private New bad habit ♥ Emberflower


Everyone fled. That included Petalnose despite how reluctant she was to give up a battle. It had just got interesting, two against one. Pride struck her stomach as she thought back upon her taking on the two Thunderclanners. She was not humbled an ounce despite the sting on her hindlimbs. The injury surged pain through her every time she contracted her muscles to walk, blood slowly seeping down her legs. The injury wasn't severe, only a bit of attention and rest would do. Despite her lack of worry for herself and bubbling pride, she worried for her clanmates. Maybe too much. Her common serious expression and attitude turned into furrowed brows with a worry tint to her eyes. Her mix-matched gaze looked over each of her clanmate's injuries. Though, she found herself worrying most of the cat that had lead them all. She could've gotten the brunt of it hadn't she?

She quickly limped over to the other she-cat, nose twitching as she attempted to scent for blood as she made it across her body to face her. She had taken note of the injury on her belly. "You're hurt." She meowed, it sounded as it was going to be a question but it sure. Serious. Her ears flattened, sighing, "I apologize for stirring them. I didn't want us looking weak and I didn't think they'd get their ego hurt by a couple of words. Children they are.." she growled, her tone sharp and scolding as if a Thunderclanner was within earshot. "You led the patrol beautifully, by the way. I wouldn't have led it better." She meowed, aiming to give an encouraging and praising nuzzle to her shoulder. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" Her tone suddenly changed shaky with worry, soft and genuine. She flattened her ears again as she skimmed her over once more, she only felt guilty that they all suffered. They all suffered from her words towards their enemies. It stung her more than her injuries. She wished she could've taken them all for them and enthusiastically she would serve them even if it meant her own demise. She hoped the injuries she left on the Thunderclan deputy burnt like fire itself. They all deserved the worst. She prayed to Starclan Emberflower made her own mark to leave a sting upon her opposer.


Despite their defeat, Emberflower is stunned by the incredible courage shown by her Clanmates. Petalnose in particular had impressed her -- that sharp tongue had been backed up by sharper claws. To watch the tabby and white she-cat take on Flycatcher and Flamewhisker at once had been impressive, if not a little terrifying from the cinnamon rosette's standpoint.

"You're hurt." Emberflower is startled from her thoughts by a familiar voice. She looks up, hazel eyes meeting Petalnose's mismatched brown and blue gaze. The rosetted she-cat flushes, shaking her head. "Oh, I'm okay, Petalnose. I didn't realize the cat I'd picked a fight with was a lead warrior." She laughs weakly, putting a paw to the stinging scratch on her belly.

Petalnose's muzzle touches her shoulder, and Emberflower's blush travels from her ears to her tail tip. She hadn't meant to look so weak, especially to a fierce cat like Petalnose; despite the warrior's kind words, Emberflower feels herself deflate somewhat. "You should have led that patrol, not me," she murmurs, eyes falling to her paws. "I'm just glad everyone is okay. I can't believe you took on two high ranking cats like that! I've never seen..."

She swallows. "You've got ten times the courage I do. You've got to be feeling that battle more than me." Petalnose's apology is brushed off briskly. She doesn't blame her friend for launching insults at the ThunderClan warriors at all; a fight would have broken out regardless, and she thinks they'd all been at least somewhat prepared for it. (Besides Crappiepaw, she supposes.)

Emberflower looks worriedly at Petalnose's ruffled brown and white pelt, frowning at the wound on her hindleg. "Oh! I knew it. I knew you'd have a nastier bite than me." She sighs gently. "I should be the one apologizing. If I were a better fighter, maybe... maybe things could have been different."


Petalnose had admittedly lacked to know what else went on in the battle. She had been too focused and her peripheral sight wasn't the best to catch glimpses of her clanmates. The she-cat wished she could have saw Emberflower more, so she can convince her she did alright. Praise her accordingly. She was sure she did well nevertheless, Emberflower made it out with lesser injuries than she had.

