camp NIGHT MUST FALL + intro


bleaching your teeth
Oct 3, 2024
SHE HAS GOT TO MOVE THE WORLD ☠ ⋆ ₊˚ ————————————
tw: body horror (ish) and dead animals

Dawn crept quietly over ShadowClan's camp. Morning birds had yet to sing and the air still clung to night's coolness. Cats were beginning to rise and make their way out of their dens with groggy eyes and slow paws. In the center of camp was a young tortoisehell she-cat, with pale green eyes fixated on the fresh-kill pile. A frog carcass from the previous day was lying untouched and bloated. Flies buzzed lazily around the corpse and landed on its open, unblinking eyes for a taste.

Carrionpaw tilted her head and watched as maggots began to wriggle their way free of the amphibian's flesh. Their pale puffy bodies slick with the detritus of rotting frog. She twitched a dark ear at the sound of someone approaching and quickly started to pile dirt onto the carcass. She knew how the others perceived her. She also knew how young she-cats were supposed to act. Righteous and beautiful with no desire to study a rotting frog carcass in the middle of camp. "Mornin'," she muttered as she scooped even more dirt over the frog. "Need something?" Dawn was usually Carrionpaw's favorite time of day because of the lack of cats swarming the camp, but she must have cut her time to short to when everyone was waking up.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ˚₊ ⋆ ☠ GOT TO MOVE THE WORLD

It seemed as if the sisters were occupying two completely different mornings. Regardless, a soft purr would escape her jaws as she rubbed her head against her sister's head as she took a seat beside her. "Morning!" Ivypaw echoes, trying to avoid a second glance at the decaying corpse nearby. "What, I can't come say hi to my sister after the dawn patrol?" She teases, leaning against her sister as she shoves her gently in a playful manner.

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    ↪ ivypaw / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 08 moons / ages realistically on the 2nd
    ↪ shadowclan apprentice
    ↪ lh blue tortoiseshell smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
Marblepaw knows by now what the other Clans tend to think of ShadowClan — that they eat crowfood, that they pick through Twoleg trash, that they bathe in slime and smell half-rotten themselves. She isn't one to pay too much mind to salacious gossip like that, especially from Clans not her own, but Carrionpaw seems to revel in the stereotype. From her name to the bloated frog she hastily buries under layers of soil, Carrionpaw takes no notice of the tropes she perpetuates.

The medicine cat watches Ivypaw greet her sister with gusto. Sorrow tugs at her lower belly. It had been moons since Sycamorepaw had greeted her like that, or even half as friendly. "Morning, both of you," she mews, trying not to let her gaze linger on Carrionpaw's quickly-hidden prize. "Are you getting ready to go out on patrol? I noticed our fresh-kill pile is looking kind of thin."

Her own hunting certainly could use some work — maybe Starlingheart wouldn't mind if she joined the sisters on an excursion into the marshes to practice.

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  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 9 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


"Yuck! Y'know, I think if there had been that kind of frog invasion, I think I'd be tired of frogs after all." Gigglepaw says openly as she drifts after her cousin, offering a pointedly bright smile to the three apprentices that were gathered by the freshkill pile. For a long time, the closest thing she'd had to replicating Smogstar's favorite food had been the frogs themselves; now, for the first time in awhile, the thought comes to mind and Gigglepaw lights up.

"Oh, if we're going hunting, maybe I can finally try frog eggs! Y'know, they were Smogstar's favorite and everything, and I've never got to try 'em yet. Do you think there's still time before it gets too cold to find 'em? Oh, it might be too cool already..." A hint of disappointment crossed Gigglepaw's face, an expression she was quick to cover up with a smile again. "What d'you guys think? Have you ever tried frog eggs yet?" She asks it like its a question that everyone has pondered.

SHE HAS GOT TO MOVE THE WORLD ☠ ⋆ ₊˚ ————————————
Instant shame washed over her as she realized it's only Ivypaw greeting her. She flicked her gaze to her sister and continued to cover the rotting frog in dirt. Ivypaw shouldn't have to see that. Her sister's touch made her fur lie flat after the surprise of her greeting. She hated when her sister got the edge of her tongue. She never deserved that. "No, I didn't me-" She cut herself off as more cats trotted up.

She did not greet Marblepaw at their approach. She left that to Ivypaw. She was always so much better with words. Instead, Carrionpaw looked at Marblepaw with wide, green eyes. The offer to go hunting was tempting. It allowed her to leave camp and maybe find some more things to examine. Her eyes scanned Ivypaw to find some sort of objection, but didn't wait before she blurted, "Could be fun. I guess." Her paws stopped burying the frog once she realized it wasn't needed anymore and it had become a nervous tick now. Only a webbed foot stuck out of the ground now, but she was sure the foot traffic of the day would finalize its entombment.

