NEW SUNRISE // decorating

The dogs were gone and Sunnyday felt comfortable enough returning to his old habit of wandering the forest in the early hours alone. Such solitary walks gave him time to clear his head, something he found himself needing to do now more than ever given all the recent strife and upheaval that had occurred in their lives. Though such walks also gave him a chance to make discoveries, something that just so happened on this particular walk. Elegant little signs that newleaf was on its way; snow drops and purple crocus flowers. The things seemed to be nearly everywhere along the stretch of forest he had picked for his route that day, enough that he doubted picking a few would dare to spoil the view.

The older tom collected as many as his mouth could carry before making his way back to the camp with his haul. Once home, he laid his pile down near the nursery's walls. He decided to start there with his little decoration spree by weaving the small flowers into the reinforced walls to help brighten the place and to perhaps help the young kits and queens put the harrowing situation with the dogs behind them. Though if he hoped to brighten the entire camp with the flowers then he would need more, as he came to realise quickly. And so he set out again to get more.

Back and forth, back and forth. The stockpile of flowers grew until it was clear that he would even have a few to spare once finished. Sunnyday decided to make a start on the warriors den next by weaving the stems of the snow drops through the branches of the bush. He just hoped the others would like what he was doing. He'd be doing it all over again once the daffodils started to grow later in the season.
Training always took a lot out of Cloudypaw. She was still getting used to how much work it was for one, but more than that, it was hard to put so much into it every day and see so little improvement. There was no doubt in her mind that she had improved. Compared to her skills when she had lived in twolegplace, she was leagues ahead of where she had been.

Comparing herself to her clanmates was another matter though. Even her fellow apprentices seemed to have a far easier time than her. That weighed on her even more now, in the wake of the dogs. She couldn't help but think how terribly she would have managed on her own. Though she had resolved to redouble her dedication to her training to fix that, she had yet to see the rewards of that.

That worried her.

Pulling herself back into camp after another exhausting day, the molly blinked at the sight that met her. The beginnings of flowery decorations had begun to stretch across the camp. It was lovely and, in a way, it reminded her of home. All the cute little decorations her twolegs used to put up.

Amidst it all, she spotted Sunnyday, hard at work with his pile of flowers. Without thinking about it, she padded over to him.

"Those are nice." Cloudypaw offered meekly. She hesitated for a moment, glancing down at her paws then back up at Sunnyday. "Need any help?" While training was hard, decorating was something she could handle. It would even cheer her up, she thought, to feel productive.​
After the dog incident, she had been spending far more time inside the nursery than she had thought was possible. Normally, her kits would be running feral, terrorizing those who stood in their way. But now...they were sticking close to her. She had never thought it would be possible, but even Stormkit had grown more reclusive...and that worried her. Her daughter seemed to have lost the fearless spark that she was named after, and she couldn't help but wonder if it were her fault. Should she have stayed inside the nursery and held them tight? She had been replaying the scenario over and over in her head, but she couldn't seem to think of anything other than helping her clanmates fight. They had been taken off guard, outnumbered...if she hadn't helped fight before the rest of their clanmates returned, surely the outcome would have been worse...

She could hear someone outside the den walls, and whoever it was kept leaving and coming back. Were they repairing the walls? Surely they didn't need fixing already. The red queen rose to her paws, and peaked outside. Her gaze landed upon the beautiful, tiny flowers, and she would smile. Flamewhisker turned around, poking her muzzle back into the cramped den. "Come here sweeties, come see what mister Sunnyday has done for us." she would call softly, beckoning them to come outside. "They are very pretty, aren't they?" she would say, hoping the kits would follow her.


After the dog and hearing all those horrible noises the young kit has found himself a bit more reservered. His attitude is a little different and he keeps himself close to his sister. As rambunctious as he used to be this is a sharp change and he clings around his mother's legs, eyes of blue green cautious and a tiny frown on his muzzle. He's been laying about when his mother moves and just slightly does he shift his head to keep her in view. But when she comes back to poke her head in and call them he shifts to his paws, making his way over to see just what his mother is talking about. Those eyes of his brighten up a little as he sees all the small flowers woven into the wall of the nursery. A tentative smile pulling at his small maw. Oh, this is really nice!

With a small wiggle of his rear he looks up at his mom then. "I like the color! Do you think I can help, mama?" He squeaks out before he finds himself weaving around his mom to go and have a look.
Stormkit was curled up by her brother, pressing her face sleepily into his cream fur. Falconkit always gave her a sense of security. After the dog attack, the tricolor kitten was seen less and less outside the nursery unless her mother brought them out. Times she came out of her own volition was rare.

