//to be played retro to emberstar's death, RIP ;-;

( ) The crunch of leaves under clumsy paws seems the loudest thing in the world to Lou as he traces a dizzied path across unfamiliar ground. The forest is so much quieter than what he's used to; no roaring monsters, no chattering twolegs, no barking dogs. Just the hum of insects and the cries of birds, the likes of which Lou has never seen before, only acquainted with the pigeons and crows of his home.

Former home. He's not going back.

He has to stop doing that, thinking about the twolegplace like he belongs there. He doesn't. He made the choice to leave, and he has. No turning back now. It's become very clear he's not welcomed there--as if he ever was. Now he's just got a shredded ear to show for it. The other cats had little tolerance for weakness, and it seemed no matter how crafty he became, it wasn't enough to prove himself worthy of such high honors as access to food and a dry place to sleep in the eyes of the other cats. Curse his young age. If Lou were bigger he could just scare off anyone who tried to take something from him, but no, everyone just loves picking on the little alley kit.

It's not like he was an easy target! Lou had done very well for himself, he thought. The fact that he made it so far on his own was a point of pride. He knew all the best spots, he could outrun anyone with his intricate knowledge of the street layouts, he was doing well! And that pissed off the bigger, crueler cats, because of course it did. Why did he even try?

Whatever. He's going to find his own place now, here in the maze of trees all the twolegplace cats are too scared to venture into. He's not... quite sure where he is. As good as Lou is with navigating the twolegplace, this place is an entirely different matter. There's no landmarks in sight, every stretch of woodland looking the same as the last. He could be going in circles for all he knows.

It's been two days now since he left.

He's been doing about as well on food as he always has, though he relishes in the luxury of not having to worry about someone trying to steal it from him. He's caught a good few mice and pigeons in his time, though he's nowhere near used to hunting with the loud crunch of leaves giving away his every move. Still, he's adaptable. It's easier if he climbs up into the trees; he's managed to snatch a couple birds that way.

Focus. Lou stops in his tracks. Finally, there's a scent he recognizes.

He's heard the whispers, of course he has. Lou makes it his business to know everything that goes on in the twolegplace, so of course he's heard the stories of kittypets who venture out into the endless forest, some never coming back. They say there's wild cats out here, fierce experts in the art of killing.

Well, he was never one to back down from a challenge, for better or for worse.

Lou follows the scent with a newfound vigor. Among all the unfamiliar smells of the forest, it's hard to pick out. He thinks he detected it before, but it was fainter then, he couldn't quite identify it. Now, it's clear: this is not just one cat, but many. Not lone wanderers like him.

Eventually, pricked ears hear a rustle in the bushes. Lou tenses, eyes locking on. The cat-scent is so much stronger now. He forces himself to relax; showing weakness here won't do him any good. "Hello?" He calls the word into the forest, voice steady, projecting an unbothered confidence that feels too far at odds with his frayed nerves. "Is someone there?"
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The light steps of paws weaving through skeletal foliage of brambles was the first initial answer for the young tom's call out. A silhouette appears from his original perch, a looming figure of blue and white with a half-amused apricot gaze sweep over him. "Nah, no one's here." He responds with good-natured sarcasm, a toothy grin appearing on his white maw. Stormchaser was more of a laid-back figure, initially friendly to anyone unless he's greeted with aggression beforehand. He had no qualms with outsiders joining the clans, for he too, used to be a loner before the clans were formed. He fully reveals himself from the cover of bracken, stepping towards Lou with a tilted chin and a swish of his plumed tail. "You're in ThunderClan territory, youngin'. Who might you be?"

ooc - Welcome! Skrry for the short post. Im at work :3

✦ ★ ✦

Hunger gnawed at Sunnyday's gut as he sniffed around the roots of a tree. Holes leading down into the soil signalled that mice were present, but thus far they weren't keen to make themselves known to the light of the day. The warrior was briefly tempted by the idea of digging but ultimately he knew that such an endeavour would be fruitless and a waste of energy. Maybe he would be better seeking prey elsewhere.

