never make it on my own [ intro ]


Oct 16, 2022
Ever since she was little, Olive loves to partake in the act of chasing after butterflies. She'd never harm them, oh, no, that'd be more than cruel- but its more than entertaining to her. Currently, shes chasing one around camp, a little white one, one that hasn't died off yet from the incoming chill, she bunches up her hind legs, pounces. She misses by a couple inches, but shes all giggles anyways, with bright eyes and a large grin that spans her face. The butterfly flutters away and immediately the small apprentice is chasing after it, tiny paws thumping across camp as she leaps again, but instead of landing near the butterfly, she barrels straight in to another cat. Slightly disoriented, she reels back, shaking her head before offering the other a grin. "HELLO!" her greeting is enthusiastic. "Sorry about bumping in to you! Can you play with me? I can roll a ball of moss!"

// short bc i hate writing intros JHDCSJHDS, feel free to be bumped in to​
Being bumped into wasn't in his plan for today, but nonetheless, he'd been sent toppling over by a cat this morning. Eyes shut against the harsh light, the only sound that came from him was a soft grunt as his cheek hits the grass, the kit lifting his head to squint at the blurry figure in front of him.

"Watch where you're going, silly goose!" He cried out with laughter, lifting himself up to grin at the molly. Her apology is met with a giggle, the tom bobbing his head up and down in the process. Her invitation to play is met with excitement, but he doesn't find much interest in moth balls. They're for kits, after all! And he was a warrior!

"How about you teach me how to climb a tree? Wouldn't that be cooler?!"
Just her luck- she barrels straight in to a kit, and not just an ordinary kit, the kit of Little Wolf and... Geez, what was his name? She thinks and thinks but her mind draws a blank, until she hears the familiar chime of kitten giggles that had her laughing along. "I can try! I'll make sure you go alllllll the way up to the top without falling down!" though its said in a joking manner, Olive's eyes spark with excitement, isn't that so fun? She gets to teach something! She bounces on her paws with a bushed up tail, beckoning for the kid to follow her as she approaches the elder den, its charred, but still climbable, and the fallen tree would serve great as a start.

Especially since Olive was not looking to get yelled at for taking the kid outside camp.

"First up!" Olive puts on her best 'teacher' voice, but it just sounds off and slightly mocking of the older warriors, it wasn't her intention, but ohhhhh she's so excited. "Unsheathe your claws! You're gonna need these!" the tortie would exclaim as she lifts a paw, unsheathing her claws for Firefly to see. "And then- Butterfly! Catch it!" easily distractible, Olive spots the same little butterfly hovering around Firefly, her pupils widening in a sign of play. "I think it likes you!"
Always easy to distract, the kit was quick to follow after Olivepaw as if she was the Leader herself. Blowing his ear from his face, the melodic giggles of laughter sounds from his chest as he finally comes face to face with an ashen-smelling pine, scrunching his nose up in disgust. Why was that so disgusting-smelling? A paw reaches out, smearing dark ashes against the bark. Then, he brings the ash up to his paw and childishly wipes it onto his chest, smearing charcoal black across his beige fur.

He prepares himself, unsheathing his claws, bunching his muscles- with his forming tufts of wild fur all over his body, it was making him look a little bit crazed. He never liked staying dirty, perhaps his father would bathe him tonight? He's easily distracted by the cheery sound of Olivepaw chiming out alarm.

And then- Butterfly! Catch it!

Like a domesticated cat drawn to a laser, Firefly's eyes fly open just in time to catch the reflection of beating wings beneath blurry vision. He leaps out then, intending to catch it between his paws only to land on the ground a short tail flick away. His eyes shut then, the kit wincing as he rubs over his eyes with an irritated hiss. "It-It must be makin' fun of me or somethin'."
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A pale ball of fluff watches her littermate trail after an older she-cat with wide blue eyes. Wordlessly, timidly, Morningkit follows at their heels. Her eyes widen into wide pools of quivering water as they approach the charred tree trunk. "Are you sure, Fireflykit? That looks so tall." She sits, worry creasing the space between her eyes. What if they fell? What if Olivepaw wasn't quick enough to catch him?

But, to her relief, Fireflykit's distracted by a flutter of wings. His paws come up empty, and his scowl is quick to emerge. Morningkit sees the way he winces and rubs against his eyes with a darkening paw. She pads to his side and touches her nose to his shoulder. "Olivepaw, can we play in the shade?"

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