Next up forever ☆ Joining/Intro



*+:。.。 //If you saw a previous joining thread from you didn't ;w;

Rumors spread like wildfire through the neighborhood- considering how bored the typical kitty-pet was, that wasn't a shock. Often rumors got overblown, exaggerated, or turned out to be just downright lies, but something about these particular tales...well, it had become too consistent for him to ignore anymore. Tufted ears perked from over his fence when he heard the tales woven by his neighbors. Fantastical stories of communities of cats being driven from their land by bloodthirsty rogues, only to turn around and steal back their homes with ten times the brutality! Of cats bravely defending what was theirs, unafraid of the costs! It made his heart swell at the thought, the idea of having something worth fighting for! It didn't take long for him to find a kitty pet who knew enough to point him in the right direction - 'Just walk into the woods and you'll either find some wild cats or a fox's jaws, good luck!'
A daunting feat, but to Cheerio it felt like a test! Although his disproportionally fluffy legs trembled as he walked farther and farther from his home, the thrill was enough to spur him onwards! How many moons had he spent, holed away in his nest, pawing at glasses and fake bell toys feeling as though he were withering away by the hour? Although he'd never known a life outside the comfort of his two legs care, he swore, some part of him just knew he had to have a calling! Looking down at his paws, the itch beneath the fur, and his nail sheaths, he felt his jaw set with determination. had to have more to offer.

And just like that, he was here. Surrounded on all sides by overwhelmingly massive trees, assaulted by a painful amount of scents, and twitching nervously at every rustle from bush and leaf, he stood, waiting. As amazingly confident as he was to have gotten this far, he didn't quite have it in him to proceed further, not when the yawning shadows looked so much like fox teeth...he shivered. B-besides, where he stood now there was a very clear marking of scents, like a hundred cats had walked and marked the path before him a million times over, surely! Though as he stood here now, he wondered if perhaps this was some sort of trick. After all, could cats - even those brave and fierce ones that'd been described to him in the stories - truly be able to live comfortably in such a cold, desolate place? I mean, where were the cat bowls and hanging bell toys? Surely they didn't just paw at leaves and loose twigs for entertainment!

Oh well, trust fate he supposes. Quickly, he swiped his tongue over his fluffy chest before puffing it out in an attempt to look as big as possible. If he wanted in, they'd probably ask him to perform some sort of test! He can do that! Feeling a thrum of adrenaline rush through him, he decided to entertain himself by shadowboxing the air, pawing with quick, hard swipes as he imagined impressing these wild cats with his feather wand training skills! No one catches string feathers or red dots like Cheerio!
Surely they'll accept him into their ranks once they've seen him in action!

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool had been integrating himself into as many patrols as he could get his paws on, slipping in and out of the bramble entrance. He preferred the overhanging trees to the claustrophobic camp, somethin’ that’ll change at some point. One paw in front of the other, the battered tom moved with what little grace he possessed with his massive form and bum shoulder.

Comin’ to a halt. Duskpool stared at the stranger with a deadpan hue. Seein’ a cat beating the air was one of the weirder things he’d laid eyes on, pausing just lengths away with a languid blink until an amused huff slipped past dark lips. The bulky warrior slid through the undergrowth with ease, coming to a halt to raise an unimpressed brow. “Yer near SkyClan’s border.” He rumbled, tone deadpan. Another joiner, no doubt. An odd one, but he’d seen odder. “What are ya doin’ out here, kid?”
thought speech
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
The deputy pauses mid-step as she happens upon the tawny tom, one who fights an invisible enemy, but that isn't the reason for the myriad of conflicting expressions that flash across her features in quick succession. No, she's caught entirely off guard by the sight of this kittypet with his pelt shaved like one of LionClan's warriors. He's not trespassing, merely hanging around the border in the way that kittypets (and rogues, she thinks with a pang) do sometimes, so there's no reason to chase him off yet.

Orangeblossom has seen a lot of strange things as of late. Most of them are natural, to a degree: a tree so large it scrapes the very sky; a vast field of lungwort, swaying gently in the breeze; the place where the sun drowns, breathtaking and horrifying in equal measure. This, however, catches the metaphorical prey. There's nothing quite like home, is there?

It's only a moment before her maw smooths back into its neutral expression of displeasure, and her plumy tail flicks once. She glances at Duskpool and then to @eveningpaw , for once grateful that the smoke-furred warrior has arrived first and asked the necessary questions. She doesn't think her voice would hold out, to be completely honest. Her apprentice might catch the twitch of her maw, the closest thing to a smile that she'd betray right now.
Despite being raised outside of clan territory and in the mustier parts of Twolegplace, Drizzlepelt didn’t have much of an opinion on kittypets. He is like a fair amount of SkyClanners in that regard, but he wouldn’t find it odd if someone asked for his thoughts and expected him to be more opinionated. He certainly doesn’t stand with those like the two leads who vehemently hate those who have another home outside the forest, but he couldn’t exactly understand why they would want that life.

Needless to say, seeing a stranger approach the border with such haughtiness while also looking like a weirdly hairless lion isn’t exactly what he would call normal. Or anything he expected to see ever, really.

Twolegs sure work in mysterious ways…for what reason would they ever do this? Was it a purely cosmetic choice? He doesn’t underhand who in their right mind would even find this attractive. Instead of trying to stifle a laugh like Orangeblossom currently is, he tilts his head in utter confusion.

“Yeah…this is SkyClan territory. If that’s what you were looking for…you found it!” Drizzlepelt laughs off the awkwardness, but he quickly goes back to silence and shifts his eyes around to avoid contact.​


Between Duskpool, Drizzlepelt, and Orangeblossom, Johnnyflame couldn't help but think the situation was handled. Whomever this shadowboxing stranger was wouldn't get a chance to cause trouble if that was their intention, but since he was there and since this could potentially be someone looking to join, the striped bobtail made his way over as well, tail flickering to Glimmerpaw to follow as he joined his clanmates to await a response.

