new fang + shimmerpaw

At the heels of Pitchstar's most recent public address, Smogmaw landed himself in the company of something novel to him. An apprentice, an adolescent to be taken under his wing until reaching a certain point of maturity. Only StarClan knew how long that'd take. Heavens willing, young Shimmerpaw wouldn't prove to be too much of an obstacle in the way of the older tom's desires. Smogmaw shall train him, this wasn't a question - but the extent which his apprentice appreciated the training went insofar as how much he cooperated in the long run. ShadowClan is known amongst the clans for its harsh methods of tutelage, and the mackerel tabby didn't intend to deviate from his clan's reputation.

Night has fallen by the time he waltzes over to the apprentice's den, poking his head inside the bramble to see an assortment of young'uns inside. "Shimmerpaw!" he spits, disturbing the smattering of apprentices who slept, "Come'ere, it's time to teach you what it means to be a ShadowClan cat."

He moseys on over to the camp's entrance, seating himself down on the cool muck as he awaits his student.




Shimmerpaw had come to accept that his presence in Shadowclan was something of a controversial matter. He was an outsider infringing on their already scarce resources at a time when things were only going to get harder for the marsh cats, and while understanding exactly why he was so outcasted in this place certainly brought about a fresh wave of anxieties to sort out, it also helped a lot. At least now Shimmer understood what the issue was and could work toward fixing it- because he would fix it. The boy may have been small and left uncertain in a world he was only just now learning to navigate, but if there was one that any cat could rest assured on, it was the fact that Shimmer hated disapointing others.

He was jolted from his lazy conversation with Claypaw by Smogmaws sharp call, and the cream tabby practically stumbled out of his nest after the other in an attempt to not keep them waiting. Truth be told, Shimmerpaw still had no idea what to expect from Smogmaw. The warrior was every bit as intimidating as a Shadowclan warrior could be and the blue eyed boy could never tell what the darker feline was thinking. Now was a perfect example of that. He had no idea what his mentor wanted with him at this hour or what the implications of his words were, and as he made his way over to stand before the larger tomcat he could only hope that whatever expectations they held for Shimmerpaw were ones he could meet.

"I'm ready, Smogmaw!" he called, flashing the older male a nervous but polite smile. As unsteady as he felt in all this, Shimmer was eager to begin his training. He was happy to learn and intruiged with the idea of being able to improve and be useful to others, and he knew the ornery grey tabby before him was his ticket to winning over to the rest of the clan. Once Smogmaw taught him how to be a proper Shadowclanner, he'd finally be able to fit in.


If the runty interloper has anything going for him, it's his keenness to prove himself. The older tom finds himself more confident in his ability to train his apprentice when he spots a certain creamy form so soon after being summoned. He's seen forest-grown cats with less than a shred of the drive that Shimmerpaw carried, and it makes him more confident in his ability to train the boy - by a very small margin, as it were.

"Good," remarks Smogmaw through an unfazed expression, although there is a glint of approval in his eyes. He stands facing the shorter male, back turned towards the dark wilderness beyond camp. "Tonight marks the beginning of a very long process. Could take moons, maybe an entire cycle of seasons, I cannot say. But once that cycle is over, you'll have left the bounds of your prior life behind, and become one of us."

Pedantically speaking, Shimmerpaw already is a ShadowClan cat, both in name and in rank. In the eyes of the seasoned warrior, however, the lad couldn't be considered a proper clan cat until his worldview mirrored his own. "There are some things you must know before we begin," he says. The blowing wind causes the fur on his cheeks to dance as he breaks into a diatribe. "In these woods, there are three types of people. There are suckers, there are cheats, and there are the trustworthy."

