night time spooks & intro


✧ from dusk till dawn
Oct 1, 2022

Hunting with Moonspeaker had become a bit of the norm, in fact it was comforting to have someone that understands his struggle, friends even. Shes odd, she always has been, but he finds it endearing, the way she speaks, the way she moves despite the shake of her eyes. He admires her to keep going and through their similarities they became night hunters, the night dwellers of Thunderclan because the sun was just too bright to their eyes, too warm, too hard to see.

The hunt was successful, like it always was and he has to admit they work pretty well- she does the talking, he does the lurking, a crime fighting duo to remember, or in their case a prey fighting duo. He pushes in to the camp with a squirrel hanging from his jaws, ears perked forwards as he slinks towards the prey pile, dropping his catch right in to it. He only offers Moon a pearly smile, lacking the words but he knows she'd understand, she always did. Thats why they were friends.

// feel free to post before moon !! @MOONSPEAKER. | set during night :3

the spell of the moon holds the diminutive figure captive. took hold of her tongue and commands her to speak the way of the celestial tongue. her eyes are unsteady and tremor, yet the world is still and calm. she stares upon the half-blessed man before her. eyes wide as if it could make the world less foggy, less unsure. she watches him with brilliant curiosity, a vole hung loose in her sacred maw. moonspeaker does not care for hunting, the sight of blood upon a star's white pelt makes her nauseous and fearful. what separates the prey and predator? is it truly the large fangs that hang or the will of the leading stars?

she thinks of herself often as something devourable. she blinks in response to his keen grin, struggling to offer something similar. duskmask is something gentle and calm. a simple thing grazing in the autumn breeze, flighty in the bare light of day. "there is the great gentleness in the moon's breath." the woman is gentle in her speak, soft and easy to miss. yet her companion will not lose her tongue, he must find it easy to catch it. she draws near him, the wind is kind in her fur. the night is good.

Duo, night and day, stepping in from the moonlight- Berryheart had never been a light sleeper, though the murmur of words in lockstep with the scent of fresh prey set awry eyes glinting open, searching the dark for the mysterious figures. It took a moment for starlit eyes to adjust, recognising tail-lengths before him- scents tossed with the outskirts of camp- Splits and Prattles, a pair that often stuck together. A yawn split his knocked aside jaw, interest fuelling him. A stretch rippled through Berryheart's dappled frame before he rose to odd paws, a blink settling sleepily over his olivine eyes before he resolved to approach.

Pupils void-wide in the lowlight flickered to examine their catch- night-hunting was an impressive art, but one in which he had never seen the appeal. The night was when the most indulgence could take place- no one would bark at you for napping, nor weaving, nor observing. Why would one use that time for a chore- unless, perhaps, hunting happened to be their respite. That, he could respect.

"Great catch," came his simple murmur, voice low and monotonous but bolstered with his approval. Never would he speak a lie- squirrel was a favourite, and ones this plump would not be so common come the next few months.

As strange as it might sound, Jaypaw hasn't seen much of the night since he went running from the twoleg place. He would hole up in an old log or a craggy crevice, trying to make himself as small and unnoticeable as possible. The first few nights, he endured the entire time in fear to the sounds of creatures going about their nocturnal rituals. However, as he got thinner, lethargic, and listless- he would sleep all night and some into the day. Somehow, no amount of sleep was every enough and it's what landed him in Thunderclan in the first place. Now he's stepping up beside the cat that found him as he's finally worked out the courage to start going out at night again. Only within the tight bounds of the camp, that is, to practice chasing bugs to try to regain his strength. So on that end, he's worked up an appetite by now which is what brought him to the pile of food.

Seeing Berryheart again without any outside distraction usual to the day, Jay realizes that in a way he owes the warrior his life for finding him. Even if that wasn't Berry's prerogative at the time, the results are the same and the apprentice resolves to make it up to him somehow. Shifting his eyes away then, the cool irises land on two cats he doesn't recognize. A tom with a face split by color, like to halves of a mask, and a femme with a strange air about her. As though she might fly away into the sky at any moment. He blinks at such a thought, realizing he should probably say something. "Hey Berry. Hey, uhm, you two," he addresses them all with his usual aura of awkwardness and hopes they'll be prompted to introduce themselves instead of him having to ask. Jaypaw then glances at the freshly caught squirrel before words he catches wind of take his attention. Moon's breath... "The moon is alive?" He looks confused, and skeptical, but mostly confused. Maybe he's taking it too literally but anything seems possible here.