storage NIGHTS LIKE THIS * ˚ ✦ storage / dump

dumping inspo -

bear, kodiakmask, stagheart/thorn, saffronspice, marigold, lynx, ibis, bumble, thistlethorn, littlesand, frozensun, cobra
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rainkit - rainpaw - rainflower / rainwillow / rainmoon


1. kithood
the damsel in distress -> grows up wanting to be a mother (looks up to mother figures and idolises the mother role), dreams of falling in love with a knight in shining armour and having kits together, has no idea about the struggles of the real world (possibly from being spoilt as a kit, the 'princess', used to being the one that's protected *bonded with a littermate that dreams of warriorhood, the opposite of rain*), sansa stark trope

2. apprentice/warrior
the enchanted princess -> naive and falls in love with anyone that exhibits bravery/acts of kindness/follows the warrior code, vulnerable and easily manipulated by the wrong cat. dark forest cat plot charmed and falls in love, manipulated to be oblivious to malicious intentions, puts self or clan/peer(s) in danger by falling into the trap of forbidden lover, doesn't realise until it's too late

3. warrior
the warrior maiden -> the curse is broken, but rain is heartbroken and vows to never love again. despises the prospect of it (but open to future plots where she finds her knight in shining armour) and is disgusted by her former 'weak, pathetic self', dedicates self to training and warrior duties. nothing matters more than serving her role as a warrior, to be her own hero instead of expecting to be saved by someone else

  • blue silver ticked tabby / black striped legs / pale chest / marigold yellow eyes / smells like petrichor bumblekit's name is a direct reflection of the striking black, bee-like stripes that adorn his legs, creating a distinctive and memorable pattern. his coat is a sophisticated blend of blue and silver hues, seamlessly interwoven to complement one another without one overshadowing the other. this gentle interplay of colors is enhanced by subtle flecks of white that dapple his fur in a classic ticked tabby fashion. his fur is a mixture of suppleness and length, tailored to fit his frame with a perfect balance of fluffiness and practicality. around his upper body, his fur forms a soft mane, the fur on his belly and back lies sleek and smooth, while the hairs around his tail extend into a plume-like shape. bumblekit's facial features are those of a typical feline, yet his eyes set him apart. they are almond-shaped and gleam with a captivating marigold yellow, their color shifting to molten gold depending on the light. this subtle but striking feature lends an air of curiosity to his gaze. bumblekit's structure is unremarkable in its uniqueness; he is a cat of average height and proportions. this will remain consistent as he matures, maintaining a balanced and well-proportioned physique throughout his adult moons. his appearance, though not extraordinary, is defined by the harmonious blend of colours and textures that make him a striking figure.

    proud and fierce / stubborn as a bull / naive hot-head / intense as a summer storm / "ours is the fury". bumblekit, a tempest incarnate, wrapped in the small frame of a kit. his personality crackles with the intensity of a brewing storm. his fierce loyalty to his clan is like the rumble of distant thunder - this loyalty is not just a trait but the very storm that shapes his every action and decision. he does not bear to live in the shadow of his father's legacy, 'the one who fought on the wrong side of history'. perhaps it is because bumblekit feels he must prove himself, so his loyalty becomes a personal crusade to demonstrate that he is not a product of his father's misguided choices but rather a devoted advocate of the values his clan stands for. or, by aligning himself so strongly with his clan, he can assert his identity against his father's contradictory beliefs. this defiance is not merely an act of rebellion but a way for him to carve out his own path, distinct from the burden of his father's misdeeds.

    stubbornness is bumblekit's gusty gale, a force that remains unyielding as a storm's path. once he fixates on a goal or belief, he becomes a whirlwind of determination, sweeping everything aside in his relentless pursuit. this trait often propels him into the eye of the storm with a certainty that is as admirable as it is perilous. his resolve is a tempest's fury—both a source of immense strength and a potential storm surge of danger, especially when combined with his impulsive decisions.

    his hot-headedness adds a volatile lightning flash to his personality. emotions surge like a storm's electrical charge, driving him to react with a fervor that often overrides reasoned thought. his fiery temperament makes him prone to actions and words as reckless as a storm's gale. his speech, unfiltered and blunt, can cut like jagged lightning, though it is rarely meant to harm. instead, it reveals his raw honesty and the depth of his convictions.

    naivety, a natural part of his age, acts as the calm before the storm—a layer of complexity that both shields and exposes him. his understanding of the world is still forming, and his approach is imbued with a trustfulness and simplicity that can be as endearing as it is dangerous. this innocence often leads him into tempests where his idealism clashes with reality, yet it also fuels his unshakable belief in the heroic ideals he so admires.

    despite his brash and bold exterior, his intentions are as pure as the storm's cleansing rain. his actions, though occasionally misguided, are driven by a sincere desire to embody the warrior ideals he reveres. he dreams of proving himself as a valorous figure like the heroes of old, and this ambition propels him forward with the relentless energy of a storm's relentless drive.

