never quite enough [ ferndance ]

Feb 23, 2024
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUS — slugkit always missed the people that left the nursery. sure, she could see them out in camp, but that didn't really make much of a difference. slugkit wasn't exactly bright, but she was at the least observant. she knew who's snores were who's, and she knew what their breathing sounded like. she liked to sit up and listen when she couldn't sleep. what she missed most about ferndance was the warrior's nest and all the weird things that it held.. like the shiny things that showed her reflection like water — and slugkit was quite vain, if nothing else.

sneaking into the warriors den was hard — that is, until a patrol was called together, and a good chunk of them went with their apprentices. while they were gathering, she shot into the den, slipping just a bit as she did. finding ferndance's nest was infinitely easier, because it was shiny. as she skipped over, she dug through the mess of items, snapping a weird thing on her paw as she pulled it out, hissing as it did with a clean thwack!. "owie.." she breathed, and finally managed to uncover a piece of shiny to pull from the nest. she didn't like how it felt, but now she had her very own shiny thing. "eh-heh-heh." she giggled through her mouthful, tiptoeing towards the exit again.

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

With her body buried beneath old moss, the only hunting patrol Ferndance would be doing today would be for more things to add to her cacophonic collection. She had seen a new warrior bring back trinkets from the Carrionplace and, with them at morning recall, the cinnamon tabby thought it the perfect opportunity to find out the name of the mystery item. A tiny sound caused her to freeze beneath the bedding, teeth grazing her tongue as a reminder to be quiet. She was sure the others knew how she gathered her hoard by now, few got truly mad at the tabby for having a loose idea of possessions and she did her best to avoid items she knew meant too much to those around her. It was not a two-way Thunderpath though... sharing was not something Ferndance appreciated. A byoing and a mutter alerted her to someone rifling through her belongings, and fury was an instantaneous feeling. It was stuff she had worked hard to get, it should not have been difficult to keep as well. Tentatively brushing some moss out of her eyes, once they adjusted to the light creeping in from outside, she recognised a fluffy little thief fleeing the scene of the crime.

The tension left her shoulders. 'Impressive.' Slugkit had picked the right time to steal, and moved with a confidence that made it seem like it was her shiny thing to begin with. If it was Eggskip that had taught her that, perhaps she needed to pay more attention to the Queen. Suddenly, Ferndance leaped up from underneath the other warrior's bed, sending bits of moss and dry reeds flying into nests beside it. A wicked smile stretched across her muzzle, a soft, "Wait!" escaping her. There was an urgency that made her run forward and cut off the chimera's exit if she could, wide eyes betrayed by the mischief upon her maw - she had quite the story to tell the kitten before the thief could get away. "Do you know what you carry? These... are a Twoleg's scent markers. When they place it around their dens, it is meant to scare others off with its noise instead of its smell. Do not crinkle it little one, lest you wish to know what evil sounds like." She let the words hang on the air, the corners of her muzzle twitching as she fought against her mischievous nature. Eventually, the cinnamon tabby tilted her head. "It's very pretty though, isn't it?"
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUS — as much as she would love to credit her mother for her skills, eggskip was the last person that the young one had gotten her sneaking skills from. no, those were all self taught, from two months of sneaking about the nursery and camp to eavesdrop on those much bigger than her. the bigger someone was, the better their gossip, she thought. she’s almost to the hole that left the warrior’s den when ferndance jumps from hiding place. immediately, the girl lets put a shriek that carries through camp, hackles raised and back arched as she bounced on her toes.

she was so big and scary. so, so big and scary! ( small and unintimidating )

"twoleg scent mawkews?" she echoed as her hackles lowered, her green eyes still wide as she slowly set the piece if shiny down. she’s warned off of making noise with it, but she is ever curious. it crinkles and her tongue lolls out of his mouth involuntarily. she fakes a gag and an eck!, a soft eugh! before grumpily looking doen into its reflection. "how can it look so pwetty and sound like that?"

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Ferndance immediately flattened at the loud noise from the kitten, her wedge-shaped face contorting as if she'd just smelled citrus. She joined in with the raucous cacophony, only somewhat quieter as to promise any fortunate enough to hear their song that she wasn't currently killing Slugkit. The one thing that the former Lead Warrior did not mirror was the fierce dance - she wasn't interested in scaring the chimera off anytime soon. It was why she'd offered peace with an explanation, why, when the distraction seemed to work, her shoulders sagged in relief. Scaring adults was hilarious, scaring kittens was just too easy, there wasn't nearly the same amount of entertainment in it. Blinking fervently as he tried to translate the young kitten's dialect, the cinnamon tabby eventually put two-and-two together. "Scent markers... their borders. They tell you where you're allowed to go and where you can't." All clans had them, plenty of foxes and badgers had them, it seemed only natural that Twolegs had them too. They were stinky beasts, but if Twolegs could not smell as well as cats, then perhaps a more audiblel scent marker was appropriate. She waited with bated breath as a tiny paw came down upon her most cursed treasure.

Crinkle. Eyes grow grave at the horror at Slugkit had released unto her world, limbs growing heavy from the weight of death that hummed in her ears. Somewhere, Ferndance was certain that a cat had perished listening to such a thing. What was a fabricated exaggeration to most felt like a true story to Ferndance, there were few things that carried a sound as awful as a Twoleg scent marker. For a minute, she sat her silent vigil for what had been lost, the corner of her face twitching as an after-effect of the sound: its memory seemed sluggish to reach her. "I've heard the same thing many, many times..." An impish smile grew once more. "I'm just kiddi- oh... you wouldn't get it." 'You're pretty until you speak' was not the worst thing someone had said to her, but like the noise of foil, it certainly stuck around in one's head. Luckily, Ferndance had learned not to take it seriously; her words were just as pretty as the rest of her. "I... don't have a proper answer. I think Twolegs might use it as a trap to lure us in... crafty, sneaky Twolegs."

She admired their tenacity, other borders were a warning and not an invitation. Ferndance cocked her head once more. "Do you wish to keep it now that you know the horrors it brings?"