Nightmare || Howling


Bad Apple
Apr 20, 2024

So let's pretend we like each other

The night was clouded with dark clouds while the smell of rain was in the horizon, with both Ploverhops and Morningcloud's bodies being discovered, it would seem everyone was now on high alert which made his gaze darkened slightly, the first murder he did not know who it would have been, yet the second one? Yewflame had been there for, and yet... it would be so easy to put blame onto the exiles, to say it was their fault, even if it meant to keep his own hide safe, to keep Skyclaw as innocent, even if that means the others were at risk of being hunted down like rabbits. A sacrifce they willingly made by getting themselves exiled-At least thats how Yewflame saw it as.

His steel blue and brown gaze focused onto Howlingstar before moving to stand next to the other. "You were too nice on them" he stated coolly before pausing with a false look of friendliness within them before he turned to face the clouds above them, her plumed tail swaying slightly. Anything he could do to keep suspicion off his back, he'll take. They hummed a bit, "Ploverhop is dead, and so is Morningcloud now. Do you really think exiling them was well... a good choice? I mean of course they couldn't stay within the clan but now they seem to be targeting those who were born with kitty-pet blood" he expressed, his words filled with false concern for those who weren't wild-born, and that conern felt like bitter herbs on his tongue.

No, Ploverhop and Morningcloud's deaths were necessary, they overstayed their welcome. Their deaths was done for Howlingstar, for Thunderclan, even if he had not been there fore Ploverhop's demise, he was there for Morningclouds and... it had felt good to witness the purge of one fklled with impurity, but for now... for now he will suck up to Howlingstar, act like this was the exiled thunderclanners fault. For Skyclaw's sake, and for her own. "What if they strike again?" he asked almost in hushed tones, a facade of worry casing his voice and his head lowering slightly, looking to Howlingstar, her leader-the one he swore loyalty to, and the one she would do anything for. Not just for her, but for Thunderclan.

Howlingstar's steely green eyes narrow as she listens to Yewflame's words. Her calm gaze remains fixed on the horizon, where dark clouds threaten rain. The air is heavy with tension, and the scent of an impending storm mixes with the bitterness of the clan’s recent losses. Her dream returns to the forefront of her mind before it is pushed out again.

She looks to him then, her expression neutral, but there is a curious light in her eyes. “What would you have done? Killed them?” She turns away, back to the stormy sky above as a wind buffets her thick fur. After a long moment, she sighs and glances to the ground. "Exiling them was not a decision made lightly. Their presence threatened the harmony of our clan. We didn’t know they’d do…this.” Her ears flatten as a gust of wind pulls at her pelt. “You even think they killed Morningcloud? She was found no where near the border, though…” Stars, it’s all begin to hurt her head. What is happening in her clan?

Her gaze hardens, a flash of ferocity momentarily shining through. "If they strike again, we will handle them with our claws and teeth this time around.” Her claws twitch within their sheathes at the very thought, the slightest wrinkle in her snout. Her thick tail lashes lightly, a sign of her agitation as she turns her gaze back to the darkening sky. “No matter what, ThunderClan must stay united. I need loyal warriors now more than ever, Yewflame.”

So let's pretend we like each other

Yewflame's gaze stayed onto their leaders, ears curved forward as he listened to what she had to say, even going as far as to ask him if he would have killed the exiled cats and he shooked his head. "I wouldn't go as far as murder, but I would have made sure to let them know they weren't welcomed anymore by giving them a clawful" he expressed coolly, a few claws and bites could scare anyone away, right? Would made them think twice on crossing their borders once more but, they had been her friends so in truth would she had raised her claws against them, yet the words that came from Howlingstar made him lift his chin up.

"Who else would cause such atrocities? They were the only ones openingly threating those with kitty-pet blood" he placed in. Sure, he had his hatred towards their impure blood but murder? Never. Even though... he knew what he did or was a part of, he wouldn't allow that to get out, not when it was for the betterment of this clan, thats how he saw it.

Feeling the wind rustling his fur the molly smiled at their leader before 'bowing' towards Howlingstar. "I am ever loyal to you Howlingstar, and Thunderclan" he expressed coolly, his steely flame eyes on their leader, the impending storm approaching them as a few droplets of rain began to pellet his fur.