Petalnose hummed and held her tail higher in a friendly manner when she had announced she was okay. She then listened to her as she admitted to taking on a higher rank, flattening her ears. Petalnose could see the struggle with a higher rank, although for her in that moment it meant nothing. It still didn't, it just meant she had to step up and be serious about her skills. Her frown drew further, "Don't ever let rank get into your brain in battle. That's a big mistake. It causes more problems than you think." Her words seemed almost scolding, though they meant well. Her gaze showed that she cared, they didn't mean harm despite her sharp tone.

Her brows creased even further as she brought up the patrol, jolting as if she took a blow, "Don't doubt yourself! If I led that patrol I wouldn't know when to call off. I'd get too lost within it. Many would get worse injuries! You called it off at the perfect time, I'm sure all of our injuries will heal before Thunderclan either declares a battle on us or we go on our next. " she was bewildered that she was doubting herself and tearing down her compliments, why did Emberflower doubt herself so much? She aimed to press her body against hers, flattening her prickling fur. "Look. You did wonderful. You were brave the moment you said yes to leading us." She meowed softer, realizing her sensitive emotions were getting ahead of her… as they always had.

Her maw was met with a light smile as she announced her courage, shrugging her shoulders and looking to the dark sky, "I like battle, it's more of enjoyment than bravery. But what stings the most is not my injuries, it's that my clanmates got hurt." She admitted, flicking her tail in direction of the light colored tabby's injury. She wondered how hers felt, she hoped Beesong would finish herself up last. She did not want Emberflower in pain. Surface wound or not. Her own injuries didn't matter to her unless she was bleeding out and gasping for air. Even then, she would want her clanmates fixed first. They mattered the most to her no matter how much she yelled at them and no matter how much they got under her skin. Emberflower was a priority over herself in her eyes even if they barely interacted privately. Cindershade may tear her to shreds if she didn't care for her sister anyway.

"I'll be okay, it doesn't hurt too much." She meowed, turning her head to lick the blood and debris off her wound. It stung her but she failed to show it, it was best not to make Emberflower worry more. The light colored tabby fretted over her skills, Petalnose flicked her gaze upon her through grooming. The fellow she-cat may have been shorter than her but she looked strong. Petalnose may have been swift and sharp but she was sure if they sparred she could definitely overpower her if she tripped her up. It almost reminded her of someone familiar but she decided against thinking of her past too much. "When we're better maybe I can spar with you. You look strong. It seems that worry in your brain of yours is the thing getting to you. Worry is a parasite." She mused in between licks, gazing at Emberflower's wound once more and cocking her head to the side. "Maybe you should clean it. It'll help out Beesong, if you don't I'll do it myself." She teased as she gave her a playful and challenging look, raising her chin and puffing her chest. Though, it did make herself blush at the thought. She couldn't put a claw on why, though she knew she was fond of the other. For some reason. Maybe it was just respect for her sister. Maybe it was because affection and care wasn't something she commonly expressed.

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Petalnose tells her rank means nothing in battle, and Emberflower bats at her playfully with a paw. "You think so? I don't know. Maybe you're right, but I feel like they had to earn those titles somehow." She thinks of Cindershade, and not for the first time she considers how similar Petalnose and her sister are. The tabby confirms this when she tells Emberflower how she wouldn't have known when to stop had she led the patrol.

She shakes her head in protest, but it ceases when her friend presses her flank to hers. The auburn-spotted she-cat purrs, "Well, I won't argue with you anymore. Even if I disagree. You're very convincing, you know that?" She touches her nose to Petalnose's shoulder, blinking gratefully at the other she-cat. She's lucky to have a friend who defends her even when she doubts herself.

Emberflower's smile fades briefly. "I like battle; it's more about enjoyment than bravery. But what stings the most is not my injuries, it's that my Clanmates got hurt." "I agree," she mews quietly. "I hate seeing that, especially over a bit of territory... I know it belongs to us, and I want it back just as much as anyone else, but there has to be a smarter way to go about it... right?" She shrugs. She's no leader, no strategist, but she knows the tactic they are currently employing -- flinging themselves into battle at every opportunity to do so -- is only weakening their Clan further.

Petalnose dismisses her injuries, and Emberflower's ears flatten goodnaturedly. "Just make sure you listen to Beesong and rest when you're supposed to. I'll come make you if I have to!" She swats Petalnose gently with a sheathed white paw, but she obliges, carefully licking the wound and talking around her task. "We could spar, maybe. Cindershade has tried to teach me some moves, but I'll confess... I don't practice them enough for it to do any good." She flicks an ear thoughtfully. "Maybe if you help me practice, I'll get better, and she can stop worrying over me."


