New beginnings [Yewberry]


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

[ post pregnancy news for timeline reasons :)) ]

She felt stuck. It had only been a few short hours since Dandelionwish had given her the diagnosis: kittens. She was growing kittens- about quarter of the way along by the looks of it.
She had been in and out of the medicine den all day- even just to ask Dandelionwish to do another check, she had to be sure.
Now she scuffled outside of the entrance once more, single eye focused too heavily on shuffling forepaws when the sense that another pair of eyes were on her prompted her to look up.
From just inside the den, she noticed a familiar pair of honey eyes looking at her- or at least in her general direction.
Of course, she had spaced the fact that Yewberry had been in the medicine den, undoubtedly catching at least a fragment of her visits with Dandelionwish.
Gingerly, she took a couple steps forward, offering her friend a warm but sheepish smile. "Alright, be honest. How crazy do I look?" She hummed towards the pale tom, referring to her nervous pacing outside of the den only moments before. She pauses before settling down against the mouth of the den. Yewberry is a friend, though she can’t bring herself to vent her worries to the injured tom. "How…how are you healing up?" She then prompts lightly, single eye scanning over her bandages wounds.


It's not that he didn't like the medicine den. It was fine. But it wasn't his lavender bush. The den had so many different smells and had visitors often enough it made him nervous.

He wasn't sure why exactly, but it did. Even if he was familiar with everyone.

On top of that, he felt terrible for giving Dandelionwish more work. He felt terrible for losing a battle as badly as he did. He was still nursing that wound, but the physical wounds were healing well enough.

He had heard some interesting news though, while in here. He was dying to talk to Echolight about it.

And who should come in at just the right moment? The molly of the hour herself.

He laughed. " You're not crazy! I think it's normal to be nervous!" He said. He had to be honest with himself, the thought of something growing inside him, taking nutrients from him, and then painfully exiting his body sounded horrible. But hey! That was life, nothing he could do about it.

As long as he didn't think about it too hard, he was happy for his friend.

"I'm healing up fine..." He said. "Still wish I could have fought better, though."

The way Bristlekit was SO DISAPPOINTED IN HIM was going to scar him for life.

His validation and laugh bring Echolight a small bit of ease, though it’s only shown in a brief exhale and a small smile.
She tilts her head at Yewberrys reply to her question, almost shaking it. "It’s not your fault- anyone around here knows you’re a talented warrior" she replies, her tone genuine. "Besides, you’ll have some kick-ass scars! Every skilled warrior has a Nick or two" she added, tilting her head forward as a bigger smile blossomed on her features, before drawing her head back to its normal position, creating a drawn-out nod to emphasize her point.
Briefly, she casts her head over her shoulder to get a look at the prey pile. "Are you hungry? We could share some dinner! A distraction might be good for me right now."



He smiled at the reassuring words. They made him realize just how self deprecating he was to himself when he almost replied to say the contrary.

"Yeah.... You're right." He replied. If only he had fought better, he'd feel better about his scars then.

Dinner, on the other hand. He hadn't had any. He had been too worried about opening his wounds or undoing the cobwebs Dandelionwish put on. Plus, he just didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Of course! I haven't eaten yet, so it will do us both some good." He said. "Maybe leave something for Dandelionwish too, he deserves it." He added.

He had one burning question he wanted to ask, anyways. Maybe it was a little nosy, but.....He wanted to know who the father was.

He wanted to know who he had to fight if they treated her badly!

He had a feeling he wouldn't have to do that, though. Echolight seemed so happy and didn't seem to have any strange cuts, so. He knew he didn't have to smack anyone.

Echolight nods along with his agreement for a meal. It only takes her a moment or two to grab them both a rabbit and a small bird for Dandy- she’d leave it by his nest before she left.
The newly proclaimed queen gently dropped the rabbit at Yewberrys paws before sitting down herself, her tail flicking to and fro as she tried to focus on the setting sun.
Yet, there was something unasked- and with one glance back to the peering Yewberry, Echolight left out a hefty sigh, shrugging back to the entrance of the medicine den to relieve some of her extra weight.
"You can ask if you want, I’m not sure if there’s a good answer, though" she offered Yewberry- it was the truth. Her forbidden lover had yet to find out the news himself, and Echolight had always been cautious. Her own father ran, perhaps he would to?
No… no. He isn’t him. He’s better than that. He loves me…
Echolight catches her thoughts before they can spiral, looking back over to Yewberry.

"Thank you." He said as the rabbit was placed at his paws. He was eager to take a bite, if ANYTHING healed the soul from the wounds of depression, it was food.

Had he been so obvious? He wanted to know who the father was, but she didn't have to tell him if she didn't want to.

".... I'll admit, I'm curious to know who the father is." He admitted with a sheepish smile. " You don't have to tell if you don't want to, though."