Gigglepaw made Carrionpaw nervous. She couldn't tell if it was the blinking or the uncomfortably bubbly personality. She also made the tortoiseshell feel dull and quiet in comparison. The speed at which she talked was dizzying to follow as well. Carrionpaw wrinkled her nose at her suggestion to try frog eggs. "What do you mean 'yet'?" She had never considered frog eggs before, and she wasn't intending to ever try them as a food. The fact that Gigglepaw considered it made her queasy.

[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ˚₊ ⋆ ☠ GOT TO MOVE THE WORLD

A rumble of a groan escaped the warrior as he stretched from exiting the warriors den, Icey blue gaze blinking out the leftover sleep. Loose moss clung to his pelt, shaking it off with a stretch of his back leg, a mrrowp escaping him. Stretching in the morning always seemed to feel nice for his bones.

Gaze flickered to the small group piling up, mostly apprentices, though it changed to the pile at marblepaws mention, frowning slightly. He quickly decided breakfast wasn't an option, much rather wanting to see others eat that needed it more. As he approached closer, his lips tugged back in distaste. Though, with placid voice, he'd decide to try to force a joke. "oh yeah, they taste like they came from starclan- formed from their paws themselves," he said, but unable to hide the disgust. Slimy balls of the eggs were definitely not on his favorites.

"Can see if your guys mentors can come with us on a patrol, split up a bit though." It'd easily be too many paws in one area. "but I'm sure forestshade or mirestar are already planning patrols here soon..." He rumbled, eyes scanning for those that can assign morning hunting patrols.

Cherrypaw stirs from his nest at the sound of other apprentices and wearily he blinks the sleep from his eyes. He gives his pelt a few quick licks to smooth it down and joins the growing clowder. Attentive ears catch the suggestion of eating frog-eggs and his nose scrunches a bit at thought. He ever so briefly even sticks his tongue out in disgust. That was truthfully something he'd never even considered. He liked frog as much as the next member of his clan but even so, the thought of a sickly slick mass of frog eggs were nasty enough to almost make him gag.

"I'd rather not." The tom mews, his voice quiet, he didn't know these cats well but he had seen some of them around camp. It really wasn't his place to suggest anything to strangers, right?

The rhetorical question goes unanswered, obviously and he's stuck standing amongst them, worried that they won't want him joining them. His only real friend was Leafcrackle and even so they treated each other rather harshly, in jest, yes, but still.
"Would it be alright if I tagged along, even if I don't want to eat frog-eggs?"

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  Swansong is summoned by the mention of her father, the wispy spectre of a cat drifting over on aimless paws. A flick of her ear and a languid blink are all the signs of life that she gives, rolling the conversation over in her mind. Her voice joins the crowd, breathy and soft. "I... never did understand his affinity for them..." She speaks as though already a welcome part of the conversation, coming to a slow stop near the group. Her presence in the proposed hunting patrol is similarly assumed, and she makes no move to ask permission.

They have tried frog eggs, naturally. The memory make their mouth tick upwards in half a smile; they had indulged their father's love of them readily, prepared for the greatest delicacy the marshes had to offer. "Formed by their paws, yes... Hah... Just as any rancid and rotten thing whose soul they have taken." She titters out a soft laugh. She had not been so repulsed by them as many of her clanmates... But she would certainly prefer a plump frog over the slime of their eggs. "StarClan's touch... It is not always pleasant, you know...!" The warning comes with only lightness, a soft humor threading through her voice.

Her eyes slide over to the spot where the frog was buried. They had been paying attention far before they joined, observing the rot-named molly. They are quiet for a moment, considering. "Though, hm... You never know, Carrionpaw, you might like them..." She murmurs, still looking at the spot that hides bloated body of the frog. The taste of frog eggs and the smell of rot aren't too dissimilar, really...

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  • SWANSONG ⋆⁺₊ ⁺₊⋆ she / they, warrior of shadowclan, seventeen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with droopy blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogstar, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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saffroncloud | 20 months | trans male | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #b091cd
Carrionpaw as a bit of an enigma to Saffroncloud. Not in a bad way, but sometimes he couldn't help but feel a bit confused when he saw just how different she was than his own apprentice. Not that Ivypaw ever seemed to mind, and, admittedly, it wasn't something he particuarly minded either.

He had been watching the way she inspected the frog corpse until others joined her, and it's curiosity about what the group is saying- and some about what exactly she had noticed about the frog- that brings him over to join them with a flick of his ear in greeting.

Frog eggs. They're talking about frog eggs. He had never tried them before, either, and from what his clanmates say, he'd be better off for it. However, curiosity would be what led to his death one day, he was sure, and this was no different. "I'd be willing to try to find frog eggs." He says it like he's offering fresh kill of his own, delicately and (maybe) nowhere near as hopeful for any of them to say yes as he really is.

He really, really wants someone to say yes, the longer he thinks about it.