NEW BEGINING // first day




He could barely believe that he had got accepted in and here he was brought back into the wolves den. Blight felt a tug of anxiety in his chest as he stood there in the middle of camp with big round eyes. There was so many cats here. Would there even be a spot anywhere for him to hide?. It didn't look like it unless he wanted to sleep in one of the trees!. That was not really tempting. Swollowing the young tom brought the tail closer to himself before he ducked his head down to not bring unecessery attention to himself. Blight started to walk when the npc warrior did who brought him to one of the dens. " This is the apprentice den. You're going to sleep in here until you become a warrior." The warrior explained, and Blight would nod his head in understanding.

The warrior disappeared shortly afterwards into the den, and Blight heared them calling out to someone inside of there. " Hey you!. We have got a new member today. He is your responsibility to show around and teach him all he needs to know about our lives here. Understood?. Great!. I will leave him to you then." The warrior was quick to leave the den again offering nothing more but a nod of his head to the stray before the warrior just walked away, leaving the newcommer to whoever the warrior just had dropt him on.

Preparing himself, Blight would wait patiently to see who would leave that den. A smile was already in its place and as uncomfortable and tensed looking it might have looked it was the best he could give in that moment. Whoever it was he hoped they where nice, and hopefully they wouldn't ask him houndred of questions. Smooth. He just wanted this day go by smoothly so it finally could be over....

// if you play an apprentice feel free to be the one the npc warrior called out to and ditched Blight on! cx

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Morningpaw looks up in surprise as one of the warriors greets her with a young cat she doesn't recognize in tow. She blinks at him, friendly, but is intent on going back to her task when the warrior instructs her to be the one to acclimate him to SkyClan life.

Her eyes go round as moons. But, I... I don't even live here full-time! I just became an apprentice myself! She opens her mouth to protest, but the warrior whisks himself away, to more important things, leaving Morningpaw alone with this newcomer.

She fixes him with a nervous smile and lifts a speckled paw to her face. She grooms the pads, which are sore from walking on frosted earth, and begins to speak around her mouthful of paw. "Um... hi. You must be new to SkyClan." She lowers her gaze. "I'm Morningpaw. I don't, um, I don't even really live here all the time... I mostly stay in ThunderClan... but my father is Blazestar, so I... I come here, too..." The heat rushes to her face. Is she a mousebrain, or what!

She tries to give her pelt a shake. "Um, I only just became an apprentice, but I can try... I was born in the Clans." She ducks her head shyly. "What is your name? Were you a kittypet before? Or..."

- ,,

It was lucky for Blight that Twitchpaw was not tasked as his guide, for he tended to keep his distance from new faces until they'd been around for a couple days. Who knew, one of them could be a WindClan spy sent to camouflage in twolegplace for a while, masquerade as a kittypet and just waltz right in with no recognition! The chances were low, sure- but never zero. Never ever zero, but he'd assure himself that it was as close to zero as possible.

Unprepared for a new face as he took a change of bedding to the apprentice den, Twitchpaw was hardly looking where he was going when he almost walked square into Morningpaw as she trailed off from her sentence. A yelp had already left him even before he lifted startled eyes to meet the gaze of a newcomer, name unknown to him. "SHhhh- shhquirrels!" An eyelid twitched as he managed to save himself from swearing, the bedding supplies tumbling from his mouth and bundling at his paws. "You, uh- sorry. I wasn't- I wasn't looking where I was going." Maybe at least by some cruel serendipity- should such a thing exist- he'd learn the name of this newcomer. That was a step. And if it sounded like a fake name... he'd be onto it.
penned by pin ✧
A newcomer? The sound of a warrior assigning his little sister the responsibility of showing the tom around SkyClan made Firefly smirk, though the seal point is quick to stand up and stride over. Though he towers over his sister already, Firefly cranes his neck downwards just a bit to make himself seem smaller for her sake. His shoulders bunched, slouching over with a sheepish grin towards the other.

"Of course he's new, didn't you hear that Warrior?" He teased his sister, gently bumping his shoulder into her own before Twitchpaw nearly bumbles right into her. "Woah, easy there- you got it, Twitch?" He asks the tom, getting up to help gather some of the nesting supplies he had dropped. Neatly tucked together, Firefly smiles a toothy grin towards Twitchpaw before he turns to face the newcomer.

"Hiya! I'm Fireflypaw. This one's name is Twitchpaw. Weeeeeelcome to SkyClan!" He sings out, a chime of a tune on a squeaking voice. He still hadn't grown into it, after all. His tail twitches behind him, waving in greeting to the tom. "Oh, oh! Maybe he was a kittypet. I heard the food tastes pretty good sometimes."

Looks like he was not the only one who was uncomfortable with the warriors decision. In fact he felt a little bit bad for the she-cat since she looked to have completely got caught of guard. Now she was stuck with him. Blight could only imagine how that must feel. " Hi, and yeah...just joined today." he greeted them back and offerd a apologic looking smile. Blight took a moment before he would approach a little bit closer until he took a seat, didn't look like they where going anywhere anytime soon so he could as well take advantage of this and rest his sour paws for a bit. He listened to what she said next that she was not a full member here and actually belonged to thunderclan. Huh. so there was more clans out there in the forest?. He wondered how many clans there were...It was something he had to remember to learn about later. " Uh, well that sounds like a busy life to you in two places. Don't worry, i'm not really expecting much...i mean, uhm, i'm fine with just talking if that would make things easier for you?" Blight gave a light shrug with an awkward smile. If tables had been turned around, Blight would have felt like Morningpaw did right now.

He wasn't sure what to feel that this one was the daughter to thier mysterious leader he hadn't even got a chance to meet yet. Blight was tempted to ask what sort of cat Blazestar was like. If judging by the name alone he sounded like a...serious cat. Was he nice or cruel?. That was what he really wanted to know but he...decided against it. What if it would be a rude question to ask and Morningpaw felt offended?. No, no, no. He didn't wanna risk anything here so he keept his mouth shut. " That's pretty cool, to have a father who rules everything around here. Promise to not snitch on me though if i ever break any rules!. " he decided to say instead and in his head it had sounded good but now after having spoken them out...he paniced. That didn't sound good at all!. " Uhm, i mean - not like i'm planning too!.. haha i-i'm not a troublemaker i swear!, it..i was just joking. S-sorry, i'm very dumb sometimes." Now it was his time to blush in embarassment. Quickly he would duck down with his head to stare down at his paws in silence. Stupid!, stupid!.

Before he could continue the conversation with the she-cat he was startled when another cat almost stumbled themselves into Morningpaw. Blight eyes widened when this unkown tom looked up so their eyes would meet, noticing that something was wrong with this cat eye. His gaze would drop to the things this brown and white tom had dropt from thier jaws. " That's okay, no worries. Let me hel-" he spoke and leaned himself down about to help pick some of the stuff up that this tom had dropt but when he was about to reach out for one of the bedding materials another paw that was not his own got placed right on the same thing he had reached his paw out for. Blinking his mismatched orbs, Blight looked up to meet whoever that paw had belonged too. Blight stared for a moment before he quickly got back up and stumbled backwards, panic in his gaze. " S-sorry!." he stuttered out and looked away.

It took a moment for him to calm his nerves down again, but once he had Blight would slowly glance back over to the seal point. Fireflypaw was his name huh?, and the other tom name was Twitchpaw. He wondered how many names he would need to remember. He would smile shyly and wave a paw to them in a greeting. He had to admit out of everyone today Fireflypaw had the most warm welcome, and also the most energic one.

And then they where back to his former life again. Both Morningpaw and Fireflypaw were guessing he might have been a kittypet. If only things had been that easy... He shook his head. " No...i have never been a kittypet. I have been a stray my whole life. I do have tasted kittypet food though!. It's not as bad you might think. Oh yeah, also my name is Blight!. Sorry, i'm kinda bad at introducing myself. " He would awkwardly chuckle, flashback to when he had been accepted. He had forgotten to introdcue himself back then too!. Hah, he really couldn't do anything right...

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there is a newcomer within their camp, and the npc warrior who marches into the apprentices' den makes this everyone's business. they bark out an order to someone, but violetpaw has no clue who the unlucky soul is. (if it was directed at her, the warrior should find some common sense and realize that she'd need more than just a 'hey you!' it's not like she could see where the npc is looking.)

the unlucky soul turns out to be morningpaw, she realizes as the younger molly greets the newcomer. violetpaw finds herself snickering at the sheer awkwardness of the exchange. wow, that npc really picked the worst choice that they could for this task!

the newcomer, who sounds no older than violetpaw herself, mirrors morningpaw's graceless conversational skills. she listens to him carefully, sizing him up, picking him apart. nervous, unsure of himself, and pretty shitty at telling jokes. violetpaw wrinkles her snout as he tells morningpaw not to snitch on him to her dad, only to backpedal heartbeats later. he claims that he was just joking about needing to be snitched on. "well, i'd hope so! you wouldn't want to meet the same fate as centipedepaw for breaking the rules." she grins, leaning in the direction of the new guy's voice. half-warning, half-joking.

twitchpaw stumbles into the conversation, quite literally. a yelp, followed by a pattering of unsteady pawsteps, and finally... an exclamation that sounded far too close to becoming a curse, before twitchpaw catches himself. violetpaw feigns a gasp, one paw raising to her chest in mock disbelief. "twitchpaw! do my ears deceive me? were you about to let loose a cuss?"

did violetpaw care if twitchpaw cussed? hell no. was it funny to tease him for it anyways? hell yes.

fireflypaw suggests that maybe the newcomer was a kittypet. violetpaw quirks a brow, and tastes the air. he didn't smell like kittypets usually did. and she's right; the newcomer reveals that he was a former stray, not a kittypet. he also reveals that his name is blight, and violetpaw has to do a double take before she chortles. "blight? isn't that a disease?" violetpaw comments, giggling at the horrible name this poor kid's been saddled with. who hated this poor kid so much they named him after a disease? she wonders if blazestar will keep it; she doubts it, since blazestar is nothing if not a huge pansy. "okay, blight. i'm plaguepaw."

"Its not nice to haze someone on their first day Violetpaw." Mushroomkit chirps, feeling strengthened by the presence of Morningpaw and Fireflypaw enough that watching from the sidelines doesn't seem as appealing. She's not sure she's using that word right, but it sounds like she is. So she's about 80% sure its the right time for it.

Ordinarily she wouldn't really have any reason to defend Blight, but perhaps its the way Daisyflight's kit seems all to willing to twist the death of Centipedepaw, of someone's family, someone's friend, as a way to threaten people that rubs her all the wrong ways. Its not Blight's fault that someone named him that, and obviously if he hadn't changed it, then surely he didn't mind it. "I'm Mushroomkit, my grandpa used to be a stray for a bit, but we were loners before comin' here."
