backwritten NICE DAY TO START AGAIN | ratpaw

For the first time in moons, the black tabby had a full belly. Though his bones still felt like fragile sticks, the discomfort of hunger had faded with the food his sister had snuck out to him. It'd only been some scraggly frog, its slimy skin almost as dark as the marshes themselves, but to one who'd been used to having last pick of prey, it was ambrosia. Ferndance had asked them to keep quiet about the charity and so far, the RiverClanner had committed, insisting he had caught their own frog because of how 'dumb it was to make that many cats hunt in one place'. It was a comment that had gone down like an egg in a storm-bitten tree, not too dissimilar to the reactions to him stealing a bird from SkyClan's food pile. Rules were aggressively unspoken, attempts at learning them shut down faster than the cat could breathe, and it just made him want to push back more. Caution had been offered and hastily put aside, it wasn't like he'd technically done anything wrong, all the same, he sought out one of the clanmates who still wanted something to do with them after everything. Strutting over to Ratpaw as if their temporary camp was his own, Deacon didn't even bother with a greeting. "Oi, you're young, got a bit of that... young rebellion in you still."

A singular brow curved upward at his own observation; that wasn't the most accurate deduction he'd ever made. They remembered their own youth, pushing boundaries and finding out what did and didn't tick in a world that seemed full of arbitrary rules (in 40 moons, not much had changed). Many of RiverClan's youth seemed to have their spirits siphoned already, refusing to laugh at his suggestions, giving him evil eyes whenever he acted on self-interest. Whatever, he'd committed to asking now. Settled on his haunches, Deacon gave the rat-eared kid a once-over with his indifferent gaze. "D'you mind telling me why I'm surrounded by so many boring cats? All I said was that I wanna be called Bloodstar if you're forcing me to change my name and now no one's speaking to me. Apparently, it's 'rude' or whatever to call yourself Star when someone else in your group already has it but let's face it, that bloke's deader than Bere- eh, you wouldn't know her."

Young rebellion was not something Ratpaw had within her, sure she had the energy of a younger cat and the curiosity, but rebellion and rulebreaking was not something that she had ever really thought of. RiverClan had it too good for her to want to rebel as a kit - what else would she have done other than sneak out of camp to go into a territory she'd have free reign over one day - and now that there was so much going on the thought of rebellion was certainly the last thing on her mind. Still, her head moved up at the sound of another's voice and she looked towards Deacon as he spoke once more, asking his questions and telling his story of "Bloodstar" and her ears flicked back for a moment in worry for a moment before understanding washed over her and she shook her head slightly.

"I guess things have been a little hectic so no one told you about... well everything." Sitting up to her paws the white-furred apprentice let out a soft hum for a moment as she thought of where to start. There were so many places she could start with just giving him information in general, but she guessed she'd have to start with the whole "Bloodstar" thing. It wasn't her job to educate a cat older than her, but she liked to help and so she'd do so to her best ability. "Have you heard of StarClan yet? They're our ancestors and helped form the clans, and they're the ones who give the name `Star` to our leaders, and only the leaders can have the name. Like kits have `kit` in their name, and I'm still learning things and am an apprentice so I have `paw`." She wasn't sure herself why StarClan chose the name "star" over any other name, so she could only hope that wouldn't be a question from the other.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki