private never lark nor eagle | scorchstreak

Today, the sky blooms blue and cloudless. Its brilliance feels like a mockery to Downypaw, and surely more to the ones Bluepool had left bereft. The vibrancy of her namesake might have never matched the vivacious councilmember, and maybe it never would again in the hearts of her numerous kin.

Downypaw wouldn’t know. She was never close to Featherspine’s mentor, out of occupational hazards or unconscious disinterest in fraternizing with more of Sootstar’s kin (Sootspot is enough for them). Scorchstreak, however, they do know, if only in professional capacity. Her glorious rage, her pathetic collapse; their frail heartstrings couldn’t take much more of it, at least not without trying to assuage their sight of it.

On soft steps she approaches the deputy, a Greenleaf-plump rabbit hanging delicately from white jaws. She settles it at mismatched paws. ”Scorchstreak,” they mew, as unobtrusively as they can over the hustle and bustle of a pleasant day. ”For you.”

Their second-in-command’s self–imposed hunger strike was common knowledge, or a common assumption. The apprentice themself remembered withering away in Sootstar’s prison of a camp, followed by a distinct apathy to the too-late realization of their state. Bearflight’s death had accompanied the fiery deaths of most prey; it had been all too easy to politely shake their head and avert their gaze from the miniscule fresh-kill pile.

Sources much closer to the flame-branded molly would know how to coax her into acknowledging her health, but it’s just Downypaw and their conscience today. ”Did you know Pinkpaw caught this?” she adds, gently and conversationally. ”Well, she and Owlface.” They don’t know if it’d truly been their sister and the staid warrior, but Scorchstreak’s fondness for the younger calico was plain as day in her endless tolerance. ”She asked me to give it to you,” they meow, the implication of Pinkpaw’s exaggerated upset trailing behind the remark.


windclan apprentice | ”speech.” | tags
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༄༄ They sit staring at the sky, blank-eyed. How… ironic, that life should go on when it feels as though their own had been ended alongside their mate’s. The brazen blue expanse of the sky mocks them, it must. It must know of her misfortune, to paint itself in the boldest blue as she gazes up at it. Maybe if she squints hard enough, she’ll catch a glimpse of… something. She doesn’t know what she wants, not anymore. A clanmate’s approach draws their attention, and the calico thinks to ignore them at first, but for some reason turns their head to meet eyes that reflect the tones of the sky above. Misery loves company, they suppose.

"Downypaw," the calico responds to the younger tunneler’s greeting, their voice dry as the grass around them. For you, offers the apprentice, and suddenly Scorchstreak’s gnawing hunger makes itself known. The prey may look good, but it will taste awful. Like ash, like charred grassland and rot. It will never taste the same as prey shared with her mate had. Downypaw claims that Pinkpaw had caught the rabbit on her own, and the deputy suddenly straightens and turns to look directly at them, one scarred eyebrow raised in disbelief. "Pinkpaw did not-" Well, she and Owlface. This brings a crackle of a smile to the deputy’s face. Her apprentice may be shaping up to be a strong warrior in her own right, but Scorchstreak would prefer not to believe that the girl had made such a kill on her own. She does not look too deeply into why that is—she may like the younger calico, but stars, not enough to wish she could keep training her forever…

Downypaw asserts that their sister had asked them to give it to Scorchstreak, and the deputy’s expression grows solid, unwavering once again. Pinkpaw would not have… would she? This offering of prey does not seem totally like her apprentice—no, Pinkpaw would rather attempt to entertain her with a story of a recent outing, or tell her that everything will be alright. "I’m sure she did…" she murmurs skeptically, tail flicking gently across the dirt. "Pinkpaw is thoughtful like that. WindClan is lucky to have an apprentice like her." As her gaze settles on the apprentice, a bit of the deputy’s former spark returns to golden eyes. Their voice tells all—there is no Pinkpaw in this situation, not really. There is only Downypaw, and although the deputy does not want to eat, she graciously accepts the prey. "Eat with me."

  • ooc:
  • 83282667_7UVjIV9bzrILi7P.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore