new normal || o; rta

It had been three moons since the fire. Three moons since she lost tempest. Both of her kits had earned their names, Wolfwind and Lakemoon. Lily Pad couldn't be prouder of them, but her heart still ached. So much had changed in such a short time, and she still wasn't sure how to wrap her head around it all. But it was time. She couldn't stay trapped in grief for the rest of her life; she needed to keep going.

"I'm going hunting. Does anyone want to join me?"
[ earth girl ]

nightbird had been nearby when the older molly announced she was going hunting. considering it had been a particularly lazy day for the warrior, a hunt couldn't hurt. besides, with the prey slowly yet surely thinning out, they would need all the eyes they could get if the clan was going to stay fed during the upcoming months. small paws carried her over to where lily pad stood as she greeted her with a flick of her ear.

"i'll go, she stated as her dark plumed tail began to twitch with anticipation.
"I'll tag along!" Emberstar offered, padding over with a bright smile. She was glad to see Lily Pad out and about again. It had begun to worry her that the molly might never recover, and she was guilty she hadn't done more to help.

"Where are ya thinking of heading?" she asked curiously.

Like Nightbird, she'd been nearby- lounging in a nearby patch of sunlight, rolled over on to her back and soaking up the remaining warmth of the season. The call for a hunt intrigued her and she scrambles to her paws, her tail swishing behind her as she blinks thoughtfully. "I'd love to come if you'll have me!" she beams towards Lily Pad, also kind of excited to hunt alongside the leader of the clan herself. She'd be on her best behavior, catch as much as she could- Stars knew the clan would need it, the air already smelt like upcoming storms. She was used to it, used to going hungry in the mountains, so if need be, she'd forfeit her own prey for someone else.

Ginger ears twitch at Lily Pad's call. Hunting.

It would do him some good to move, to get out of the camp. Finchcatcher rises from his own spot in the sun and stretches before padding over to the growing group. He greets the lot with a nod of his head.

"I can join in too," the tom offers. Though he doesn't know much about Lily Pad's life before ThunderClan, he thinks she could use the company. Besides, the clan needs all the help it can get before leaf-bare hits. Stars know how much prey they'll have when snow begins to cover the ground.
"Ma' MAAA!!" Wolfwind screeches, abruptly breaking her full-bodied run to screech to a halt in front of the gathering patrol. "Why didn't you invite me firssttt? You're really gonna make me battle with all these chumps for a spot?" she whines. Of course she means chumps lovingly, (except for Emberstar, she was actually a chump, but a tolerable one!) At least, the other three were free of chump status! (...for now)

"I need to show you the hunting skills that passed my assessment, ya?" Boldly she declares, dropping into a crouch as if she were about to devour Finchcatcher like a whole ass MEAL.