next to me | lily


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
The boars have come and gone, its been a whole month. It had just been another event to worry about, with Graystorms death, Howlingstars and Raccoonstripes injuries and plenty of other wounds as well. Tansy had actually gotten Berryheart for one of them, when one of their lead warriors and their deputy had come trapezing in to camp. She shudders at the memory, of the fleeting fear she had felt whenever she had looked upon them, of the lack of answers she had got.

Eventually, though, she had grown to hope that they passed sooner than later. Selfishly, she thought of Crystalkits safety, and even more selfishly she thought of stargazing with Lily Pad. She had been looking forward to it for so long, since Lily agreed. After all, when was the last time she had actually been able to get out of camp? Crystal was a good kitten, mostly obedient, kit-like personality with an affinity to get into things he shouldn’t… But she worries, even if he was well-behaved. She does not believe she could take losing another kitten, no, her heart could not handle it. Perhaps she’d melt away with the heat and the sun and become one with the earth and let moss grow over her. He had been put to bed at sunset, and she had all the time in the world.

She does not let herself think of the possibility of losing him, instead seeking out Lily. They leave under the star-lit sky, quiet chatter between them as they aimlessly walk through the territory. There wasn’t anything to worry about tonight but each other and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

"Sooo… You must be proud. Wolfwind is a lead." Tansy shoots her friend a smile as they walk through the forest. She stops to look up before she quickly hurries along after Lily Pad. "She’ll be wonderful." briefly Tansy thinks about asking Lily if she wants to scale a tree to see the stars better but she stops herself from speaking. She hasn’t climbed in so long that shes not even sure she has it in her anymore.

// evil gang evil gang evil gang @lily pad
The boars are gone and Lily couldn't be more grateful. The moon that they spent in ThunderClan had be long and sorrowful. The loss of Graystorm had shaken her, along with the rest of her clan and family.

One light in the darkness was that she was able to go stargazing with Tansyshine. Lily had been looking forward to this plan since it was first formed, and it was finally time.

When her friend mentions Wolfwind, Lily Pad positively beams. "I couldn't be prouder! She's grown so much and is going to make a wonderful lead warrior."

"Do you want to climb? Maybe we can get a better look from up high!" She's sure that Tansy hasn't climbed a tree in moons - it isn't really something you get to do as a queen. But Tansy deserves to have fun and do things she hasn't done in a while. Wasn't that the point of this walk?
[ earth girl ]
Tansy brings her gaze back down from the trees, her heart slightly squeezing in her chest at Lily's smile. She has to stop from scanning every detail, an emotion just slightly familiar coming back to her. She opens her mouth but only a low chuckle comes out, her cheeks slightly burning from embarrassment. "Of course, I have no doubts about it... I gladly put my faith in her, she has an amazing family." her own smile is toothy, big and unfitting for her face but still she smiles in the presence of her best friend. It's true, she had a wonderful mother and an equally great, supportive family.

"Climb?" she echoes, dumbfounded as if Lily Pad just read her mind. The nervousness from before comes rushing back, she hasn't climbed since Stars knows when, probably since before the Great Battle... "Okay, i'm down for that." she breathes out with an affirming nod to punctuate her words. She swallows hard, trying to keep her anxiety under wraps as she approaches a tree, claws unsheathing for what feels like the first time in forever as well. But, with Lily Pad here, she's sure nothing can go wrong- nothing ever feels like it ever could in her presence.

Her first attempt is horrible and brushed off as a joke, completely losing her footing not even a few paw-steps up the tree. She slides down with a thunk, her pelt prickling as she cheekily grins in embarrassment once more. "That was just- just a practice round." she tries to recover the situation, recover her pride. She's quick to try again and this time its much easier, but she is much slower than her first attempt. She is able to scale to a branch in the middle of the tree, clinging to it for dear life as she looks down, her head spinning with the height. "You comin?" she tries to smile again.

Stars, she feels like shes gonna fall off and make herself look stupid.
Her friend loses her footing and Lily shoots forward, a pang of worry shooting through her. Tansyshine is fine, of course. Even if she had fallen, and not just slid, it isn't like she was that far up the tree. But for some reason, as Tansyshine makes her way up the tree for real this time, Lily can't shake the panic.

That's new.

