new life, breakaway l joining


Sep 11, 2022

retro wildfire

Since he was a kit, he'd heard his mother tell wild stories about his father. In one, his pop was a courageous clan cat who fought off dogs to protect his mate and promised to whisk her away to a sweet den by a river one day. (It's just that there was always another battle to fight and he wouldn't bring them until it was safe.) In another, he was a viscous rogue that stalked the thunderpath without fear, striking down other cats until the ice on his heart melted for mother. (Too bad he was on the run from a gang of cats who threatened his family!) In yet another, he was a medicine cat known for his brilliance and dedication to his clan but promised to give it all up for his beautiful queen. (He just hadn't gotten around to it yet, the kitten guessed.) Always consistently however, if his father could see his son now, he'd be so happy.

As a kit, all of this seemed somehow possible simultaneously but as he began to mature, Jaypaw began to sense a pattern. If father cared so much, where was he? If the clans are so great, then why did they stay with twolegs? His mother even gave him a clan name, "Jaywish," but told him that he couldn't have the full thing until he was older. "Aren't leaders supposed to give warrior names, mom?" "Aren't mothers their kit's leaders, silly?" No matter how much he questioned, his mother would only gesture to their food bowls and return to her fluffy pillow. He'd beg her for the truth but any inquiries, especially about his father, would go into one ear and out the other. It drove the curious kitten mad but he had to come to live with it. Regardless of what she intended by all of her colorful tales, it did implant a desire for adventure in her wide eyed child. It's just, he never imagined he'd be going alone.

"So sleepy..." The roughed up looking apprentice blinks slowly with exhaustion, one eye on delay from the other as he tries to fight the siren song of the rushing forest wind around him. It's a miracle that he isn't crowfood by now or in some predator's stomach but it doesn't mean he's in great shape. He's lost track of how many moons ago it was that he ran off as he collapses in a cradle of tree roots, his ribs poking out prominently under his dulled coat. Jaypaw hugs his stone scratched paws to his chest and closes his pale blue eyes. Becoming an orange and white magnet for the leaves that trickle down. "I'll just... rest my eyes..." Just for a moment.
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A strange scent rode the wind toward him, like the skip of a stone on water's surface. There- then not. But more there than not. Peculiar that he did not know- knowledge was the one thing Berryheart had always relied on himself to have- but the wind tended to interfere with tracking. Scents got muddled up, directions sullied... it was a bother, really.

Tracking disregarded, Berryheart faltered in his ambling gait for a moment when olivine eyes finally befell the source of the strange odour- a cat, unfamiliar to him. His memory-methods were not quite conventional, but they were reliable; he would have recognised this tom had he known him, somewhere in the crevices of his mind. But, no- this was a stranger, autumn and snow painted, eyes closed and curled in the surely uncomfortable arms of a tree's roots.

It was unwise, frankly, to take a nap in such a ridiculous place. Firstly, it was windy out- he'd be better off in shelter. Secondly, there was no sunlight here to warm his pelt as it rose and fell, aiding the kindling lull of dreams . Thirdly- finally- his joints would despise him when he awoke, having been kneaded in all sorts of unnatural fashions from the lack of bedding. For his own good, Berryheart resolved to jolt him awake- thus, forth came a white-toed paw, aiming to prod the stranger in the shoulder in an attempt to stir him.

Leafshade would not be far behind his clanmate, Berryheart being one of the only clan cats he could tolerate usually meant that where one was the other usually would be. His pale blue ear would twitch as Berry changed course from the rest of the patrol and wandered off, but Leaf would follow if only to ensure that should there be trouble at least the other tom wasn't alone.

But it would seem trouble was the last thing to greet them. Berryheart was prodding at a small, curled-up body among tree roots and fallen leaves and Leafshade would frown. A kit? No, maybe a bit older than a kit, but the way his bones jutted from his hide made the warrior uncomfortable.

Should the lone cat arouse from his clanmates' prodding, Leaf would step forward and meow sternly, "What are you doing out here alone? Where is your family?"


Jaypaw pops up with a jolt, shooting out a confetti party of leaves. He'd quickly learned in his short time in the wild that not reacting could kill him but at the same time the follow up is so sluggish that it probably wouldn't matter in a real dangerous situation. His wide eyes lock onto the adult but the lids lull back down in exhaustion or maybe relief. Part of Jaypaw feels ashamed because he can't stop himself from staring all of a sudden. He's never seen a cat with a face like this and he's yet to even notice his leg. In the prim, neat rows of homes he came from, there was no room for a feline that wasn't handsomely perfect both in grooming and in physique. Maybe he'd seen some others through the glass, just passing by here and now, but always at a distance. Even through all that, this might as well be the sweetest face he's ever seen considering they're not trying to put him in the ground.

A few seconds more and the tom finally comes to his senses enough to speak and his eyes snap down to the ground. "Oh, h-hey. Sorry... I was just taking a breather..." He's not sure what he's apologizing for exactly but he feels like he should. Maybe for looking too long. His nose catches up then too and he wiggles it, unsure of what scent he's noting. It's like a gathering of cats, very faintly, but all clogged up with the various scents of the forest too. Then it's stronger and before he knows it there's another cat. As the seal point steps forward, he shrinks back, and automatically laughs nervously to try to ease the tension in his thinned form. Jaypaw looks between the two toms who've found him. He's not sure if he should tell the truth, that he ran away looking for a dog that probably would have torn him to bits too if he'd actually found it. Or, something that might make him look equally stupid, has put himself in danger looking for a cat that might not even exist. Maybe he just is dumb.

"Uh... I was looking for my dad. He's the only family I have left." He admits it but doesn't give too many details right now though the miserable little grumble toward the end should hint at misfortune. "Who are you two? And where am I?" The young cat swivels his head around the forest surrounding them as if expecting more cats to appear out of the woodworks. It's already clear to himself that he has no skill in sensing someone coming, even after all of this 'training' during the trip. He remembers then that he should probably introduce himself too. "I'm Jaypaw." That wasn't his kittypet name but he's afraid to share that one. The tom remembers that some clans don't really like kittypets and with his collar is lost in the mud miles back, he thinks it's best to play it safe.

A breather- not a nap. That was... wiser, but still not wise, in this place... still, he knew not from how far this tom had travelled. Contemplative eyes shifted toward Stretch as he spoke, questions that were commonplace for any stranger upon their land. This tom, flame and snow, seemed relatively harmless, what with his drifting tone and lack of eye-contact- he figured there was no rush in unsheathing his claws. Not that he was ever in much of a rush to do that...

His father? He knew no tom here with a long lost son... how had this tom- who Berry quickly inwardly dubbed Sprawls for his 'interesting' sleeping choice- strayed so far out? "I'm Berryheart. This is ThunderClan," murmured low, his baritone aided not his sense of friendliness, nor were his words particularly helpful outside of answering the questions directly asked. Neutrality surged from him in waves, dull green eyes settling wonky but comfortably upon the other. He introduced himself by name, but... he had already earned the alias Berryheart would forever know him by. It was much easier to remember someone by first impression...

"Thunderclan..." The young cat speaks with a bit of awe in his tone, mostly because he didn't know any clan names. They were just the clans and he kicks himself for not thinking to ask. Not that his mom would have given him a real answer probably, but it would have been worth a try. All of a sudden, that pondering confusion is replaced with a look of elation on the small feline's face. He's wobbly but he throws a paw into the air with joy, whiskers twitching as he tries to calm his mind into rationality. Sure, this might or might not be the clan that is dad is in but the fact that he made it to one at all is more than probably any neighborhood cat thought someone like him would be capable of.

His father, for now, is put on the backburner as curiosity takes an iron hold. It doesn't seem like Berryheart's neutral tone phases him at all, his own excitement is too strong. "I've never met clan cats before! Is it true that you see ghosts and fight badgers? And the trees? What's the weird ritual there?" Bouncing in place, the tom seems to get a second wind when suddenly he cramps up and flinches down into a crouch. Squeezing one eye closed, Jaypaw's lips pull thin as his stomach growls audibly. Louder than when an upwalker's monster starts crying, he thinks. " Um... Berryheart, could I stay here?" He has no concept of the caveats of such a request or what it means to be a Thunderclanner but surely if clans are as big as he's been told, they might have some food they might not mind sharing.

The annoyed look on his face would lessen only slightly as the younger tom explained his situation, and the longer Leaf looked at him he noted the exhaustion that clung to him like mud. As the cat introduced himself as 'Jaypaw', the warrior's frown would deepen as he opened his maw to scent the air, "That's a clan name, but you don't smell like any of the other clans."

His tone was suspicious but his tail would simply lash behind him. This kid was clearly lying about his name and perhaps a little for what he was in the forest for, but the seal point would simply follow his statement with, "Leafshade." His own curt introduction.

He watches the different emotions flicker upon Jaypaw's face and his whiskers would twitch with the slightest hint of amusement. Weird. But he supposed he was weird too at that age. However, when the young cat flinched and his stomach loudly demanded food something within the warrior hesitated before looking to Berryheart for a moment. "He's just a kid...I don't think Emberstar would turn him away." Not that she turned any cat away, but especially not a kid.

Turning back to Jaypaw he would speak a bit clearer, "You'll have to talk to either our leader Emberstar or our second-in-command, Howling Wind. But if you're hungry in the meantime, maybe we can snag you something."

@emberstar @HOWLING WIND

"You're right about that!" Emberstar's voice called out at Leafshade's comment to Berryheart, her voice as warm and cheerful as ever. The molly padded over, beaming brightly. It was always a wonderful thing to have another new face joining her clan, though her joy faded from concern as she set her eyes on the young tom in question. Hunger ate away at him visibly, and the sight reminded her of the leaf bares she had suffered on her own at his age.

"Oh, we can certainly snag you something!" the molly agreed with Leafshade eagerly. She turned to do just that with out so much as saying a word further, waving a tail toward Jaypaw to follow along. "Nice ta meetcha by the way! My name is Emberstar, and I'm the leader around here! Welcome to Thunderclan."
✦ ★ ✦

It's not until Leafshade points out that fact about his name that Jaypaw realizes that it could be a point of caution, the opposite effect of what he thought it would be. His jaw slacks momentarily before his mouth seals again in a fine line. He wants to say that his mom named him that but that doesn't really explain anything. Of course his parents named him, like most others, and he can't really provide a reason why Jay anyways. He guesses she really did want him to leave the twolegs one day but all of her actions were so conflicting to that so he's not sure.

The young cat looks relieved when the other tom doesn't press it and it's hard to think anyway with his stomach tightening into a painful fist. Still he looks even more reassured when it sounds like his chances to get to stay are good. Jaypaw straightens up, trying not to look too tired, to keep some of that original energy as he nods, "Okay... Uhm, yeah. I hope they... like me. Uh but, I am a little hungry. Thanks, Leafshade." He tries to be casual about it, not wanting to be a burden right off.

Emberstar, Howling Wind, Berryheart, Leafshade. He tries to commit them all to memory but his concentration broken by a bright voice that makes Jaypaw almost jump by the contrast against the others. The tom swivels his head in Emberstar's direction before hopping up like a stick bug despite his fatigue. "Wow, you're the leader? I'm... Jaypaw." He hesitates a little, as if expecting a similar reaction to the warrior's. For some reason, he was expecting someone big and mean and gruff, fitting of a scary name like "thunder." For once he's happy he's wrong. "Food would be amazing..." He finally admits in earnest before following after the Molly as directed. He has a polite small smile on his face but his mind is running, wondering what awaits him in Thunderclan.