Sunnyday might have continued along his usual routes if an unfamiliar voice had not captured his attention. Though it had clearly caught Stormchaser's attention even quicker. Slowly he made his approach towards the scene, pausing only once he had the stranger in his sights. The individual looked young, hardly someone deserving to be out wandering the wilds alone in his opinion. Naturally his expression softened as he decided to come closer in order to confront the stranger. Stormchaser was already asking the important questions so there wasn't much more to add quite yet, though he had no intention of escalating things. "Hello there, lil one."
( ) Lou's eyes sweep over the woods after he speaks, searching for any sign of another cat. There's a soft pattering from nearby, getting swiftly closer. He tenses. Lou looks over, and--OH! He startles violently, eyes locked onto an imposing silhouette, sharp-toothed grin the only point of clarity. The loner unsheathed his claws, trembling slightly as he prepares for a battle, when Stormchaser speaks. "Nah, no one's here"


It catches Lou off guard, blinking in confusion as he registers the words. So, the murderous wild cats have jokes.


No, okay, actually he can handle that. He can handle this. Talking he can do, it's just... not quite what he expected. But this is good, actually! The blue-and-white tom approaches from the brambles, coming into clearer view, and Lou is very proud of himself for not backing away. He doesn't like the tilt of the tilt of the tom's head, doesn't like his toothy grin. This is the behavior of a predator toying with its prey, he thinks. It sets him on edge.

He won't back down, though.

"You're in ThunderClan territory, youngin'. Who might you be?" ThunderClan. Interesting. Lou's not heard that name before. He knows the meaning of territory very well though. He's trespassing, unsurprisingly. Well, that's nothing new. The word "youngin'" chafes at his ego, but he settles the bristling of his fur with some effort. Need to keep cool, in a situation like this. The second sentence, that he can answer.

As the second tom approaches, Lou pauses, eyes flicking over. He's outnumbered, knew he would be, so he is not going to freak out about it. Best make a good impression now, before someone comes who's less willing to hear him out.

"I'm, I'm--My name's--" He catches himself, stills. Keep calm.

Lou grins, then, lopsided and toothy, more a baring of teeth than anything. His fear still shows clear in his eyes, in the tension with which he holds his whole body. There's a sharpness to every part of him, but he speaks with a disaffected surety, barely a tremor in his high-pitched tone.

"The name's Lou." He sweeps one paw out theatrically, dipping down into a wobbly bow, eyes never leaving the two cats in front of him. He snaps back up after a moment, continues, "I've actually got, got a bit of a reputation, where I'm from. Hmm." He tilts his head, as though considering. His grin widens. "Perhaps you've heard of me?" A conspiratorial tone creeps in towards the end. A touch of smugness. He's doing great. No one will suspect a thing.
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Unlike Stormchaser and Sunnyday, Raccoonstripe is not fond of Emberstar's mousebrained policy about accepting joiners. Every new face in the Clan earns a glare of scrutiny from him, though he's given their joyful flame point leader a mental pass for the pretty ones, at least. Her silly ideals have infiltrated and infected the Clan, to the point where even fierce and respected warriors are letting outsiders crunch their leaves underpaw and scare away what little prey they have.

He cuts an imposing figure, materializing from the brambles and undergrowth, dark eyes glassy with distrust. He does not growl, and the fur on his back remains flat, but his voice is curt when he addresses the outsider. "Is there a reason you're here?" He snorts, scenting the fear radiating from the tortie point and scowling in response. "A reputation for what? ThunderClan doesn't keep up with kittypet and rogue news."


Burnpaw knows that he should be grateful the leader of Thunder Clan has agreed to take him under her wing, to train him. She was a great warrior, a respected member of the clan and a fearsome cat to have to meet on the battlefield. There are a lot of reasons to look up to a cat like Emberstar, to be glad for her teachings. But there are also a lot of reasons that it sucked too. She had duties, he gets it, but after the gathering he wants nothing more than to battle train, to sink his claws into something. Anything. Today he had been instructed to go out with a patrol, to make himself useful and begrudgingly he complied. It wasn’t battle training but hey, if he saw a squirrel he could at least get his claws into something.

His yellow eyes scan the forest before him as he trots along, looking for any sign of prey or better yet, an enemy. It isn’t long before they run into at least one of those things. Though wether this cat is an enemy or just a stranger who is lost remains to be seen. They seem friendly enough.