Climbing the tree much more gracefully than her friend, she settles next to her. "Are you okay? We don't have to climb- I shouldn't have suggested it, I know you're out of practice." She takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. We can find a clearing and stargaze there if you'd be more comfortable." If Tansy fell and got hurt, Lily doesn't think she'd ever be able to live with herself.
[ earth girl ]
Lily is much better at climbing trees than she is, probably than she ever has in her whole life. She scales the tree with such ease, such grace that Tansy feels something blossom in her chest. Admiration, yes, but theres something else, the same strange emotion from before. Tansy shakes her body quite violently as a breeze swoops by, as if to clear her head. Lily speaks quite apologetically- "NO!" her words come out more frantic than she wanted them to, finally settling on the branch more comfortably now that Lily was besides her. "I- I mean no, it's okay. It's the best place to see the stars anyways." she hopes her voice is comforting as she steals a glance to the side, at her friends face.

Ah! She forgot that the reason she had asked Lily was because Crystal had named some of the stars. "Thats the uh, the Big Paw up there. He says theres a big one and a little one, but... I don't see it." she wobbles slightly until she gathers her footing below, pointing a paw up at a certain formation. "And that is... the Bear." she slightly snorts at the short name. Her gaze tears from the starry sky, as breathtaking as it was, and it settles on Lily's face. She slightly tilts her head, her gaze softening. Of all of the stars, her favorite was down here, sent to her much like an angel. There is not a day that goes by without her mentally thanking Lily for being her friend, for always being there for her.
Lily's gaze follows where Tansy points, attempting to press against her side to help steady her when she wobbles. "I guess I can kind of see paws? Vaguely?" She tilts her head and squints. Honestly, it's only the slightest similarity. Kits are definitely odd. She moved on the the Bear. "I mean, I guess those are the legs? I don't know if I'd call it a bear, but it makes a bit more sense than the paws."

She doesn't notice Tansy's gaze on her face, instead squinting and looking at the sky more. Maybe she could find some to point out to Crystalkit. "Doesn't that one kind of look like a scorpion?"

At that, she turns to look at Tansyshine, one paw extended to to the sky and the other awfully close to Tansy's. She glances at their paws before locking eyes with her. Something in Tansy's eyes make her face warm.

That's... also new.

She forces herself to rip her eyes from Tansy's and back to the sky. "Oh, and that one kind of looks like a horse without legs, doesn't it?"
[ earth girl ]
Tansy would be lying if she said that Lily pressing against her didn't send a jolt through her body, something oddly pleasant. Her chest feels tight but she ignores it, all of the sudden too aware of the thumping of her heart. She shakes her head with a chuckle. "Yeah, I don't see more than half of them... Don't tell him that, though." her tail swishes just slightly, hanging from the branch as she slightly tilts her head.

Something squeezes at her heart again. She, in turn, squeezes her eyes to pretend it never happened.

And then Lily's gaze meets her and theres another electric shock, something flutters in her stomach. Her throat feels dry. Oh, Stars... And yet, her face is warm, and it is the freest she has felt. Lily looks away, but inwardly Tansy begs her eyes to stay just a little longer. She flicks an ear before she sits up tall, tipping her head to the stars as Lily points out another one. She can't help the giggle that comes out without her permission. "Sort of! I can see that one well." amusement laces her tone as a cool breeze ruffles through her pelt.

I want to do this again, and again.

"Thank you... For coming with me tonight." she looks over again, studying her face for a second time before its her turn to tear her gaze away. "It's... nice, very nice, being able to get out of camp."
Tansyshine giggles and time slows to a halt. Lily remains silent for what feels both like many moons and only a few moments, before finally responding.

"Any time." She pauses. "I mean that, you know that, right? You deserve to take time to yourself. If you ever want to leave camp, for any reason, just let me know. I'm sure one of the other queens would gladly watch Crystalkit and Coalkit, like they are tonight." The thought of bumping her friend's shoulder crosses her mind, but she decides against it. Tansyshine seems like she's finally steady, and Lily wouldn't want to ruin that. "I can be your personal escort!"
[ earth girl ]
Lily speaks, Tansy draws in a breath. "I'm not sure..." she shakes her head with a small, uncertain look on her face. It's not that she doesn't trust the other queens, it's just- "I worry about them..." she admits, and it hangs heavy in the air. Shes sure Lily knows why.

Yet the tabby-coated woman besides her is chipper as she speaks again, turning the somber mood bright once more. "My personal escort...?" she murmurs, her heart racing fast. She feels giddy, like a child once more, before she chuckles. "If you're offering," her voice is warm, teasing as she looks back up to her friend. "I'd... love that." bashful now she looks away again, swearing that Lily could hear just how loud her heart beats in her chest.

She easily falls in to a comforting silence, though, and just barely leans against Lily. They'll stargaze for the night and return to the camp, and Tansy would be left longing- but shes sure, come morning, the feeling would dissipate. Right?

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