    the dynamic between him and his mother is a poignant storm of its own. her commitment to raising him in peace and compassion is a gentle breeze in contrast to his tempestuous spirit. her helicopter parenting, marked by constant supervision and a focus on his safety, inadvertently stirs his rebellious winds. this rebellion is not born from malice but from a deep-seated need to prove that he can be the warrior he idolises. his defiance is a testament to his determination and his struggle to reconcile his mother's protective gusts with his own stormy aspirations. though, despite the friction with his mother's protective nature, his journey is one of earnest growth and heroic aspiration, ever driven by the storm within him.
storm connotations, blue/grey imagery, robert baratheon inspired
stormsnarl? shellstorm? blackstorm? torrentclaw?

cherrybite/fang or tansybite/tansysnap
small but uses size to advantage - quick, agile, makes up for her size with her claws
morally ambiguous - loyal but willing to take it too far e.g. kill anyone who isn’t her clan, doubts belief in starclan, proud, believes in “necessary evil”, gets on with it, the dutiful soldier, driven and diligent, can engage in witty banter, openly expresses opinions, quick to jump into action, energised by social interactions
ENTP or ENTJ personality?
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poppy/amber/little -kit
long-haired chocolate tortoiseshell with high white, amber eyes
small in size but by no means in personality - her size will be what she despises the most about herself, but she knows how to make up for it (with tongue, teeth and claws…don't judge a book by its cover!)

a morally ambiguous character - she's no defender of the warrior code, but she's most certainly not evil either. why is up to a bunch of dead cats to decide on behalf of everyone what's right and wrong? laws are subjective and rules can be bent, no?

she is not one to rebel for rebellion's sake, yet she shuns blind obedience, guided instead by her own moral compass. she wears her shadowclan heritage with utmost pride and her loyalty to the clan is not something to doubt, but she navigates the murky waters of morality with the conviction that some necessary evils are justified. she has no fear in taking things what may be deemed 'too far' if it guarantees the safety of her clan(mates)*. she harbours zero desire for bloodshed and is not one to look for it either, but in a world where survival is paramount, she has no issue with taking paths that others may avoid. when faced with a choice of 'kill or be killed' (or to that comparison), she will not hesitate to play the role of the dark saviour, driven by a pragmatism that blurs the lines of right and wrong. in her eyes, victory is not merely an outcome, but a testament to her resolve.

*this is complex to navigate. what is 'too far' remains subjective to each individual. but with many things, there are boundaries that even she cannot permit herself to cross e.g. killing kits, torturing innocents. the way she sees it is this: if the other consciously gives up their right to protection e.g. making the first move in a fight, they are subjecting themselves to the consequences of their own actions. these consequences will not be determined following the proportionality principle, but rather, what was most necessary to efficiently eliminate that threat
** this arguably contains a degree of hypocrisy, but what doesn't?

^ just an idea for now, but what i think will be the driving factor behind her mannerisms and mentality + her dislike of being petite…attacked by a hawk/other bird of prey as a kit? extremely fortunate to 1. survive and 2. not be carried off as prey, and will have a couple of scratches/scar on face as a result. but the hawk saw her as prey and she hates that. prey cowers, runs, has little survival instinct and is generally pathetic - she challenges fear, faces the consequences, is too stubborn to yield, and finds no solace or relief in feeling sorry for oneself

^^ develops a fear of large birds! and heights

very much a 'get on with it' personality - finds it hard to be sympathetic to others in most situations
openly expressive of her opinions, driven by social interaction, proud and unapologetic
she's not quick to anger (unless her size is mentioned…) but does not hold back when provoked

she will love her parents, but will not be afraid to challenge them - especially mirestar. like many daughter-mother relationships, there can be arguments and times of tension. especially as she grows and develops, her bullheadedness may cause rifts. if she doesn't agree with a policy, she will voice her disagreement. no doubt, her parents will disagree with some her actions as well. but what she voices will never be with malicious intent…in the end, love always prevails
- i very much imagine this character emerging as the 'troublesome' child, drawing out the 'here we go again' reaction

her relationship with her littermate(s) will also be guided with love, but the way this manifests depends on their personality:
- for example, if her sibling(s) is/are gentle-natured, she will take a 'tough love' approach. protective, and arrogant in thinking that she knows what's best for them
- if her sibling(s) is/are of a competitive spirit, she will feel the need to match that energy. there's nothing like a little sibling rivalry, but this is perhaps the only realm where she'll refuse to play dirty. competitive as they may be, she will still love them
- if her sibling(s) is/are aggressive characters, she will play the 'anchor' role. there to hold them back, but if push came to shove, she would be by their side in a heartbeat
- etc, etc.