never satisfied - weaving

Oct 17, 2023

she had watched her father weave, the beauty of the crown enough for vixenkit to repetitively try to do the same. she had kept the crown as long as she was able to, till the flowers wilted to a brown colour, and the stems decayed to a soggy mess. then would she find herself sadly removing it.

but she was bound to her determination, tiny claws pulling gently at white fur as she attempted to stick bark and twigs into whitelions sleeping pelt. she was sure he was still asleep, and she could only hope that he would remain.

In a mess around the two forms was a small scattered pile of what she was working with. her tongue stuck out in focus as she worked, and she ignored the talking and noises around her as she did.

and finally she was finished, pulling back with a grin as she admired her own work. next would be waking him up, an innocent purr in her voice. "wake up daddy!" she suddenly squealed, putting two paws on his shoulder and violently shaking him. she was sad to see a couple fall free of his body but she'd continue to try to wake him, pressing her paws into the males shoulder.


no need to wait for but mentioning @WHITELION

make peace with your broken pieces .
He hummed tiredly, blinking languidly as sleep pulled at his brain, nearly taking him into the land of unconsciousness again, but Whitelion would do anything for his daughter. With a loud groan, gold fluttered, peering lazily at Vixenkit’s excited form with a slow curl of his lips. “I’m up, little one.” He laughed, small paws pressing against his shoulder to rouse him further from sleep. “No need to for that.” He grinned, mirth dancing along the edges of his words.

Lifting his helm, Whitelion observed the scattered pile around them in amusement, brow rising to stare at his riddled pelt with various things weaved into the white of his fur. He hummed, reaching down to nudge her flank with a quiet huff. “It seems I was far more tired than I had realized.” He rumbled, giving his fur a once over. “You did excellent, little one. Did you have fun?” He inquired, glancing at his daughter with a crinkled gaze.
thought speech

he wasn't up- not until he seen how pretty she had made his pelt. and when he did see, nudging his nose into her body, she would finally pull off of his and return the grin. "you sleep like... ummm... you sleep like grizzledpelt (npc elder)!" she giggled. you could scream right next to him, and he'd still snore as if nothing happened.

"I had a lot of fun! I watched dad weave, and so I used you as a test, and I think I did it good. I think you are one of the prettiest cats now- and I can't wait to show dad." the idea of how the other would wake up, one day with flowers and petals weaved into his fur... he would love that, and it would take a lot of convincing otherwise.

make peace with your broken pieces .
He chuckled warmly, stretching out until every dip was pulled taunt, flank rising with a breathless laugh, muzzle wrinkling. “Grizzledpelt, mhm?” He mused, curious. “I suppose so.” A warm grin stretched across his maw, golden hue crinkling.

“I’m sure your father will be pleased to see your hard work, little one.” Spiderlily would tease him for days after this, a muffled grin plastered across ghostly features that Whitelion adored. “The prettiest?” He grinned, a look of astonishment plastered across a scarred face, helm rolling to peer at the woven objects standing out against the white sheen of his fur. “I am honored.” He rumbled, sturdy.

“I’m sure your father will agree, and perhaps he would like them in his own fur, but until then, let’s go show your work off, shall we, little one?” He purred, careful when pushing himself steady, plumed-like tail swishing low. It was a mess, surrounded by miscellaneous objects, but all would be swept away in due time, body stretching to showcase the haphazard mess that became his fur. An excellent way to practice coordination. He thought to himself, knowing how difficult it can be to weave things delicately into intricate designs that brought life to someone’s frame, something Whitelion was poorly skilled at. Still, it seems Vixenkit would be as skilled as her father with practice.
thought speech
Owlstrike had been watching Vixenkit weave flowers for her father. She was touched to say the least. When was the last time her kits had done something for? She can't remember. Her first litter would be with their twolegs and it's been moons. Many many moons since then. They must have children of their own. I must have grandkits. It fills her with a twinge of sadness. The life of a kittypet is not without faults, but she is no longer a kittypet. Hasn't been for some time. She's been here for moons now. Adapting was hard. She was not as young as many of those who joined with her were. Although she would call those who claimed she was old rude. That was as if saying Howlingstar was old to her face. Anyhow, there was no need to think about things that could never be.

She listens to father and daughter converse with a smile. I wonder if Grizzlepelt would be upset if he heard you little one. At the mention of showing Vixenkit's work to the clan, Owlstrike rises to her paws and nears the pair. "It's lovely. I would love if you would make me one as well in the future, but your father is right. We should show your fine work off to the others." It really is magnificent. Whitelion you must be proud. A fine kit you have.