Next up forever! [Intro]


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 Silverbreath, a name that might seem a bit odd until you take note of his consistent presence when greeting dawn's first light. Today he makes no exception, carefully gliding his way out of the warrior's den with enough practiced ease to not disturb any of the residents still slumbering inside, he lifts his head into the cold touch of morning and exhales a cheerful sigh. Steam rolls from his maw, the vapor catching enough of the youthful new light to glow ever so slightly gold. Over the moons, he's watched his breath change into many colors - white, silver, gold, red with sunset and he swears by it that he'd once exhaled venomous purple beneath the twilight! But today it's the color of morning, arguably his favorite color despite it's opposition to his name.
Already in a great mood despite the bite of leaf bare's encroaching cold, the warrior makes his way to a slightly elevated part of the still-empty camp, a perfect spot to see better through the trees at the still climbing sun. He hasn't been assigned a patrol, and he considers it too early for him to take any leftover prey (that and he's not quite in the mood to chew at slightly frozen fish), so he just sits. Tail wrapped around chilly paws, any discomfort hidden easily behind that lax smile of his as his closed eyes and slightly raised chin give him an almost ethereal look - like a peaceful guardian carved from stone, sitting patiently for the rest of the world to awaken around him.

"The sun provides a timeless lesson" he speaks to the first cat to approach, hopefully not startling them too much as he gave no indication until he opened his mouth that he'd even been aware of this cat's presence until just then. Languidly, he continues, "No matter the turmoil of the day before, it'll always rise again. Even if it's late, even if it's hidden behind clouds and rain, it'll always return eventually. And with it will always come warmth. You just have to be patient." He figured it was pretty sound advice to give, considering all the stress of the past few moons...and the stressors soon to come. "Anyways good morning, I think today's going to be a good one!"

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
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bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=) Early rising had found her once more. It was not by choice. When she had a dream, it swam around in her head for the remainder of the morning. That is, until a more interesting thing caught her attention. Lost in thought, Bounceheart was meandering through camp when she almost ran into a familiar tom. Silverbreath had a way with words; they spilled from his mouth and enveloped her. To her, he seemed well-mannered.. calm. If she was smart, she would learn to savor the moment like him.
As he spoke, her eyes would repeatedly trail from the other to the skyline. Warmth and patience. Was this another coincidence, she wondered, or was she meant to be here for his message? She dipped her head in silent agreement. "Thank you, Silverbreath." Only she knew what she needed to do with his lesson, but everything happens for a reason.
"I think.. today will be perfect." Even in terrible times, she could find something to be grateful for. Life was a gift, regardless of its purpose. "It would be more perfect if I could nap on the Sunningrocks, though.." Her daily routines were ruined by those snotty ThunderClanners.
THE HERMIT ─── Mornings were a burdening curse waiting to be unwrapped in the currently tainted warrior's perspective. He was not fond of the shining light that blazed above them regardless of the seasons, the sensitivity that glazed his eyesight not enjoying it despite moons of adapting to it by letting his eyes mostly be hidden under heavy half-draped eyelids. Rookfang was mostly up in the morning already, awaiting the others due to the fact that his sleep never welcomed him with open arms, always turning and rolling with apathetic dreams not bothering to take over. With the colder seasons, he forced himself to rest within the warrior's den among the others but with his constant shifting and clawing at the dirt around his nest, the grim figure of the warrior now had to feel a pound of guilt with every pinch of rest he managed to get. He awaited with held breath as he watched the rising forms of his clanmates that matched with the sun now peeling itself to visibility, causing a low sigh of dissatisfaction to bubble out as that meant his time was up for attempting any futile desire for rest. Eventually, his body would take over his mind, demanding rest for a night or two but it appeared last night held no hopeful match. His large shoulders shifted underneath spiked rich brown fur as he rose to his paws to follow shortly behind Silverbreath and Bounceheart. They appeared to be in lighter moods than his shrowd of drained emotions as he stepped out, a small swirl of hot air jetting out from his nose as he adjusted to the temperature differences.

Usually, he would wander off but he followed shortly to the other early risen warriors, fanged jaws still kept placid and emotionless with no smile in sight but he gave a respectful dip of his head towards the others, muttering briefs greetings of the morning rise. Rookfang couldn't help but notice the vision where his new scars had been embedded in now made the vision cloudier, the usually sharpened edges of figures now seemed fuzzy, and difficult to decipher, and with the sun, it only diminished his capability to see. His gaze dropped at the bitter realization that his vision now was becoming more of a hindrance than a strength but he listened to their conversation. "All we can do is hope I suppose. With Sunningrocks, I know they believe we only use them to bask but with the colder weather, any addition to food would be beneficial." He didn't have much of a grudge with Thunderclan like he did for Windclan. By Starclan's name, the bruise that had bloomed from the hit from that damned hare-brain of a Windclanner still ached on his jaw. If it had been worse, Rookfang would have gladly joined Nightfish in striking back but under the moon's watchful eye, he was sure Starclan would not have approved of such behavior and aggression. However, the itch within his claws had not gone away.​


"Why don't we just take sunningrocks back?" The boy questions. It was unlike him to be up so early, but recently, Nettlepaw seemed to have shifted his nightly schedule, and it was all to accommodate his new habit of scavenging any sort of crowfood from the river-bank at night. Sneaking out had been made much harder since Smokestar's recent announcements, but thus far, Nettlepaw had managed. His clan-mates hadn't seemed to have noticed just yet, which the youth was certainly thankful for. He didn't want to have to deal with a lecture from the clan leader himself.

For now, he settles nearby, thick coat fluffed out against the morning chill as he listens to the conversation between warriors. "I mean, what's stopping us from moving the scent lines back over? ThunderClan doesn't even need them anymore. Maybe they wouldn't even try fighting for them again." He reasons with a flick of his tail, still bitter that ThunderClan clung so stubbornly to a portion of RiverClan's territory. He had been told that the other clan had taken Sunningrocks to better support themselves, after some sort of disaster in their part of the forest. That had been moons ago, though. Long before Nettlepaw had even been born. Surely ThunderClan didn't need the rocks anymore?
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)
It was the apprentice's idea that brought a slightly-mischevious smirk to her face. Childlike innocence was what aired the question, she was sure. Bounceheart could admit that he could be onto something. "Ultimately, it's up to Smokestar." Any thought of taking matters into their own hands was dismissed at that. There had to be a reason he had not begun to take it back already - but if there were already a few of them speaking about it.. "I think we should try, though. Like Rookfang said, we will be lucky for anything we can get soon." Including adders.
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Silverbreath sounded like an elder.

It was hard to believe he was younger than her. Lichentail's face had creased into a frown at the mention of Sunningrocks and though it was really, up to Smokestar to make the call, the RiverClan deputy wasn't keen on waiting forever to enact their revenge. ThunderClan had been cowardly... to attack them when they were already weak. She wouldn't be giving them to luxury of fighting fair when the tide turned back.

"Sunningrocks is not forgotten," her fur brushes past Rookfang with a short glance towards the half-recovered tom. He was talking a lot about getting involved in another battle for one that just got himself battered and bruised back to back by beasts and heretics alike. "It will be ours again someday." A promise... but not a call to action yet.

It wasn't the right time... they had to wait. Had to keep an ear to the river and listen for her beckoning gurgles. They would be alike to river nixies, dredging through the mud and shifting sands to sink their teeth into spineless fur.

The time for RiverClan was itching to be brought to light.