camp Newly Apprenticed


Little Lion Man
Oct 19, 2022
Bogpaw ♦ Tom ♦ Six Moons ♦ ShadowClan

Muddied paws shift across the moist earth of the shadowed clearing, eyes glistening with firelight as they sweep across ShadowClan's camp. Energy seemed to hum within the atmosphere, but the tension was not akin to the electricity of a storm, but something that brewed within their very hearts. ShadowClan had experienced it's fair share of excitement as of late, that was for sure. Of course, when it came to opportunities to prove oneself, the new apprentice could only silently hope for more, even if his clan-mates might judge him for it. Bogpaw hadn't gotten the chance to participate in the great battle, or the patrols sent after that traitorous medicine cat. He hadn't gotten the chance to defend his home, or his family. Now, though, things would finally be different. With Bogpaw in training, things would look up for ShadowClan soon, he just knows it.

For now, he takes a seat near the apprentice's den, enjoying the afternoon sun while it lasted.
jaws would part in a yawn as the tuxedo warrior exited the den, stretching for a brief moment before surveying the camp. while things still seemed to be fairly quiet, his gaze would land upon the young apprentice, who seemed to have only just returned to camp. deciding it was a great opportunity to put himself out there, he would move towards bogpaw with a cheerful wave of his tail."good morning bogpaw! having a good morning so far?" he greets, dipping his head as he moved to stand near the tom. while he had seen little of bogpaw around (likely due to his own apprentice training and only recently being named a warrior) he was pleased to see that it looked like the tom had at the very least been up to something.
Bogpaw is a new apprentice, like Minkpaw is, except Bogpaw should be too old to be a new apprentice. Maybe Bogpaw was a dumbass and got himself in trouble. Or maybe Pitchstar was a dumbass and forgot how old Bogpaw was. Either way, he thinks it's funny. Funny, and sad. Funny for him, sad for Bogpaw.

Ears twitch erratically, as if flicking gnats away, as Goosewobble greets Bogpaw... Boring conversation, asking about the morning. With a name as weird as Goosewobble, he should really come up with better conversation starters. "It... It'sss, get-getting cuh-cold!" Minkpaw butts in with a jerk of his shoulders and twitch of his tail tip. "Do... Do you th-think, ifff a cuh-cat ssst... icksss thuh-their tuh-ton... gue out, it will, it will fff-fuh-free... eeze right off, right off?" He snickers at the thought of a frozen tongue, lying stiff on the ground. What would happen when it thaws in newleaf? Would the cat still be able to move it? Would it be like a worm, wiggling around?
the sound of someone nearby, shuffling about, makes them quickly tense and stand up. their ears flattened back with a large yawn, nose wrinkling at the sunlight. had it already been morning? or was it shifting into the afternoon? shit. they fucking did it again. they stayed up most of the night... and now they were exhausted. tch. they click their tongue against the roof of their mouth, before sitting back down, grooming their fur. they must have looked horrible, and they couldn't have that, could they? shaking their head slightly, their ears quickly perked at goosewobble's loud and boasting voice. chilledgaze has half of a mind to snap at him, but that didn't even make sense. it wasn't his fault they couldn't sleep properly. the only reason they pause from their grooming session is the sound of their little brother. uncharacteristically, they find a softened smile on their face. standing, chilled managed to go right up beside him, giving him a swift lick between his ears, humming.

"if you leave it out long enough, i'm sure."

their smile falls as quickly as it appears when they look over at the other two, offering a dip of their head in greeting.

"bogpaw. goosewobble."