"Suckers help out everybody, even when they aren't asked to, and they are taken advantage of. Cheats try to take advantage of everybody, and although they get their way for a while, people start to get tired of them and they get ostracised." Smogmaw abruptly halts his spiel and casts a glance to his rear, motioning for Shimmerpaw to trail him. He continues once the camp is a fair breadth behind them. "Thunderclan, SkyClan, those two groups are made up of suckers," he says, "and I can't say much about RiverClan, 'cause they never talk to anyone else, but know that WindClan is bustling with cheats."

Stopping in his tracks yet again, he pivots to view his apprentice. "If you haven't figured it out by now, this clan thrives in the shadows. We prowl through the night 'n keep to ourselves, and we don't let other people take advantage of us. But when a clanmate needs help, we give 'em the assistance they need, 'cause we know they'll assist us in return."

The address, despite its length, is not prepared. It's a reflection of the tom's personal philosophy, a viewpoint which hasn't been put into speech before. On one hand, he's divulging as a means to leave a lasting taste in Shimmerpaw's mouth - if Pitchstar wants him to teach the boy, then Smogmaw needs him to think exactly the same way as him. On the other hand, childish naivety isn't nearly as efficient as jaded cynicism.

"We refuse to cooperate with cheaters, we exploit suckers, and we help people who help us back," he summarises. His gruff voice is wearing thin by this point in time. "That is what it means to be trustworthy," says Smogmaw. "That's what it means to be a ShadowClan warrior."

The actual extent of how much he's spoken completely evades him. Here's hoping his little underling is a good listener. "So, I've got one question for you: are you trustworthy?"




There's a moment when he's genuinelysurprised when Smogmaw begins to speak, not because of what the tom is saying, but because from what Shimmerpaw can see, the older tom seems to actually be taking it seriously. If he was honest with himself, the boy had been a little nervous about being paired with Smog, have convinced they wouldn't even be interested in trying to train him because he wasn't a born Shadowclanner, and the realization that he was actually being taught something had his ears pricking forward as he listened to the other speak with rapt attention.

He let the words sink in, did his best to learn the lesson he was being told. He had never thought about the world like that before, and while there was a small part of him that felt a little bad grouping cats into such generalized terms, he understood what Smogmaw was getting at. A shadowclanner couldn't allow themselves to be soft or manipulated, couldn't be a sucker.

That's what they see you as. a small voice chimed in the back of his head, and while the realization hurt it didn't tear his confidence away. No, this was good. Smogmaw was helping him, showing him the way, and when they finally spoke their question to him, Shimmer straightened up, determination flashing in baby blues.

"I'm trustworthy!" he insisted, pausing for a moment to add, " Or at least, I will be, starting today! Whatever Shadowclan asks of me, I'll do it." he insisted, meeting Smogmaws gaze. He wanted to belong here, and if that meant bending his moral code a bit, then he could do that. He had to, the brief glimmer of approval in his mentors gaze like food to a starving dog. Then, a touch softer, "I won't be a sucker anymore. I know that's what I've been."


Enthusiastic affirmation rings out from the creamy tom's maw, and it is met with a confirming grunt from the older warrior. Demonstrating his capacity to listen clearly, as well as heeding instructions the moment they leave his mentor's mouth, Shimmerpaw has established himself as optimal training material. And with Smogmaw having earned his apprentice's confidence, making the best use out of him becomes all the more easier.

"Good," proclaims the tabby, dipping his head in approval. Whether or not the juvenile's words meant anything would soon be put to the test, but to hear his eagerness is a good start. There's a lot he didn't know about the boy, the bulk of which he didn't want to know, but the very fact that he isn't of colonist origin means there's an abundance of teaching to be done. The real question is if Shimmerpaw will test his patience while his own knowledge is put to the test.

For a moment, he points his nose towards the far reaches of ShadowClan's territory. When his gaze returns to the apprentice, it is stony and unsparing. "Alright, kid," he utters, in an icy tone contrasting the informative one from before. "You're going to run to Carrionplace and back. If the sun comes up before you return, you're cleaning elder's nests until next gathering."

A nudge of his noggin enforces the demand. Shimmerpaw better get a move on. ​

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