"I do agree, but think about it. What if your strengths and weaknesses are opposite so there are things you can take advantage of. For example, swiftness and agility fighting someone who excels strength. There's a bigger chance you'll lose do experience but if you stay confident and try to figure out their weakness you can defeat them.. or.. get near glory."
To her, swiftness was her strength. She could easily become overpowered but luckily the Thunderclan deputy was smaller than her. She didn't get out of his grasp easily noting the claws on her hindlimbs but she still struck him down on the ground and gave him an injury that may hurt as bad as hers. Then she dodged his mate, mainly due to her announcing her presence. It was as if she wanted her to see her. If she was quiet she'd probably would have suffered more, she would be pinned to the ground again feeing claws drag against her flesh. Did some of the Thunderclanners not want to hurt them?

Petalnose was not aware Nightbird had let Emberflower go as well, she was in the heat of the moment and then suddenly fled at the call. She hadn't started paying attention until now. Although, Emberflower didn't suffer much. As so it seemed unless internal bleeding came to exist. She was grateful to see her more well than she herself was but it made her think that most of Thunderclan didn't want to hurt them or they were scared. If she saw them scared, it'd make her more confident than she was at the battle. Doubt was poison. It was weakness. It made you prone to mistakes. Maybe they can defeat them with more numbers.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Emberflowers words, lightly chuckling, "Mhm. Anyone who argues with me should know they will or should lose." She gave the other she-cat a teasing smirk and puffed her chest. Then it fell to a soft smile as she pressed her nose against her shoulder, purring softly in an almost instinctive manner. She admired the other for simply going through the mission, drawing claws too when Sunfreckle confirmed battle. Emberflower's body looked as if it could take more strikes than she could, so Petalnose didn't quite understand why she possessed less confidence than she had. She wondered why she didn't think she did well.

Emberflower then brought up a question. She creased her brows once more and looked at the sky in thought. Did they really have another way of going about taking the rocks? "Personally, I don't know. I don't think so. I think if we kindly talk to them we'll just get claws to the face. I don't think they'll give it back without force as they so claimed that they earned it. Stupid they crossed our own border to take a problem that should be ours. I would've gouged those dogs eyes out myself with a smile on my face. They're thieves, there's no other option for thieves. That's my view of it. I imagine Cicadastar does too as he instructed us to break code." Petalnose personally thought violence was the answer, she was quick to snap if a cat was to show her attitude. It was her character. It only made sense for her. Though, she did stop to think of other options as Emberflower asked. It made her wonder of her views. Since she was such a different character than she was, nearly opposites, "What do you think?" Emberflower is a cheerful and optimistic warrior, she expected an opposite view. It was one she'd take interest in hearing, enthusiasm to listen. Even if she wouldn't agree, she wanted to hear from her.

Emberflower instructed her to listen to Beesong and rest. There was inner dread of being cooped up in the medicine den. It was known that Petalnose snuck out during recovery of her poisoning, she could only imagine she was teasing her from hearing the gossip. The Molly jolted back at the swipe with a playful glitter in her eyes, "Oh? And what are you going to do if I don't?" She urged, aiming to flick her tail under her chin in tease. She internally knew she wouldn't listen, so the warrior neither denied or confirmed she'd follow directions. It would be interesting to see the Molly's reaction however. She nearly chuckled at the thought of her holding her down when she tried to sneak out or staring her down so she didn't have a chance at escape. Maybe she'd plan a fake sneak out when she knew she'd get caught by her, see what she had planned for her. Petalnose was curious.

"Oh, I'm honored. I can help you become sharp and ready before your next spar with Cindershade. Now, I expect to see confidence as I told you." It was playful, giving her a challenging expression as if they were going to spar then. She'd aim to softly bump her body against hers, careful to not actually trip her if she succeeded. Playful and affectionate. "Definitely, we don't want her worrying over you and I don't want to be either. You're a warrior, you must have passed your assessment somehow. I believe in you."