She turned her head and blinked up at the warm green gaze of her mother. Apprehensive at first, she eventually followed on Falconkit's heels to see what exactly Sunnyday had done to the nursery. Earlier Patchpaw had been fixing it up. What more could be done?

The kitten's blue eyes widened at the sight. She stood on her hind legs and stretched her neck out to sniff at one of the flowers. Her nose wrinkled and she sneezed—the force of it almost sending the tiny thing reeling backwards.

"Will it protect us?"

Flowers were much more flimsy than bramble, after all.

Her children followed her out, and their apprehension towards coming outside broke her heart. They shouldn't be afraid of their own home, it wasn't right. She would lean down, and touch each of their forehead's with her nose. Falconkit brightened up at the sight of the flowers, but Stormkit asked if they would keep them safe. As Falconkit weaved around her legs, she would bend down and attempt to gently nuzzle his head. "Of course you may sweetie, I'm sure Sunnyday wouldn't mind. But no leaving the camp."

Green hues then flicked to Stormkit, who was sniffing the flowers. A violent sneeze nearly sending her backwards. The queen let out a small chuckle before using her nose to gently steady her daughter's footing. "They are a sign from Starclan. It means that new leaf will be here soon." her voice was soft, but her gaze sparkled with excitement. Soon the forest would be green, and full of life, both plant and prey. She couldn't wait for her kits to experience the warmth of green leaf, and the spoils of having a completely full belly. "And the clan will always protect you my dear, and your father and I would never let anything happen to you."

The tom was roused from his little trance by Cloudypaw's voice and he turned his head in order to fully acknowledge the apprentice. "Oh! Thank you, and I would love some help. Think you could place the flowers on the lower parts of the dens for me? Bending down low hurts my back." He honestly hadn't expected to get any help so he wasn't about to turn his nose up at anything being offered. At least now he could put his height to good use by focusing on the higher sections of the dens.

Further voices attracted his attention and brought him to pause his work so he could watch both mother and her kits emerge from the nursery to behold his work. A smile warmed his features as he saw Falconkit's reaction and he felt as though this small act had done something to help. Picking up some of the pretty purple crocus flowers, he then approached the trio and set the flowers down near Falconkit. "There are plenty of flowers to go around, young Falcon. Think you can place these around the camp where others can see them?" A soft purr rumbled in his throat before he turned his focus towards Stormkit. He wouldn't lie, but the youth's words threatened to dampen his mood. If she had been a much younger kit he might have lied and woven a tale about how the flowers were protection charms of some sort. But she had already seen so much already. "These flowers aren't for protection, but they are a promise that better times are ahead. And your mother is right, the clan is here always, unified and strong. We all protect each other."

Swishing his tail slightly, he then gestured for Stormkit to join Falconkit with assisting with the flowers. "Would you like to lend a paw? I could share a few stories whilst we work if you like." He offered before looking Flamewhisker's way. "I could watch them for a little while if you fancy a break." When had she last taken one? No doubt it was a difficult time to do so given the recent turmoil and how it would make emotions run wild, but he was eager to do his part to help all the same.
Cloudypaw nodded eagerly at Sunnyday's instructions.

"Alright!" She squeaked, grabbing a small mouthful of flowers before setting about her work, focusing her attention on the lower parts as she had been told to. Within only a few moments, she had settled into a steady, comfortable rhythm. Deftly weaving the flowers into the lower branches of the warrior's den just as she had seen Sunnyday do.

This was just the sort of job she could manage; calming, monotonous work that set her work that set her mind at ease. Mindlessly, she started to him a pleasant little tune to herself, all her usual anxious tension melting out of her.​

Stormkit had never experienced such a season, obviously. If the sweet-smelling flowers were anything to go by, however, she figured it could not be nearly as bad as leaf-bare. She wobbled to her feet as Flamewhisker helped her steady. Stormkit's tiny chest expanded and fell as she took in deep, courageous breaths of air. Her gaze turned to Sunnyday, and listened what the older cat had to say. Both he and her mother emphasized the Clan's protection. Stormkit was proud to be born in Emberstar's founding Clan—it was so brave and strong!

"And one day, I'll defend the Clan!" She mewed, puffing out her tail and looking up at Flamewhisker with renewed vigor. She rushed forward to Cloudypaw's side and helped the apprentice weave in flowers.