New starts || o. Settling in


|| Lemon Boy ||
Apr 27, 2023

Radio Silence ♥

To say the least, when he heard that he and his friend would be seprated, it had come to a shock for the apprenticed-age tom, but soon enough Bumble would learn to accept and adapt to the changes, even began to work awkwardly on a moss nest within the apprentice den, chosing an empty spot near the walls while he awkwardly worked on the mishapened nest, green eyes focused on what was before him. Truth be told, hearing how different clan life was, had came to intrigue the tom and something he was learning to quickly adapt to, and just hope soon others would adapt to understand what he had to say, despite not having a voice.

He remembered how some of the others eyes trained to that of the scar on his throat, the one thing that led to the inevitable of him losing his voice, and yet to the tom, he saw it as just another battle scar for a former group he and Blue had left. Bumble knew that the scar was something his friend had felt guilt for but it was something Bumble learned to accept. Cream paws worked to adjust his new bedding when two paws peered from his vision and he glanced up towards whoever it was nodding in greetings towards them wondering silently what brought them to greet the tom while he worked on his newly made nest, trying to fix it a bit before deeming it done.
There were so many new cats in SkyClan that Pigeonsong often had trouble keeping track of his clanmates in spite of his best efforts. Giving a big long stretch from beside the Warrior's den, he'd decided that he'd try and get Spiderpaw to do some battle training with him today. Working with her was challenging but it was something that he felt well enough to manage today. When he reaches the Apprentice's den, disappointment crosses his features.

He shouldn't be surpised that she's not here, he supposes but he spots a cat he's never met before.
The tom seems to be working on making or fixing a nest and Pigeonsong casts an approving glance at the apprentice.
"Good work, that sure looks comfy." He comments, giving it a look over.

"You haven't seen my apprentice, Spiderpaw, have you?" His voice was tentative, the last thing he wanted was to find out she was upset again. More than anything, he wanted her happy.

waking from a nap, a fluffy tail unfurled and allowed her to sit up, snowy jaws cracking in a yawn. she had been out early that day, but after a well deserved rest eveningpaw would be ready for anything the world would throw at her. looking around the dim den, she saw a new face first. not entirely new, she had found the golden tom at the border after all. he was working away on a nest. it was good work, just as pigeonsong had announced, but every nest needed something special. luckily for bumble, she had all sorts of 'something special's' woven into hers. ones that she could part with in order to make him feel more welcome.

"not yet," eve hummed brightly, back turned as she rummaged around her own nest. her eyes found something perfect. a yellow feather plucked from a warbler. although it was somewhat... flattened. it would do. besides, it matched his name. bumble, like bees. bees were indeed yellow. using a single claw, she plucked it from the weaving and grasped it gently between her teeth. white paws brought her to the newcomer's new nest, she craned down to tuck the sharp end of the feather into the weavings. "now it's perfect!"

however, it seemed like pigeonsong was not only here to compliment nests. he asked about his apprentice's whereabouts, spiderpaw. a small huff passed her nose at the mention of the girl who had snatched seemingly every waking minute of her littermate's time. "don't know. have you asked briarpaw?" she offered, tone notably less cheerful than before.