NEW GOLD \ sparkpaw

Jul 27, 2022

An apprentice to call his own! What a privilege- while he awaited his ultimate prophecy, enduring days and days of his faith being tested, it was nice that he would finally be able to pass something on to ThunderClan in real time. His apprentice had expressed brightly an interest in learning how to fight, and that wish was his command! So, with Sparkpaw in tow he headed to the Sandy Hollow, a place where he had bore witness to many a spar. Since it was their first training session together, Trufflepelt would not ask his apprentice to fight immediately- but there were instincts to battle, preconceptions that he had to admit his curiosity about.

Gilded eyes met his apprentices's own, a pleasant smile aglow upon his tusk-toothed maw. "Now, Sparkpaw," Voice gentle but level in its teaching-tone, Trufflepelt commanded attention. "What do you think is the most important thing when locked in battle?"

\ @Spark-kit !

First day of training!!! He was so excited holy shit. He was vibrating. He couldn't sit still. He felt like he was going to explode. Sparkpaw bounced after Trufflepelt on their way to the sandy hollow, you'd think he was a rabbit.


Wether he could be understood or not was a mystery. But here he was now in the hollow, with a question being presented to him.

The most important thing in battle........



"To put your enemy down before he puts you down????"

Well. He wasn't WRONG...... He liked to think so anyways.

He was not wrong, and that Trufflepelt would tell him. Not before a laugh exited his maw, chime-like, for what infectious enthusiasm! If Sparkpaw put his all into every single lesson like this, then their training sessions would be but a joyful breeze! It was a wonder he did not rocket off into the sky, sailing through the clouds...

"Close," he murmured, voice thick with fondness and humour. "It is speed. If you strike quickly and powerfully, your opponent will never see what is coming. You will fell them before they get a chance to even graze you." It was the ultimate strategy- one he had a decade to perfect. He did not expect Sparkpaw to get it immediately, but... "Now, how do you think one might achieve that?"