new here!

snail :)

so much for stardust
Oct 26, 2023
hi all!
it's been a couple years since i have done warriors rp, i was on wcrpg/feralfront for many years.. i wanna say starting around 2014 or 2013? but decided i wanted to dip my toes back in. i'm expecting to be very busy with my study next month but i thought i may as well do something i find fun in the meantime. unexpectedly after a while of not writing anything other than essay stuff i feel so inspired to do creative writing, i think lots my interests i had when i was younger are coming back which i'm finding weird but oddly cathartic.
hope to see y'all around :)
Hi welcome snail! We’re happy to have you! I’m blitz, one of the admins so I’m always available for any questions you might have. There are lots of old ff rpers here so you’ll be in good company! Can’t wait to rp with you!
hi there, nice to meet you!! i'm marq, one of the admins :] totally get you on the old interests randomly coming back lol. i'm in all the clans so if you decide to jump in, i'm sure we'll rp together!! and like blitz said, feel free to reach out to one of us if you have any questions about anything!