keep tabs on him, but for whatever reason that animosity hardly ever reared its head in Skyclan. Sure, he still frowned and fixed Redstorm with that blank, unimpressed look when they began fussing over him, but all things considered the older toms concern was rather well received.

"Sharpeye doesn't take me out much anymore." he said, shrugging broad shoulders dismissively. Truth be told, he hadn't seen much of his mentor at all lately, something he'd attributed to the fact that Quillpaw wasn't an enthusiastic learner. He didn't enjoy criticism or having to follow instructions, and it really didn't surprise him that his teacher no longer seemed interested in him. "Was gonna do some hunting when I noticed this one."he said, gesturing to the other cat.

As Redstorm went on to ask if they had a place to go, Quill found that his original suspicions had been correct- this guy was here looking to stay.

"What's your name?" he asked, not because he particularly cared, but because the guy had never introduced themselves and if he planned on staying then Quill would have to have something to call him other than 'that cat he found at the border the other day', which really could be referring to any number of cats with the rate they had newcomers joining.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Keeping his distance the massive tom watches the interaction. Pulling his droopy ears forward a bit the tom listens to the conversation and he tilts his head to the side. The other wants to join them? He sought them out in the hopes of finding a place here. Despite everything he tries not to let his mind be clouded from all the troubles they have been having. Still he makes sure that nothing bad is afoot before he slips his way from the foliage to stand near his clanmates. "Bonjour, mon amies. We have a newcomer who wants to join us?" The man's natural tired smile pulls across his muzzle as he dips his head and slowly sits down. He does not let the pain of his back show as he curls his tail against his body. Quill had already asked for a name and so he will give his own. "I'm Foxgecker and really the only way you might be allowed is for Blazestar to say so."

But Blazestar is a friendly guy and even with things seeming so tense these days he is sure that he would let this one join.

'Sharpeye doesn't take me out much anymore' the sentence makes the red pointed tom frown, he would have to have a talk with Sharpeye, a reminder of his duties as a mentor. Redstorm no longer had an apprentice of his own, but he knows how much of an honor it is to have one. He should be more concerned with Quillpaws training if he intended on keeping that honor. Still, that is not the matter at hand. Redstorm huffs and flicks his tail in a silent signal that this conversation is not over as he turns his blue eyes back to the cat in front of him.

Kittypet. To the other clans, it is an ugly word. One that symbolizes weakness. Rain had not been weak, they seem to have forgotten how fierce of a warrior his father had been. Keep your claws sharp but your heart soft the blue-furred tom had once told him. He had not been doing much of the latter lately but when his eyes fall upon the scars that criss-cross the child's flank he feels it. Sympathy. He could not turn this cat away, even if leaf-bare is coming and he would be safer if he found himself a twoleg nest to curl himself up inside of. Twoleg place could be just as dangerous as the forest, he knew. Foxgecker speaks then, starting him out of his quiet contemplation. "As a part of Blazestar's council I can also make that decision" he informs the red-furred tom his voice almost gruff "And I say the kids comin' with us" he turns his gaze back to Blight "Life in the forest is tough, their won't be round-the-clock meals, you'll freeze your ass off and there are a number of things that could get you killed" his brother, his father, Centipedepaw, Gardenia, they all come to his mind now as well as the many number of cats who had lost their lives to the great battle. "And you'll have to change your name, depending on what it is and if you intend on staying with us full time" he adds with a silent chuff of laughter, an afterthought really. When your life hung on the line who cared about a simple name change? "If all that sounds good to you then welcome to Sky Clan. I'm Redstorm"

He had to admit it was a bit uncomfortable to hear two cats argue over something that didn't have anything to do with him meanwhile he was suppose to just be standing there...listening to what for him sounded like a private conversation. Awkwardly, he would glance away letting the two deal with...or contunie...uhm. Yeah, he would just let them do their thing. He was in no rush he suppose. Luckily...or unluckily depanding on how this would turn out...a third cat showed up talking in a tongue that he wasn't even familliar with. What did bonjew?, bonjorey?. Ehm. Blight decided to not ask instead he attempted up a awkward smile in a greeting.

Foxgecker?. Yeah, he was quite sure he had understood that!. Foxgecker. That's a pretty cool name!." he tried to smooth this over with a compliment which was well meant. Who wouldn't wanna be named after a clever predator who even could trick and deceive the two legs!. Blight knew about the reputation the foxes had, and the term 'foxheart' but he actually thought foxes were pretty cool as long he not needed to face one in battle. It got confirmed that he needed to wait for a cat called Blazestar to make the decision if he could join or not. That was fair. He was about to say he had no problem with waiting but before he had a chance to comment on it....the two-faced looking tom cut in to ask him more questions.

HIs name. Oh, crap!. He had totally forgotten about introducing himself!. How embarassing...Blight cheeks heated up, and he almost looked paniced for a second as he stumbled over his own words. " Oh right my name!. Yeah, i can totally tell you my name because i do have one..." Wow, nice job again you stupid dumbass!. Sometimes he really wished he could think before he spoke!. Ugh. Blight cleared his throat, giving a small smile of discomfort. " Uhm, Blight. My name's Blight."

Blight perked his ears up again when the tom with the flame point fur started speaking again after a moment of silence, and it got confirmed that he did not needed to wait for Blazestar after all. That was a relief!. He wasn't entirely sure how much longer his anxiety could take anymore if he could be honest... He was able to breath out when this kind skyclanner told the others they were going to take him in. That was great news!. It should have been anyway... Listening to them carefully to every word none of this was absurd or something he not already had been prepared for. The forest could be just as dangerous as the streets. Cats died of hunger there all the time or any other causes so he wasn't expecting this life out here would be any easier.

" I...understand sir." he would make sure to inform them as he gave them a nod. He would even consider changing his name if he had to...but if he could he would rather keep his name. Blight would force himself to smile, to show his appreciation to this warrior, and dipped his head to them in respect. " Thank you for...taking me in Redstorm sir!. I promise I won't disappoint you!." He felt sick with his own words. It made his chest tighten itself into a knot. Guilt. The worst. He was the absolute worst.

I'm so sorry.