He has to say that on the subject of joiners, he and his uncle agree. There were so many mouths to feed already, their prey pile dwindled and yet Emberstar encouraged letting even more cats without a scrap of an idea how to feed or defend themselves in. He almost wishes it was just him and Raccoonstripe so they could chase the tom back over the border and say not another word of it. Instead he comes to stand next to the striped tom in a rare show of solidarity. "Can’t say I’ve heard of ya either sorry kid" he says, wanting to claw the smug look off this cats face. "One time I ate a mouse so fast I puked have you heard about that?" he asks, not expecting a real answer. Really his question only served to show how ridiculous his own was.

Sunnyday was patient as he waited for the stranger to speak, and at first he felt sorry for the youth. Was he nervous? He couldn't really blame him considering that he was being confronted by ThunderClanners. Though the sudden change in the youngster's demeanour caught him off guard when the introduction came alongside the bold claim of him having a reputation. A choked splutter broke from the older tom as he failed to stifle the laugh.

"Oh my, someone has got bite to 'em." He remarked with an air of jest as he let himself relax fully. "So, where are you from, Lou? And what's this reputation of yours all about? Oh! And before I forget my manners, my name is Sunnyday." He greeted as he weaved his way closer to Lou, intending to give the youth a proper look over.
( ) Two more--they just kept coming, didn't they? Lou's paw taps a frantic, stuttering rhythm against the ground, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth. His joyless smile remains plastered across his face, as though frozen there. Lou scrutinizes the new cats, commiting their faces to memory. They seem more openly hostile, the tabby especially. The black tom, who follows shortly after, though... He's closer to Lou's age. So this "ThunderClan" includes young cats too. Interesting.

When the tabby questions his reason for being here, Lou freezes. Not something he was looking forward to explaining. He can't tell these wild cats he's running away. Luckily, the tabby then asks after his lie, and Lou relaxes as much as he can in this situation, paw still tapping wildly. Of course none of them have actually heard of him, that's the whole point! The younger cat echoes the sentiment, and Lou is gearing up to begin his spiel when the he speaks again, "One time I ate a mouse so fast I puked, have you heard about that?"

"Uh." Lou's voice is flat and squeaky, no trace of its former gravitas. He stares at Burnpaw for a second. "No."

When the golden tom laughs, Lou seems to recover. He sounds like he's amused, that's--that's fine. Not the reaction he wanted, but it's better than anger! His name is Sunnyday, okay, that's good to know. He seems the friendliest so far. And another cat asking after his reputation! Just what he wanted. And where he's from, perfect. That gives him a starting place. "I'm from--Right, okay. Well..." Lou starts, slipping into a performer's tone:

"You see, I happen to be a traveler, from a place where great monsters and two-legged beasts roam paths of pure stone." He pauses for a moment for effect, a sparkle in his eyes. His paw is still now, anxiety dissipating as he gets lost in his story. "The name Lou is one feared by even the prowling monsters; I am a lone warrior, a fearless hunter. I have come to this place," he falters, trying to think. "I, uh. I'm here--I set out to find what exists beyond my home--" Another pause. Calling it home again, it's not. He's rattled now, he's losing steam. Uh, think. How to end this. Flattery, always a good idea. "And to see if the tales of ferocious forest cats hold truth." Perfect. He is nailing this.
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  • Haha
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Sunnyday let Lou speak, ever patient even when it was clear that the youth was floundering in his tales. He found the whole thing utterly adorable and charming, and he could imagine Lou becoming one of the more amusing elders with the endless stories, if he survived that long that is. Young cats rarely thrived on their own out in the wilderness, though the same could be said about any loner cat. They had to be made of tough stuff in order to make it through.

"So if I'm getting this right, you're from twolegplace and you've come wandering out this far in search of the wild cats that live here, right?" Okay, it took the glamour out of Lou's way of describing things, but he felt it necessary getting to the bottom of the summary. "Well, you've found one of the five clans then. ThunderClan. Our group inhabits this part of the wilderness, you see, and we can be pretty ferocious when needed to be. And how did we get our name?" He takes a dramatic pause as he puffs out his chest as far as his old scar allows. "Because when we battle our war cries boom as loud as the thunder that splits the sky itself!" He announces loud with all the bravado that he could muster.

Big mistake, as mere seconds later he's left spluttering and wheezing as pain wracks his lungs. Okay, maybe he hadn't fully recovered from the longer lasting effects of whitecough just yet. No more pushing himself just yet. "Sorry 'bout that, was really sick not long ago." He admitted with a nervous smile before he glanced back over his shoulder at the others. "I think we should take Lou here to see Emberstar. I think she's gonna like this one."